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WORLD STAMPS continued...

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1291 image1896 3a unused (Cat. £32), 5r U (Cat. £400), 1898 1a M & U, 2a & 3a, 1r (2 shades) 5r M (Cat. £337), 1902 ½a, 2½a M (Cat. £16), fair to fine. (11) (Image)

Estimate £ 70-80

Starting Bid £ 70

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1292 image1898-1902 Crown CA/CC set M, incl. four extra shades, SG.84/91. (11) Cat. £380 (Image)

Estimate £ 80-100

Starting Bid £ 80

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1293 image1901 cover registered to Salisbury, Mashonaland, with the full set of seven of the 1898 issue, 1a to 5r, cancelled Mengo 2.DE.01. Zanzibar 1.JA.02, Beira 22.JAN and Salisbury 26.JA.02 transit and arrival cancels. Fine. (Image)

Estimate £ 170-200

Starting Bid £ 170

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1294 image1901-02 card & two covers, the 1a card cancelled Mengo, a 1901 cover to England with 1a cancelled Mengo and a philatelic cover to Salisbury, Rhodesia with vals to 2r (which is oxidized). (Image)

Estimate £ 100-130

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1295 image1902 'On Postal Service' envelope to the USA with a 3a & 4a cancelled Entebbe DE.9.1902 and a 1903 mixed issue cover to Italy with ½a & 1a (pair), cancelled Kampala MA.3.03. Fine. (Image)

Estimate £ 100-120

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1296 image1903 2a registered envelope sent locally in Entebbe with 1a added, Entebbe NO.11.1903 cancels and a cover sent registered to Scotland with an 8a cancelled KISUMU 23.FE.04. (Image)

Estimate £ 100-120

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1297 image1958-64 covers (5), two with Palestine overprinted stamps, others with UAR stamps, two have Egypt Service stamps on the back. (Image)

Estimate £ 40-50

Starting Bid £ 40

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1298 image1860's-1960's range of 200+ covers incl. registered, postage due, censored, special delivery, stationery, posted on the high seas, airmails, first flights, PAID marks. A good variety of frankings & destinations incl. GB, Europe, Australia, Cape of Good Hope etc. (Image)

Estimate £ 250-300

Starting Bid £ 250

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1299 image1880's-1960's postal history range of covers (160+) incl. registered, special delivery, censored, diplomatic mail, stationery, postage dues, PAID marks, steamboat, P.O.W etc. A variety of frankings & destinations incl. GB, Europe, Montserrat, Bahamas, Uganda, Guatemala, India, Syria, Netherlands East Indies, Brazil etc. (Image)

Estimate £ 200-250

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1300 image1883-1944 ADVERTISING ILLUSTRATED COVERS incl. 1886 Oils Medals, 1893 Remington Typewriters, 1898 Duluth Imperial Patent, 1942 Anchorage Hotel - Alaska etc. (22) (Image)

Estimate £ 60-80

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1301 image1926-50 covers predominantly cacheted airmails/first flights/voyages etc, noted - 1929 Miami - Canal Zone, 1929 LZ127 Airship Round the World flight Miami - San Juan - Georgetown, 1929 Miami - Nassau, 1932 1st Voyage SS Manhattan N.Y to Queenstown, 1932 Tactical Training flight USS Akron, 1933 Oakland - San Francisco, 1937 Guam - Macao, 1937 Honolulu - Macao, 1938 Baltimore - Bermuda, 1940 Canton Islands - Hawaii etc. Nice lot. (80) (Image)

Estimate £ 100-200

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1302 imageCANAL ZONE 1920-60 range of covers, stationery etc. incl. airmails, first flights, censored, paquebots, FDC's etc, good variety of frankings & cancels, destinations, mainly USA, also noted - GB, Finland, Argentina, Canada, Europe etc. (118) (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1303 image1929 set of 15 on a Vatican reg cover to Zurich, fine Vatican cancels for 21.5.31, reverse with transit & receiving d/stamps, another similar cover to Mannheim, Germany dated 2.10.31. (2) (Image)

Estimate £ 80-100

Starting Bid £ 80

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1304 image1935 Juridical Congress set together on a reg cover to Zurich, tied by 28.3.35 d/stamps, SG.41/46, stamps Cat. £180 off cover. (Image)

Estimate £ 60-70

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1305 image1945-55 range of M issues on pages with 1945 to $1, 1945 Famine Relief & War Wounded, SG.9/42 & 43/7, the scarce 1951 set to 30p etc. Cat £1000+ (94) (Image)

Estimate £ 80-100

Starting Bid £ 80

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1306 image1867 1s black & rose carmine on white paper, lower right corner marginal example, fine M, SG.18, 1888 4d on 1s black & rose carmine, fine M, SG.42. (2) Cat. £230. (Image)

Estimate £ 50-70

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

1307 image1907 registered cover to Christchurch, Hants, franked KEVII 1d & 3d, tied by Road Town, Tortola d/stamp, local registration h/stamp and violet St. Thomas/D.W.I transit registration h/stamp, reverse with St. Thomas transit and London transit c.d.s. (Image)

Estimate £ 80-90

Starting Bid £ 80

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1308 imageROYALIST CIVIL WAR ISSUE 1967 In Memory of President Kennedy, Jordan Refugees Fund 4b + 4b M/Sheet VFU, wholesale quantity of fifty, Cat. £25 each (total Cat. £1250) (Image)

Estimate £ 70-100

Starting Bid £ 70

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1309 imagePost-WWII covers & cards incl. 1947 censored army card, better FDC's, commercial frankings, airmail etc. Inspection necessary. (36) (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 50-60

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1310 image1895 ½a, 1a, 1a6p, 4a, 8a, 12a, 1r (both), 2r & 5r, all M, some toning or rust marks, from SG.3/21. (10) Cat. £500+ (10) (Image)

Estimate £ 70-80

Starting Bid £ 70

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

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