SOUTH AFRICA continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Opening |
1111 |
BOER WAR covers (3), all 1900 with large violet cancels on GB stamps, 1d cancelled ARMY POST OFFICE VOLKSRUST 15.NOV.00, the other two with Field Post Office, British Army S.A cancels. (Image)
Estimate £ 90-120
Starting Bid £ 90
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1112 |
Mixed lot of postal stationery incl. 1d newspaper wrappers unused (2), a card with a 1910 2½d Union and four other covers with commem stamps, Bantam Wars or 1930-44 issue stamps. (7 items) (Image)
Estimate £ 50-60
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1113 |
Spring back album containing a M & U collection commencing with Cape of Good Hope with pmk interest, Griqualand 'G' optd, Natal, O.F.S, Transvaal etc. South Africa 1910-2000 general collection of M & U incl. a few covers. (Image) (Image2)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1114 |
1911-65 covers (9) and a card incl. a cover to Germany with the 1910 2½d cancelled by the scarce Rosherville cancel, two covers with Kings Heads incl. a gutter pair of tete-beche 1½d's two registered envelopes and a scarce
1965 ITU FD card. Interesting lot worth inspection. (Image)
Estimate £ 100-120
Starting Bid £ 100
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1115 |
1913-73 accumulation on Hagners, mostly U, some duplication, with ranges of 1913 vals to 10s, some pairs but mostly single vals to 5s, 10s etc. Better bits & pieces noted incl. 1933 1s pair, 1938 Voortrekker and War Effort set
M, 1930 3d with 'Window' flaw U etc. (450+). (Image)
Estimate £ 50-60
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1116 |
1925-32 four flight covers, two with full set of four Air stamps, a cover to Durban with a 2d Kings Head, 1d & 9d Airs cancelled Caledon and a 1932 first flight to London cover with 1s Air. (Image)
Estimate £ 120-150
Starting Bid £ 120
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1117 |
1926 cover registered locally with a block of four 6d cancelled Registered Kimberley 1.MY.26 (first day of issue). Philatelic but very uncommon. (Image)
Estimate £ 80-100
Starting Bid £ 80
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1118 |
1928 cover with a 1d strip of three, ex booklet P.13½ x14 (SG.31e) and a 1934 cover registered to Czechoslovakia with a 2d booklet pair (SG.34b), ½d & 4d, Great Brak River cancels. Uncommon commercially used on cover. (Image)
Estimate £ 70-100
Starting Bid £ 70
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1119 |
1929 cover to Memel with a booklet ½d block of six (SG.30e) and a 1938 cover to the USA with a booklet pane of 1d (6) and a Coronation 1d.
Estimate £ 110-140
Starting Bid £ 110
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1120 |
1932 covers (2), one with a pair of 3d black & red (SG.45) the other with a pair of 4d brown (SG.46) both with Simonstown 17.FE.32 cancels.
Estimate £ 120-150
Starting Bid £ 120
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1121 |
1932-69 three underpaid covers with postage dues. (3) (Image)
Estimate £ 50-80
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1122 |
1935 cover with Silver Jubilee set in pairs airmail to the USA and 1936 cover to England with Jubilee 3d block of four. (Image)
Estimate £ 100-140
Starting Bid £ 100
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1123 |
1936 cover registered to England with a set of four vals in pairs of the Silver Jubilee set. Fine. (1) (Image)
Estimate £ 60-75
Starting Bid £ 60
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1124 |
1938 cover airmail to New York with a 4d & 2d blue & violet block of four, the lower left stamp having the 'airship' flaw (SG.44ea) Johannesburg cancels 15.VI.38. A very scarce stamp used on cover. (Image)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1125 |
1939 cover to England with 2d blue & violet (12) - includes three pairs, a 3d & two 1½d's. Johannesburg cancels. Commercial.
Estimate £ 50-65
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1126 |
1941-45 Large War covers (6) of which three are first day, incl. a registered cover with full set in pairs, the 1d with 'stain on nurses uniform' flaw (SG.89a) others with blocks etc. Also a registered airmail cover to the USA
with Large War 1/3d block of four and Small War 3d block of six. Interesting lot. (Image)
Estimate £ 120-150
Starting Bid £ 120
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1127 |
OFFICIALS (used on cover) 1916-54 incl. some pairs used on cover, noted - SG.O14, O16 & O47a (Cat. £190 used, creased), some frankings obviously philatelic, but an interesting range, seldom offered, also incl. a few stampless
OHMS envelopes. (40 covers) (Image)
Estimate £ 80-100
Starting Bid £ 80
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1128 |
OFFICIALS 1930-47 2/6d blue & brown, variety 'Diaeresis over second E of OFFISIEEL' on English stamp only - pair fine M, right stamp stained at right, SG.O19c, RPS Cert. 2021. (2) Cat. £1500 (Image) (Image2)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1129 |
OFFICIALS 1930-47 6d green & orange horizontal pair, the right (English) stamp showing 'stop after OFFISIEEL' variety, fresh UM, SG.O16a, another pair (marginal) the left (Afrikaans) stamp showing 'stop after OFFISIEEL' fine
M, SG.O16b. (4) Cat. £230 (Image)
Estimate £ 50-70
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1130 |
OFFICIALS 1930-47 M range 'SUIDAFRIKA' (one word) issue comprising ½d, 1d, 2d, 6d, 1s (2) - wmk inverted & wmk upright, 2/6d green & brown Opt.O2, SG.O12/O14, O16/O17, O17bw & O18 (7 units), Cat. £279 (Image)
Estimate £ 40-50
Starting Bid £ 40
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |