Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Opening |
1014 |
1910-13 Double Heads M & U range on album pages & a stock card, identified by the vendor (appear to be correct) incl. M P.15 4d SG.175, 5d SG.175, 6d SG.176 (re-gummed), P.13½ ½d SG.182, 2½d SG.184 & 8d SG.185. Amongst the
used incl. 2d SG.171a, 2½d SG.172, 3d SG.173a, 5d SG.175, 6d SG.176, 1s SG.177, 2s SG.178, £1 cleaned & re-cancelled, also ½d SG.182a, 1d SG.183, 8d SG.185 (2). Mixed condition, high catalogue value. (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1015 |
1892-1922 M & U collection on Hagners with 'Arms' issues incl. the 1892 £1 & £10 unused (cleaned fiscals), plus £5 (cleaned & regummed), attractive space fillers (Cat. £4700 as M), also 1896 Die I to 1s M (+ 4d shade) and set
to 4s U, Die II to 6d (with both 4d) M and to 5s U, with 1897 to 8d M. A range of 1898 issues U, then 1909 opts to 1s M, a group of 20 'Double Heads' to 1s U with 70 or so 'Admirals' (identification not always correct) mostly U, incl. £1 (fiscally U
perfin). Good value. (250+) (Image)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1016 |
1892-93 £5 sage green, used with barred diamond with central circle letter I, a few short perfs at base, SG.12, Phil Fed of SA Cert. 1973. Cat. £500 (Image) (Image2)
Estimate £ 80-120
Starting Bid £ 80
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1017 |
1892-93 Arms set complete, 1d to £10 postally used. Attractive & very scarce set. SG.1/13. (13) Cat. £2085+ (Image)
Estimate £ 600-700
Starting Bid £ 600
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1018 |
1894 (13 Dec) Mashonaland 1½d card to London, uprated with 1892 ½d, both cancelled by 'GUBULAWAYO' c.d.s. showing code '2' & '-' for '4' in year date with light Cape Town transit c.d.s. on reverse. (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1019 |
1896 Cape issue optd ½d grey-black & 1d rose-red, each marginal UM block of four, SG.58/9. (8) Cat. £172++ (Image)
Estimate £ 50-70
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1020 |
1896 Matabele Rebellion Provisional Surcharge 1d on 4s grey-black & vermilion, good U (small tone & corner crease), SG.52. (1) Cat. £400.
Estimate £ 50-70
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1021 |
1898 (Aug) taxed mail envelope to London bearing 1896-97 Large Arms 6d, tied by poor 'BULAWAYO/RHODESIA' with another smudged strike alongside showing octagonal framed 'T/60c,' London '1S/-D/F.B' h/stamp with arrival c.d.s.
(26.8) on reverse, envelope with some creases at right. (Image)
Estimate £ 50-70
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1022 |
1898-1908 Arms issue, ½d, 1d (2 shades), 2d, 2½d (2 shades), 4d, 3s & 5s, part o.g or unused, from SG.75/87. (Image)
Estimate £ 50-60
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1023 |
1898-1908 Defin set, good to VFU, SG.75/90. (14) Cat. £200 (Image)
Estimate £ 50-60
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1024 |
1900 (24 July) envelope to Gwelo, bearing 1898 Arms ½d, tied by 'BULAWAYO/RHODESIA' c.d.s with another strike alongside with arrival d/stamp on reverse, the envelope with some tears at top, nevertheless a good example of the
½d printed matter rate. (Image)
Estimate £ 45-60
Starting Bid £ 45
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1025 |
Incoming Mail 1900 (31 May) & (18 Jun) envelopes from the same correspondence from Cape Colony to Bulawayo, the former marked 'Via Beira' both bearing Cape 1d strip of four, tied by Seymour c.d.s, the former with East London
(23.5), Umtali (8.6) and arrival (13.6) d/stamps on reverse, the latter with Fort Beaufort (19.6) and arrival (25.6) d/stamps. A fine pair of covers.
Estimate £ 100-150
Starting Bid £ 100
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1026 |
RHODESIA AND RHODESIA & NYASALAND 1901-74 commercially used covers/cards/air letters incl. Rhodesia ½d green Arms & 1d red Arms stationery cards H&G 11 & 13. (Image)
Estimate £ 50-60
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1027 |
1905 Victoria Falls 1d red irregular block of 21, four missing from a full sheet of 25, UM with margins (3 stamps creased, a couple of tone spots), SG.94. Cat. £189++ (Image)
Estimate £ 40-60
Starting Bid £ 40
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1028 |
1905 Victoria Falls set, part o.g, SG.94/99. (60 Cat. £350. (Image)
Estimate £ 60-80
Starting Bid £ 60
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1029 |
1910-13 8d greenish black & purple, UM showing the 'gash in ear' variety, SG.148var. (1) (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1030 |
1909-12 4d olive with 'no stop after RHODESIA' variety, fresh M, SG.105a. (1) Cat. £110 (Image)
Estimate £ 30-40
Starting Bid £ 30
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |