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WORLD STAMPS continued...

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
871 image1921-30 MSCA KGV Defin set to $5, M (odd value unused or part o.g, $5 is creased), from SG.218/240a. (29) Cat. £290 (Image)

Estimate £ 60-70

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

872 image1922 MSCA Malaya - Borneo Exhib $1 black & red/blue, another two showing opt 'raised stop after exhibition' and 'no stop after exhibition' varieties, all lightly used, SG.255, 255c/f. (3) Cat. £935. (Image)

Estimate £ 100-150

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

873 image1936 MSCA set, fine M, SG.260/274. (15) Cat. £225 (Image)

Estimate £ 50-60

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM




Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
874 imageExtensive & valuable M & U collection incl. F.M.S 1900 set M (Cat. £600), Perak Ovpt'd 5c, 10c (Cat. £127), 1900-01 $1 U (Cat. £200), $2 U creased (Cat. £200), 1904-22 $25 fiscal U (Cat. £60), 1922-24 $25 fiscal U (Cat. £180); Johore 1904-10 set to $5 M (Cat. £325+), $1000 fiscal U (Cat. £60), 1891 2c Surcharge M, 3 diff (Cat. £237), 1891-94 set M (Cat. £130), 1896 Coronation sets, 2 diff (Cat. £150), 1904 Surcharges M (Cat. £130); Negri Sembilan 1891-94 set M (Cat. £50), 1895-99 set M (Cat. £425), 1898-1900 Surcharge range M (Cat. £149); Pahang 1889 10c M (Cat. £275), 1898 10c, 25c M (Cat. £130), 1895-99 set M (Cat. £80); Perak QV Ovpt'd & Surcharges range, 1895-99 set to 50c (Cat. £400) & 50c green & black Ovpt'd SPECIMEN, 1900 Surcharge set M (Cat. £110); Selangor QV Ovpt'd range, 1895-99 $1 & $2 M (Cat. £410), $25 Ovpt'd SPECIMEN (Cat. £400), 1900 1c on 5c (Cat. £80); Trengganu 1910-19 set M (Cat. £650) etc, good to fine. (300+) (Image)

Estimate £ 600-800

Starting Bid £ 600

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

875 imageKELANTAN 1937 'Hats' set, M (2c tiny thin, $5 gum slightly toned), SG.40/54. (15) Cat. £2000 (Image)

Estimate £ 400-500

Starting Bid £ 400

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

876 imagePAHANG 1898 Perak optd issue 50c green & black M, vertical crease at extreme right, SG.22. Cat. £350. (Image)

Estimate £ 50-60

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

877 imageSELANGOR 1883-85 2c pale rose, Type 15 opt ('EL' wide), fine M, SG.23. (1) Cat. £190 (Image)

Estimate £ 50-60

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

878 imageSELANGOR 1891 (May) 2c on 24c green, Type 38 Surcharge (from rows 8 & 9 of the Setting), large part o.g, light gum toning, SG.47. (1) Cat. £150 (Image)

Estimate £ 40-50

Starting Bid £ 40

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

879 imageSELANGOR 1897 Judicial 'J' opts in red 10c, 50c, $5 (short corner perf) & $25, all fiscally used, Barefoot 3a, 5a, 10a & 12a. (Image)

Estimate £ 50-70

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
880 imageQV-1970's postal history accumulation incl. a quantity of KGV & KGVI registered mail, commercial mail, WWI & WWII censors, postal stationery, postage dues on cover (philatelic usage), couple of pre-stamp incoming entires from France, GB QV 2½d, 4d & 6d used on cover plus a few loose GB stamps used in Malta and more. Mixed condition. (318). (Image)

Estimate £ 250-300

Starting Bid £ 250

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

881 image1848-1977 covers/stationery (65) range incl. airmails, registered, active service etc, single & mixed frankings, destinations incl. USA, Russia etc. (Image)

Estimate £ 100-120

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

882 image1863-1975 M collection in a printed Davo album, a comprehensive range with QV incl. 1863 ½d (2), 1885 to 1s, 1886 5s and 1899 to 10s with KEVII 1903 to 1s and 1904 to 5s and KGV 1914 to 1s (3) plus 2/6d, 1921 2s & 10s, 1922 to £1 (both), 1926 to 10s (excl. 4d) with 1928 & 1930 sets. Complete thereafter and UM from 1948 onwards, a fine & attractive collection. (100's) Cat. £3250. (Image)

Estimate £ 350-450

Starting Bid £ 350

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

883 image1922-26 MSCA set FU incl. both the £1 sideways & upright wmks, SG.123/140, Cat. £975 (18) (Image)

Estimate £ 200-250

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
884 image1848-1928 substantial M & U collection incl. 1848 1d worn impression (Cat. £950), 2d worn impression, SG.22 (Cat. £1800, BPA. Cert.), 1859 2d. deep blue, early impression, cut square, no margins, SG.36 (Cat. £4500), 1859 1d & 2d cut square, no margins (Cat. £2450), 1858-62 4d four margins (Cat. £225), 6d M (Cat. £70), 9d (Cat. £250), 1858 4d (Cat. £475), 1859-61 6d M, 1s (2 diff) U, 1860-63 mainly U range with 1s green M (Cat. £950), 1863-70 range of vals to 5s M (Cat. £275), 1877 Surcharges with 1s on 5s M (Cat. £350), 1878 Cents Ovpt range to 2r.50 unused & M (Cat. £1000), 1883 16c on 17c (Cat. £170), 1886 & 1887 2c Surcharge M (Cat. £265), 1902 Ovpt set M (Cat. £160), 1900-05 vals to 5r (Cat. £400), 1910 to 10r (Cat. £325), KGV vals to 10r (2 diff) etc, poor to fine. Huge catalogue value. (265) (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 1,200-1,500

Starting Bid £ 1,200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

885 image1853 Jan 13th incoming stampless entire letter from Ponidcherry 20th Sept 1854, with reply on reverse 17th Nov 1854, obverse bears Crown over d/stamp, fine strike for Jun.13.1855, cover with central horiz fold. (Image)

Estimate £ 50-70

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

886 image1859 2d blue Intermediate Impression, three clear margins just cut into at right side at base, VFU with pmk in the upper right corner leaving Queen's clear profile, SG.38, RPS Cert. 1977. (1) Cat. £1400 (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 200-250

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

887 image1860-63 9d dull purple no wmk, fine large part o.g, SG.51. (1) Cat. £225 (Image)

Estimate £ 50-60

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

888 imageCollection of Post Office Regulation notices (and similar) on pages in a binder, announcing the inland and overseas rates for 1921 & 1925-26, the airmail rates for 1937, Royal Air Force weekly service (1946), overseas mail (1960), the complete 1934 pamphlet (with 1947 revised notice) and a General Notice from 1947 for Remembrance Sunday. Also a group of 11 photos of Rodrigues Island etc. Much of interest here and a wonderful addition to any Mauritius collection. (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

889 image1938-49 5c slate lilac P.15 x14 in UM block of four, SG.255c, Cat. £240+ (4) (Image)

Estimate £ 45-60

Starting Bid £ 45

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
890 image1915-20 covers (5) with various Prince Albert frankings (issues to 5f), four with Red Cross Surcharges. Attractive range. (Image)

Estimate £ 80-120

Starting Bid £ 80

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

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