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WORLD STAMPS continued...

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
791 imageBRITISH EAST AFRICA 1913-34 interesting lot comprising a 6c postal card to Rome cancelled NIMULI (on the Sudan border) with Masindi and Hoima transit cancels, 1910 3c card Mombasa to Machakos, 1911 cover registered to Germany with 10c, 15c & 12c, and 1934 'Feeder Service' airmail cover to UK with 50c, 30c & 5c. (Image)

Estimate £ 70-100

Starting Bid £ 70

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

792 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-27 M & U collection incl. 1903-04 set to 5r M (Cat. £750), 10r (Cat. £450), 20r & 50r Ovpt'd SPECIMEN (Cat. £650), 1904-07 3r (2), 4r, 5r M (Cat. £600), 2r, 10r & 20r fiscal U, 1912-21 vals to 1r, 2r, 10r M (Cat. £282), 3r, 4r, 5r U (Cat. £470), 20r & 50r fiscal U (Cat. £75+), later issues etc, good to fine. (108) (Image)

Estimate £ 500-600

Starting Bid £ 500

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

793 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-04 CCA/CCC set, M (some gum creases& 2r pulled corner perf), SG.1/13. (14) Cat. £800 (Image)

Estimate £ 200-250

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

794 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1904-07 MCCA set M, SG.17/30. (15) Cat. £650 (Image)

Estimate £ 200-250

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

795 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1907-08 MCCA set M + couple of extra shades, SG.34/42. (14) Cat. £200 (Image)

Estimate £ 50-60

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

796 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA KEVII SPECIMEN overprinted postal stationery, 3c & ½a cards and reply paid cards and similar for 1a & 6c cards. (8 items) (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

797 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA range of KEVII & KGV postal stationery incl. KEVII 2a registered envelopes SPECIMEN and unused, 3c wrapper, ½a reply card SPECIMEN and unused, ½a & 3c postcards, 1a postcard and reply card, and KGV 3c & 6c postcards and reply cards. All fine unused. (15 items) (Image)

Estimate £ 80-100

Starting Bid £ 80

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

798 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1912-21 MCCA set to 10r incl. several extra variations, fine M, odd gum crease incl. 10r, fresh appearance, SG.44/58. (29) Cat. £570 (Image)

Estimate £ 150-180

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

799 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1915-16 covers (3) each with a different 'Opened By Censor Under Martial Law' label. The covers are going to France, Portugal & India. (Image)

Estimate £ 50-60

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

800 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1921-22 MSCA set to 5r (excl. 50c) overprinted SPECIMEN (12c small thin) gum toned, SG.65/74. (9) Cat. £400 (Image)

Estimate £ 65-85

Starting Bid £ 65

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

801 imageEAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1922-31 covers (4), three registered & three sent airmail, various frankings, Mombasa, Dar Es Salaam, Bukene & Arusha cancels. (Image)

Estimate £ 70-90

Starting Bid £ 70

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

802 imageKENYA & UGANDA 1922 MSCA set plus extras incl. 3s jet black, 4s Wmk Crown to right, generally fine M (£1 - gum toned), SG.48/58. (28) Cat. £680. (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

803 imageKENYA & UGANDA 1933-34 covers (3), 1933 cover sent airmail to London, 20c (8), 15c (2) & 5c cancelled Uleti 19.JA.33, 1933 cover airmail to England with a 30c (pair) & 2s, top right corner with Plate number 1, Nairobi 5.MR.33 cancels, and a 1934 cover endorsed registered and insured with vals to 5s incl. scarce 2s50 brown & 4s grey, all cancelled Kilindini 13.JA.34. (Image)

Estimate £ 200-250

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

804 imageK.U.T QV-QEII M & U collection in a small album incl. East Africa & Uganda 1904 2r U (fiscal), 1912-21 1r M, K.U.T KGVI defins incl. 5s (3), 10s (3), £1 U, 1954 £1 U, G.E.A 1917 1c to 75c M, Tanganyika 1927 vals to 10s M etc. (850) (Image)

Estimate £ 100-150

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

805 imageK.U.T 1890-1977 collection of M & U on Hagners, some 1890 issues incl. 2½a M, SG.7 (also 7b, creased) & 5r U, then 1896 to 1r M with some U incl. 3r, 1897 1r M (toned) & U. Thereafter we note 1903 1r U, 1904 1r and 1907 set U, 1912 to 1r with shades U, 1921 2r M with some 1922 issues to 5s M & U, 1938 to £1 with perf types (38 vals) M & U (51 vals). Also the 1c in M block of twenty with 3 listed varieties, Wedding, 1954 set to £1 (2), 1960 set, Officials, some Kenya issues etc. (600+) (Image)

Estimate £ 250-300

Starting Bid £ 250

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

806 imageK.U.T 1916-17 censored covers (4) and two postcards, two covers have 'Opened Under Martial Law' labels, both going to India, the two cards have F.P.O 343 cancels, and two covers endorsed 'On Active Service.' (Image)

Estimate £ 70-100

Starting Bid £ 70

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

807 imageK.U.T 1935-37 Pictorial Defin set, perf SPECIMEN, UM (gum slightly toned, 5c & 50c M), SG.110s/23s. (14) Cat. £500 (Image)

Estimate £ 110-150

Starting Bid £ 110

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

808 imageK.U.T 1935-37 Pictorial Defin set, good to FU incl. 5c Type I & II, £1 corner fault. Cat. £200 excl. £1 val. (15) Cat. £550+ (Image)

Estimate £ 45-65

Starting Bid £ 45

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

809 imageK.U.T 1935-63 M & U collection on leaves incl. 1935 Jubilee set M & FU, 1941 set in pairs M & FU, 70c on 1s marginal block of six incl. the 'crescent moon' flaw, 1948 Wedding set M & U, 1949 UPU M & U, QEII incl. 1954 & 1960 Defin sets both M & FU, few later, also 1s & 5s booklet etc. Cat. £620++ (125+) (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 65-90

Starting Bid £ 65

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

810 imageK.U.T KGVI defin collection on leaves, all vals represented, FU (42) incl. £1 (3) & M or UM (33) incl. £1 (3), majority of perf types are present & all identified by the vendor, odd multiple etc. Good comprehensive lot. ST.Cat. £3000. (Image)

Estimate £ 250-300

Starting Bid £ 250

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

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