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WORLD STAMPS continued...

CANADA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
271 image1852-57 3d brown-red, 6d slate, 7½d yellow-green, 10d dull blue, U four margins, 7½d very close at left, 6d & 10d minor faults, good. (4) SG.8, 9, 12, 14, ST.Cat. £6975, certs for 6d & 10d with faults indicated. (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 500-700

Starting Bid £ 500

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

272 image1855 (Jan 25th) envelope from Montreal to Boston, Ma, recipient name excised, franked 6d Prince Albert, good to large margins tied with seven ring forged cancel, obverse bears Montreal despatch d/stamp for JAN.25.1855, reverse bears 'John. F. Seybold/Syracuse, N.Y' h/stamp in purple. (Image)

Estimate £ 400-500

Starting Bid £ 400

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

273 image1860 cover from St. Catherine's to St. Louis, franked 10c deep red purple, tied St. Catherine's duplex for AU.10.60. (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

274 image1893 50c blue, fine M block of four, SG.116, Cat. £1200. (Image)

Estimate £ 170-220

Starting Bid £ 170

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

275 image1897-98 1c blue green 'Maple Leaf' lower marginal BLOCK OF 25, fresh UM centred to right side, pristine condition. SG.143, Cat. £750+ (Image)

Estimate £ 90-130

Starting Bid £ 90

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

276 image1897-98 Maple Leaf issue basic set, M (5c fault) plus extras incl. ½c Proof on card, ½c block of four (2x UM), one stamp thinned, extra ½c vals incl. re-entries, 1c retouch, also a good to FU set with ½c re-entries etc. SG.141/9. (36) (Image)

Estimate £ 45-65

Starting Bid £ 45

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

277 image1906 OHMS reg cover used in Winnipeg, franked 1908 Tercentenary full set, also QV ½c defins (2) & 10c Special Delivery, all cancelled by 'Winnipeg.Aug.4.06' c.d.s's, SG.141, 150, 188/195 & S1. (11 diff stamps). (Image)

Estimate £ 100-150

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

278 image1915 Experimental Coil stamps vertical Coil join strip of four, b/stamped Type A over paste-up, top stamp in strip with two small thins. Scott 106x. (Image)

Estimate £ 50-70

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

279 image1928-29 set, SG.275/285, 1930-31 set, SG.288/303, 1935 set, SG.341/351, all fine M. (38) Cat. £570 (Image)

Estimate £ 100-130

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

280 image1950 O.H.M.S Official 50c green upper right corner marginal block of four, SG.O177. (4) Cat. £200+ (Image)

Estimate £ 50-60

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

281 imageOFFICIALS 1946 $1 purple optd 'G' UM lower right corner marginal block of four, SG.189, Cat. £320+ (Image)

Estimate £ 60-80

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
282 imageBRITISH AFRICA collection of forgeries/fakes etc. from Cape of Good Hope triangles incl. Spiro brothers, Fournier, modern types, triangles for publicity incl. Cape Town Pageant 1910, Fantasy 1928 Durban Exhibitions, also British Bechuanaland & genuine & forgeries of opts on Hope Seated issues, Griqualand West overprint varieties genuine & forgeries? etc. Interesting lot, viewing recommended. (approx 350 incl. 150 triangles). (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 200-300

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

283 imageEarly folded letters (3), 1823 letter to Cape Town with a Post Office Grahamstown h/stamp with a Crown in the centre, (a good strike for this h/stamp), an 1831 letter to Cape Town with a Post Office Uitenhagen cachet and Cape Town Crown General Post Office 31.MR.1831 arrival c.d.s and a letter from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town with poor cachets. (3) (Image)

Estimate £ 120-150

Starting Bid £ 120

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

284 imageGroup of QV postal stationery items (8) incl. 2d envelope, 4d registered envelope & six 1d cards, each with a different Cape Town scene. All unused. (Image)

Estimate £ 50-70

Starting Bid £ 50

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

285 image1862-1907 covers (6) and a card, 1862 with 4d triangular, good margins but touched lower right and staining around stamp, others with Mill Street Gardens, Pier Head, Biesjespoort, Lower Paarl cancels noted. Faults. (7) (Image)

Estimate £ 70-100

Starting Bid £ 70

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

286 image1863-1902 collection on Hagners, mostly U incl. 1863 4d deep blue (2, one on tatty cover), 1864 to 1s with the shades, 1868 4d on 6d 'Peuce' error, faults (Cat. £700), 1871 SG.32-33 and 1882 to 5s. A few M examples (or unused) incl. 1871 ½d, 1d & 4d (2), SG.33, 35 and 1902 set to 5s. Plus a group of seven Griqualand. (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

287 imageCANCELLATIONS c1863-1910 stamp collection mounted up on leaves of town & village cancels, single or double ring c.d.s's squared circles on mainly individual stamps (a few multiples), all identified (350) incl. some stationery cut outs. Also barred oval numeral cancels (47) paquebots (8), cancelled abroad, Natal, Orange River Colony used in Cape (25). (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

288 image1865-1906 well written up collection of Cape rectangular stamps. Noted - double rate 1871 cover with 1s (2), a few covers with value overprints on the stamps, interesting rates, destinations and town cancels. Also a pre-stamp letter & front and a page of stamps of the 1882 One Half-Penny on 3d showing misplaced overprints. An interesting study worth careful inspection. (40 pages of 41 covers & 6 stamps) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) image image

Estimate £ 140-170

Starting Bid £ 140

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

289 imageGRIQUALAND WEST 1879 cover to England with a defective 6d with a type 13 'G' overprint, cancelled by a barred canceller. A Du Toits Pan DE.25.1879 dispatch and Cape Town DE.30 transit cancels are on the cover, with a Leeds 23.JA 80 arrival cancel on the back. Although the stamp is damaged, this is an extremely rare cover with this stamp. (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

290 image1881 mourning cover to England with a pair of 3 overprints on 3d, the 3 on the left stamp has been badly damaged. The stamps have been cancelled with a barred 329 canceller and an indistinct town cancel. Cape Town OC.18.81 transit and Market Rasen NO.8.81 arrival cancels are on the back. A very unusual pair of overprinted stamps. Also an 1880 cover to London with a pair of 3 on 3d cancelled by numeral 29 of East London. (2) (Image)

Estimate £ 100-140

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

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