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WORLD STAMPS continued...

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
231 image1867-68 collection on pages in a binder of the Condor issues, based around an impressive accumulation of the 1867 5c green with 731 M examples with singles, blocks (and larger multiples) and strips, 208 U examples and 84 fiscally used with shades, printings, Plate positions, paper types etc. Also the 10c M (4), U (3) & fiscal (5), 50c M (10), U (5), & fiscal (2), 100c M (5) & fiscal (31) with a few 1867-68 vals. A remarkable holding with a catalogue well in excess of £6000. (Image)

Estimate £ 250-400

Starting Bid £ 250

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
232 image1910-18 collections covering the Austro-Hungarian Annexation period, there are three collections neatly presented on leaves M or U, also covers/cards showing Austro-Hungarian Military post used in Bosnia. The stamps incl. SG.382 U (Cat. £200), SG.393/410 set U (Cat. £140), SG.D411/D423 set U (Cat. £270) etc. Total ST.Cat. £1500+ plus the value of the covers. (228 + 11 covers) (Image)

Estimate £ 120-180

Starting Bid £ 120

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
233 image1930 Condor flown covers (2) from Brazil to USA, each with BRAZIL - USA - EUROPE cachet. (Image)

Estimate £ 80-100

Starting Bid £ 80

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
234 image1884-1923 mainly M (some U) collection incl. Stellaland 1884 set unused (Cat. £503, fair), 1885-87 ½d, 3d, 4d M (SG.1-3, Cat. £193), 1888 issues with 1s to 5s M (Cat. £325), 1888 Surcharge 1d, 2d, 6d, 1s M (Cat. £533), Later Ovpts, Protectorate ½d (2), 2d, 4d, 6d, 1s Surcharges M (6d unused, Cat. £815), 1889 4d Surcharge (2, Cat. £100), 1897-1902 to 6d M (Cat. £75), Edwards with 1s (SG.71, Cat. £65), 1913-24 set M (Cat. £65), 2/6d Waterlow M (Cat. £140), 5s DLR M (Cat. £300) etc, fair to fine. (89) (Image)

Estimate £ 350-400

Starting Bid £ 350

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

235 image1888 ½d grey black with 'overprint double' variety, part o.g centred high to left, single short perf upper right side, SG.52a. Cat. £650 (Image)

Estimate £ 60-80

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

236 image1891 1d card cancelled KURUMAN SP.10.91 (vertical crease), 1897 1d wrapper to Natal, Ramoutsa FE.14 cancel and a 6d on reg cover to Scotland, cancelled Francistown 6.AP.1926. (3) (Image)

Estimate £ 100-140

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

237 image1892 two 'Sitwell' covers to England, one with 6d the other with a 3d, both cancelled MACLOUTSI. (MY 31 & OC 17). (Image)

Estimate £ 80-100

Starting Bid £ 80

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

238 image1892-1905 BRITISH BECHUANALAND overprinted postal cards (6), three 1d's with Taungs, Setlagoli & Francistown cancels, two 1½d cards, Gaberones and Vryburg cancels, and a 1d card with ½d added cancelled Vryburg. Worth viewing. (Image)

Estimate £ 150-180

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

239 image1892-93 QV 1d stationery cards (2), first 1892 to Bremerhafen, Germany, uprated with ½d adhesive, second 1893 to London via Cape Horn, uprated with ½d (2) both written up. (2) (Image)

Estimate £ 60-70

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

240 image1894-1913 covers (3), one to Mafeking with QV 4d cancelled by barred numeral, cover to Mafeking with pair 4d cancelled Gaberones, 1913 cover to Germany with vals 1d to 6d cancelled Gaberones Station. All have faults. (Image)

Estimate £ 60-90

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

241 image1894-1948 covers/card, cancels incl. Palachwe, Kanye with 4d tied by numeral 677, Mochudi, Lobatsi and Mafeking. Mixed condition. (5) (Image)

Estimate £ 100-130

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

242 image1896-1902 Cape of Good Hope 1d postal cards (7) with BRITISH BECHUANALAND overprinted on the stamp, different settings, Gaberones, Francistown, Palapye Station, Molepolole cancels. Nice group. (Image)

Estimate £ 200-240

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

243 image1899-1961 lot of unused registered envelopes (15) incl. five optd SPECIMEN. (Image)

Estimate £ 60-70

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

244 image1906-32 covers (14), three of which are postcards and a front, mainly commercial, various cancels. Mixed condition. Worth inspection. (Image)

Estimate £ 120-150

Starting Bid £ 120

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

245 image1933-37 covers (8) five are registered, all with the 1932 issue stamps with vals to 1s, Mafeking, Lobatsi, Serowe and Kanye cancels. Destinations incl. USA, England and Mexico. Useful lot. (Image)

Estimate £ 120-150

Starting Bid £ 120

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

246 image1937-54 covers (17) and a front, eleven are registered, various frankings, one with KGVI 2/6d, 5s & 10s, generally fine but a couple with faults. Viewing recommended. (Image)

Estimate £ 60-80

Starting Bid £ 60

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

247 image1937-60 4d reg envelope to Cape Town with Coronation stamps + 1d, SEROWE cancels, 1948 Wedding reg cover with 5s & 1½d (2), 1953 reg cover to the USA and 1960 cover with Showgrounds Francistown cancel. (4 covers) (Image)

Estimate £ 75-90

Starting Bid £ 75

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

248 image1951 cover from Guatamala to New York, redirected on arrival there to Pitsani where a 1926 ½d Postage Due and a 1932 2d Postage Due (SG.D1 & D6) were affixed and cancelled PITSANI 13.NOV.51. A rare, albeit probably philatelic, usage of these stamps. (Image)

Estimate £ 200-250

Starting Bid £ 200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
249 image1903-04 Duty Plate Die Proof in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm) h/stamped '3 FEB 03' in blue and 'BEFORE HARDENING' in black, fine. (Image)

Estimate £ 150-200

Starting Bid £ 150

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
250 image1890's-1960's covers/stationery range incl. airmails, registered, postage dues, taxed, single & multiple frankings, stationery incl. postcards, several air letters, envelopes etc. (150) (Image)

Estimate £ 100-150

Starting Bid £ 100

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

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