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Corbitts Sale - 177


Mixed Lots & Accumulations
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
51 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH outstanding collection in fifteen albums, offered intact with UM, M & U sets & singles, too numerous to list but incl. Aden 1937 Dhows sets & shades, Aden States with South Arabian issues; Antigua 1884-87 set to 1s with 2½d, large '2' variety M, SG.27a (Cat. £180); Ascension 1922, 1924 & 1934 sets M & U, KGV varieties (Cat. £2550); Bahamas Chalons with 1862 6d U, SG.19a (Cat. £450, RPS. Cert), 1863-74 1d M, SG.34 (Cat. £1000), 1863-80 1d single & block of four M, SG.39 & 39a (Cat. £1000), 1883 4d on 6d U (Cat. £400), 1884-90 to £1 M & U - £1 blunt corner perf (Cat. £700), Edward issues, KGV & KGVI sets to £1; Barbados Imperf & Perf QV Britannia issues to 5s, 1882-86 set M (Cat. £750), U (Cat. £275), with shades, 1892-1903 M & U, 1897-08, 1905-11, 1912-16, 1916-19, 1921-24, 1925-35 sets (Cat. £3255); Bermuda 1865-1966 with 1865-1903 with shades to 5s & 1s wmk inverted, U (Cat. £350), 1924-32 2s (5), 2/6d (2), 10s, 12/6d M, 2s (2), 2/6d (2), 10s (3), 12/6d (3) U; British Guiana 1898-1963; British Honduras 1877-1962 with QV Surcharges, 1891-1901 to $1, $5, 1904-07 set (Cat. £600), 1913-21 to $5 with shades; British Solomon Islands 1907-69 with 1914-21 to £1 U, 1922- & U (Cat. £670), Falkland Is. & Dep 1874-1972; Fiji 1902-67; Gambia 1886-1961 with 1898-1902 sets M (2), U (2), 1902-05, 1904-06, 1909 sets M & U, 1922-29 to 10s M & U; Gilbert & Ellice 1911-62 with 1911 M & U (Cat. £540), 1912-28 (Cat. £600), 1922-27 M & U sets (Cat. £670); Gold Coast 1878-1954 with QV issues 1882 M & U, 1902 set U (Cat. £700), 1913-21 sets with shades, M & U (Cat. £2000+), 1921-24 set to 15s M; Grenada 1902-66 with 1902, 1904-06 sets M (Cat. £700), 1913-22 set M & U, 1934 set M (2), U, KGVI to 10s M (5), U (6); Jamaica QV-QEII; Leeward Islands 1890-1954 with 1921-32 10s (2), £1 (3) M, £1 U; Malta 1886 5s M (2) & wmk inverted (Cat. £485), U to 5s wmk upright & inverted (Cat. £245), 1899-1901 M & U (Cat. £320), 1903 M & U (Cat. £180), 1904-14 M (2), U (Cat. £790), 1914-21 to 5s (2) with shades M, 1921-22 set M, 1922 sets to 5s (2), 10s M, 5s & 10s U (Cat. £525), Script 2s, 10s M (Cat. £215), set U (Cat. £500+), 1922-26 set to £1 (2, Cat. £275), 1926 M & U (Cat. £445), 1926-27 M & U (Cat. £580), 1928 M & U (Cat. £475), 1930 M & U (Cat. £725), later sets to 1958 M & U; Newfoundland 1857-1948 with 1897 set M, 1919 M, 1923, 1928-29 M & U, 1929-35 M & U, 1933 M, 1931 Air, 1933 Air sets; Nigeria 1914-58; Northern Rhodesia 1925-63; Nyasaland 1913-63; Pitcairn Islands; Rhodesia 1892 issues; Rhodesia & Nyasaland; St. Helena 1856-1968 with 1856 1d M & U (2, Cat. £1100), QV Ovpt ranges, 1890-97, 1903, 1908-11 & 1912-16 sets M & U, 1922-37 set to £1 with 15s M & U (Cat. £8800+), 1922-37 issues with varieties, M & U (Cat. £3470+), 1933 set M & U, KGVI & QEII sets, M & U; St. Kitts-Nevis 1903 & 1905 sets M & U (Cat. £750), 1933 Centenary to 10s M (Cat. £400+), later issues to 1963; St. Lucia 1868-1963 with 1891-99 to 10s M & U (Cat. £625), many later sets; St. Vincent 1891-1949 with QV issues to 5s M (2) & U (2), 1899, 1902 sets, 1904-11 £1 M, 1913-17 sets M & U, 1921-32 set M; Seychelles 1890-1968; Sierra Leone 1893-1963 with 1896-97 set, 1903, 1904-05 sets M & U, 1907-12 set U, 1912-21 to 5s., £1 M, 1921-27, 1932 & 1933 Wilberforce sets M; Somaliland 1903-37; Southern Rhodesia 1924-29 Admirals to 5s M & U, 1931-37 to 5s M & U, later to 1964; Swaziland 1933 10s U (2, Cat. £300), later to 1962 etc, mainly good to fine. (1000's) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) image image

Estimate £ 25,000-30,000

Starting Bid £ 25,000

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

52 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH mainly KGV-QEII (some earlier) UM or M single items & sets accumulation on stock cards, incl. Aden with 1937 Dhows 10r, Antigua 1921-29 £1 UM; Bermuda 1924-32 12/6d UM (2); Cyprus 1928 to £1, 1960 Republic set UM; Dominica 1903-07 5s UM & U, 1923-33 £1 UM; Gilbert & Ellice 1922-27 10s UM; Gold Coast 1928 set M; Nyasaland 1913-21 10s, St. Helena 1922-27 various vals to 10s with ½d, 2d, 4d, 8d, 1s Cleft Rock, 1½d, 4d, 6d torn flag, 4d, 5d, 8d broken mast varieties; St. Lucia QV 1891-98 vals to 10s etc, mostly fine (many 100's) ST.Cat. in excess of £21,000 (2020) (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 2,500-3,000

Starting Bid £ 2,500

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

53 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH KGVI collection housed in four New age printed albums predominantly M and fewer U ranges of full, short or part sets. Highly catalogued and perfect for continuation. (Image)

Estimate £ 1,500-2,500

Starting Bid £ 1,500

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

54 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH KGVI collection in an SG Crown album, predominantly U, (a few M) with complete countries, sets to £1, $4.80, top vals incl. commems, Omnibus sets - 1937 Coronation, 1946 Victory, 1948 Wedding, 1949 UPU appear complete, some Indian Convention & Feudatory States, a few Dues etc, generally very fine, well presented, collection which would be ideal for completion. (100's) Also two additional Somaliland 1951 sets on stock cards. (Image)

Estimate £ 2,200-2,500

Starting Bid £ 2,200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

55 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH KGVI 1937-52 U collection in SG Crown printed album, fairly complete incl. Defin. sets to top vals, Omnibus issues with 1937 Coronation, 1948 Wedding (some), 1949 UPU, a few Dues etc. Good overall condition but enthusiastically hinged leaving many stamps 'tight' to the pages. Collector states Cat. £14,600 in 2017. (Image)

Estimate £ 1,500-2,000

Starting Bid £ 1,500

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

56 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH issues to 1936, M & U collection in a pair of neat and tidy Imperial albums, incl. GB with 1840 1d (2), ranges of Line Engraved & Surface Printed; Antigua; Australia & States; Bahamas; Barbados; Bermuda; British Guiana; British Honduras; British Levant; Canada & Provinces; Ceylon; Cook Islands; Cyprus; Dominica; Falkland Islands; Gibraltar; Gold Coast; Grenada; Hong Kong; India with small ranges of Convention & Feudatory States; Jamaica; Lagos; Malaya & States; Malta; Mauritius; New Zealand; Nigeria; North Borneo; Rhodesia; St. Helena; St. Kitts-Nevis; St. Lucia; St. Vincent; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; South Africa & Provinces; Trinidad & Tobago; Zanzibar, many 1935 Jubilee sets etc, ideal for continuation, huge catalogue value, poor to fine (1000's) (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 1,200-1,500

Starting Bid £ 1,200

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

57 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH mainly KGVI & QEII (a few earlier) U sets & singles accumulation on stock cards incl. Bechuanaland 1932 set; Cayman Islands 1935 2s to 10s; St. Helena 1922-27 1½d, 2d, & 3d Cleft Rock, 2d & 6d with 'broken mast' varieties etc, mostly fine. (100's) ST.Cat. in excess of £9000 (2020) (Image)

Estimate £ 1,000-1,200

Starting Bid £ 1,000

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

58 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH 1938-52 comprehensive collection of KGVI M sets in a stock book, somewhat randomly arranged, with most 1938 sets included. We note Mauritius, Trinidad & Tobago, Tristan, Turks, Gibraltar, Jamaica, K.U.T, St. Helena, Somaliland, Northern Rhodesia, Ascension, Burma, Cyprus, Falklands (and 1952 set), Seychelles, Nyasaland etc. Also the British Occupation of Italian Colonies sets, Canada 1950 Officials, GB 1939 high values etc. A few earlier items also (noted - Canada SG.115, Jubilee ½c and 1897 SG.149 M). A fine & substantial collection. Cat. £11,000. (Image)

Estimate £ 800-1,200

Starting Bid £ 800

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

59 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH QEII Defin sets ( a few KGVI) M or UM (fewer VFU) housed on hagners in eleven Prinz binders in two cartons. High catalogue value. (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 1,000-1,200

Starting Bid £ 1,000

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

60 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH Ex Dealer's stock M & U ranges housed in 208 black stock cards, ranges of singles, short or part sets, noted - useful British Africa, St. Helena, Leeward Islands etc. ST.Cat. £16,300. Priced to retail at £4020. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) image image image

Estimate £ 800-1,000

Starting Bid £ 800

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

61 imageBRITISH EMPIRE collection housed in two New Imperial albums (nice condition) range of M & U stamps (approx 4250), highlights incl. GB PUC £1, Indian States, Malaya, good general ranges, perfect lot to continue. (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 800-1,000

Starting Bid £ 800

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

62 imageWORLD COLLECTION A-Z housed in Pragnell multi ring albums (17), nothing of great value apart from GB 1840 1d black, 1929 PUC £1 U, also noted - some better USA etc. (Image)

Estimate £ 700-1,000

Starting Bid £ 700

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

63 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH QV-c1950 M & U collection in six stock books incl. Aden; Australia; Bahamas; Barbados 1897 set U (Cat. £200); Bermuda; Burma; Cayman Islands 1935 set U (Cat. £250); Ceylon with 1857-59 2s, M repaired (Cat. £6500); Falkland Islands KGVI vals to £1 UM (Cat. £475); Gibraltar; GB with 1840 1d (2), 2d pair, Line Engraved & Surface Printed, KEVII to 10s; Grenada; Hong Kong with 1948 Wedding 10c 'spur' flaw U, (Cat. £90), India; Malta; Newfoundland; New Zealand; Northern & Southern Rhodesia; Swaziland etc, many other better sets & singles, good to fine. (100's) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) image image

Estimate £ 800-900

Starting Bid £ 800

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

64 imageKING GEORGE VI collection M & U housed in the Printed Album with some extra leaves added, full or part sets, odds etc. Highlights incl. Aden Dhows to 8a M, 1r, 2r & 5r U, R.S.W M, Seiyun 1951 set M, Qu'Aiti State of Shihr & Mukalla R.S.W M, Bahamas 1948 Tercentenary set M, R.S.W M, Bahrain 1948 set, R.S.W M, Basutoland 1938 set FU, Bechuanaland 1938 set M, Bermuda 1938 set FU, British Guiana 1938 set M, R.S.W M, British Solomon Islands 1939 set, R.S.W set, Burma Officials 1946 & 1947 sets M, Ceylon 1938 set U, Cyprus 1938 set FU, R.S.W M, Eritrea 1950 set & 1951 sets M, Falklands 1938 set FU, R.S.W M, Gambia 1938 set FU, Gibraltar 1938 set U, Gold Coast 1948 set U, Hong Kong R.S.W FU, India 1937 set U, 1948 Independence set Av U, Kedah 1937 to $1 + $5 M, Kelantan 1937 Hats to $1 M, Malacca R.S.W M, Malta R.S.W M, Mauritius 1950 set M, Montserrat 1938 & 1951 set M, Muscat 1944 set M, R.S.W M, Negri Sembilan 1949 set M, R.S.W M, Norfolk Island 1947 set M, Nyasaland 1945 set FU, R.S.W M, Penang 1949 set U, Perlis 1951 set M, Rajasthan 1949 set M, St. Helena 1938 set FU, St. Kitts 1938 set M, R.S.W M, 1952 set M, Sierra Leone 1938 set U, Somaliland 1951 set M, Southern Rhodesia set M, Straits Settlements 1937 set FU, Sudan 1948 & 1951 sets FU, Swaziland 1938 set VFU, another set M, Trinidad & Tobago 1938 set U, R.S.W M, Tripolitania 1948 & 1950 M, Tristan 1952 set M, Turks 1950 set M. (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 700-900

Starting Bid £ 700

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

65 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH extensive accumulation housed on approx 500 stock cards in a box, arranged from A to Z, typically with small groups of earlier U and later M, basic material in the main but sprinkled with plenty of better items & sets. Better areas incl. British Guiana, Ceylon, Cyprus, extensive New Zealand and Hong Kong, India with some States, Rhodesia with 'Arms' issues U and later M, Southern Rhodesia etc, Basutoland with 1938 set M, Canada with 1897 Jubilees and earlier QV, 1928 & 1930 sets to $1 U etc, M B.A.T sets, Falklands 1933 to 1s M, Gambia M Wedding, Sarawak, Sierra Leone and much more. Estimated to be well in excess of 10,000 stamps here, an ideal lot for sorting through. (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 500-700

Starting Bid £ 500

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

66 imageALL WORLD housed in a distressed 1907 Senf album, noted - Austria 1910 Jubilee set M, Belgium 1905-08 set M, Gibraltar 1903 to 8s M, GB, India incl. QV/KEVII high values M, Lagos 1904-06 set M (less 1s), Malta, Netherlands, Spain 1901-05 1p to 10p M, Sweden, Switzerland etc. (Image)

Estimate £ 500-600

Starting Bid £ 500

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

67 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH QV-QEII M & U ranges housed in 75 club books, priced to sell at £3500. (Image)

Estimate £ 300-500

Starting Bid £ 300

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

68 imageIDEAL ALBUMS (3) foreign countries 1840-1930 (British Empire section virtually empty), useful M & U ranges from around the world, perfect to break down or continue. (Image)

Estimate £ 300-500

Starting Bid £ 300

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

69 imageBRITISH COMMONWEALTH QV-QEII M & U ranges in a stock book, mainly odd vals or part sets, noted - several with top vals & lower denominations missing, strength in KGVI/early QEII from Aden, Antigua, Ascension, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Gambia. Malta, Bechuanaland, Grenada, K.U.T, St. Helena, St. Lucia, also incl. 1948 Silver Weddings (13 diff) M sets + single FU set. Condition a little mixed in places. High catalogue value. (950) (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 350-450

Starting Bid £ 350

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

70 imageQEII COLLECTION 1952-70 housed in five New Age printed albums M or U ranges of sets, short sets & odds, highly catalogued. Ideal lot for continuation. (Image) (Image2) image

Estimate £ 350-450

Starting Bid £ 350

Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM

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