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Europe continued...

Slovakia continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
3441 nh imagePhilately. MINIATURY / Sy.52-55, Castles and castles 1,20-2Ks, selection of miniatures in/at corner blocks of four with plate number A1, wmk P1, only UR block of four values 1,60Ks with wmk P2; mint never hinged, only 2x block of four with minor gum fault, c.v.. 45EUR (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3442 nh imagePhilately. Sy.53 production flaw, Castle Lietava 1,50 Koruna, UR corner blk-of-4 with significant perf folded paper in corner; mint never hinged (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3443 nh imagePhilately. Sy.54 production flaw, Spis castle 1,60Ks, UR corner vertical block of 6 2x with horiz. perf shifted downward to to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3444 nh imagePhilately. Sy.NZ63N P4, For Children-issue 1+1Ks brown, imperforated UR corner blk-of-4 with wide upper margin, wmk P4 - cross L-wards (!!!) - with this wmk evidently about/by unique rarity, because still was not this imperforated stmp in/at wmk P4 known; hinged in margin out of stmp with small ohybem and tearing at top, nepodstatne with regard to unikatnosti, certificate Synek, c.v.. for block of four with wmk P3 1.750EUR, like that however significantly more, exceedingly rare multiple and evidently unrepeatable offer, skvela item to every big collection inter-war Slovakia! (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Currently...US$ 1,490.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3445 nh imagePhilately. COUNTER SHEET / Sy.65-67, Hlinka Youth 70h+1Ks - 2Ks+1Ks, set in/at complete 50 pcs of counter sheet, all wmk P2; cross fold in perforation, otherwise very nice, in/at complete sheets rare usage (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 86.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3446 ng imagePhilately. Sy.72 production flaw, Postal Congress 70h green, upper marginal stmp with production flaw - joined paper; without gum, after/around odmoceni detached single part/-s, exp. Synek, sought by specialists, catalogue -,- (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3447 nh imagePhilately. Sy.73 production flaw, Postal Congress 1,30 Koruna olive, vertical upper marginal strip-of-4 with production flaw - joined paper; mint never hinged, small production gum flaw, exp. Synek, sought by specialists, catalogue -,- (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 86.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3448 nh imagePhilately. COUNTER SHEET / Sy.75-80, Slovak ucene tovarysstvo, complete set of in/at 50 pcs of sheets, incl. interesting plate variety, value 1,30 Koruna sheets from both plate; folded only in perforation, value 1Ks small spots, 1,30 Koruna bend in margin, otherwise very nice quality, in/at whole sheets sought (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3449 nh imagePhilately. COUNTER SHEET / Sy.87-89, Military, complete set of in/at 50 pcs of counter sheet; cross fold in perforation, 1,30+2Ks very allowed in perforation (viewing of quality recommended), rare occurrence complete sheets from this issue! (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 39.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3450 nh imagePhilately. MINIATURY / Sy.98-105, Princes 50h-10Ks, complete set miniatures in/at corner blocks of four; mint never hinged, very nice quality, popular issue (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 128.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3451 nh imagePhilately. Sy.98 production flaw, Princes 50h, horizontal strip of 4 with production flaw - joined paper through/over middle 2 stamp.; stamp. mint never hinged, minor gum fault, exp. Synek, c.v.. -,-, sought! (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3452 nh imagePhilately. COUNTER SHEET / Sy.106-110, Tatra large format, complete set of in 100 stamps sheets, all plate 1, lot of plate variety; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, sporadically slightly povolena perf, overall but very nice (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3453 nh imagePhilately. Sy.MZ125NS(4), Tiso 10 Koruna violet, imperforated horiz. 4-stamp gutter.; superb, mark M.D.V.P. post, certificate Synek, in catalogue significantly underprized, exceedingly rare, was/were printed probably single sheet with 10 gutters, which/what are today tog. with imperforated souvenir sheets For Children-issue vseobecne povazovana after/behind rarest item/-s Slovak philately at all, exceptional offer and decoration every big collection Slovakia or investicniho portfolia! (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Slovakia Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Currently...US$ 4,256.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3454 imagePhilately. philatelically motivated entire with mounted 8 pcs of stamp. Hlinka and Stefanik, i.a. 1x 60h blue Stefanik, Sy.1 and 1x overprint 60h blue Stefanik, Sy.11, with CDS STRBA 6.VII.39; good condition (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3455 imagePhilately. commercial letter greater format addressed to to Brno, with Hlinka 50h and 2,50 Koruna with line perforation 12½ : 10½ (!), Sy.31C, worse clear pmk BRATISLAVA; nice good condition, exp. by Novotny., rare, c.v.. 380EUR (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 86.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3456 imagePhilately. commercial Reg letter to Zilina franked with. funeral stamp. issue Stefanik 1Ks (upper marginal piece) and 2 Koruna, Sy.36, 37, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 4.V.39, right value franking for Reg letter in/at other transport; good condition, exp. Tribuna, R and right franked letters stamps this issue are very rare! (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 639.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3457 imagePhilately. commercial Reg and express letter franked with. overprint stamp. Hlinka, in front block of four and pair 50h green, on reverse marginal Pr 1 Koruna red, CDS BANSKA BYSTRICA 6.VI.39, on reverse arrival CDS TELEGRAFNA A TELEFONNA USTREDNA BRATISLAVA 6.VI.39; nice good condition (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3458 imagePhilately. airmail letter addressed to to Palestine, with Hlinka, Sy.23, 24, 31, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 2.V.39, supplemented with frame violet cancel. LETECKOU POST; toned in perforation stamp. + fold, rare destination (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3459 imagePhilately. Reg letter with multicolor franking 4 pcs of stamp., i.a. nepretiskova stamp. 60h Blue Stefanik, Sy.1, stmp with overprint 60h Blue Stefanik, Sy.11, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 10.IV.39, on reverse arrival postmark TOPOLCANY 11.IV.39; very fine (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 103.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM
3460 imagePhilately. comp. 3 pcs of entires, all franked with. i.a. gutter Hlinka, 1x Reg letter to Austria, 1x postcard and 1x two joined 4-stamp gutter on letter to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition (Image) (Image2)


Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM

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