Slovakia continued...
Lot |
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Opening |
3401 |
Philately. Sy.26C, Hlinka 10h with mixed perforation line perforation 12½ : 10½, horizontal pair, rarer combination C11 and C13; mint never hinged, exp. by Kaufmann and Synek, in/at strips rare! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 341.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3402 |
Philately. Sy.NZ26N, Hlinka 10h olive, imperforated 4-BLOK with L margin; mint never hinged, usual small minor gum fault - finger-print, intaktni without marks, certificate Synek, c.v.. 700EUR+, in blocks of four quite rare
occurrence! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 639.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3403 |
Philately. Sy.27A production flaw, Hlinka 20h orange, UL corner blk-of-4 with perf folded paper in margin and shift right vertical perf L-wards to to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, 1x slightly povolena perf in the place
folded paper, interesting ganging two production flaws (Image)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3404 |
Philately. Sy.27A production flaw, Hlinka 20h orange, LR corner blk-of-4 with date and plate number, with shift upper horiz. perf downward to to picture of stmp., in addition 1x omitted perforation hole in/at the bottom perf; mint
never hinged, 2x little povolena perf in margin (Image)
Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3405 |
Philately. Sy.27A ZVZ, Hlinka 20h orange, horizontal pair with omitted stredovou vertical perf; mint never hinged, exp. by Kaufmann
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3406 |
Philately. Sy.27C, Hlinka 20h orange, vertical pair with lower margin, line perforation 10½ : 12½ combination C2; small prohnuti in margin out of stmp., otherwise very nice quality, exp. by Synek., c.v.. 300EUR, rare multiple! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 213.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3407 |
Philately. PLATE PROOF Sy.SK27N, plate proof stamps Hlinka 20h in/at different light orange color (!), imperforated blk-of-4 with L margin; mint never hinged with light print finger, intaktni without marks, certificate Synek,
c.v.. 750EUR++, quite rare occurrence, rare! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 596.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3408 |
Philately. Sy.28A SOZ, Hlinka 30h violet, block of four with machine offset on gum; mint never hinged, bend in upper margin (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3409 |
Philately. Sy.28A production flaw, Hlinka 30h violet, UL corner blk-of-4 with perf paper crease in margin; mint never hinged, signs of storage on gum, decorative (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3410 |
Philately. Sy.28A ZVZ, Hlinka 30h violet, vertical pair with omitted horiz. stredovou perf; mint never hinged (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3411 |
Philately. Sy.28B, Hlinka 30h violet, horizontal pair with line perforation 10½; mint never hinged, exp. Synek (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3412 |
Philately. Sy.28C, Hlinka 30h violet, line perforation 10½ : 12½, combination C2; hinged, exp. by Synek., mark Filatelia Express Bratislava
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3413 |
Philately. Sy.29A production flaw, Hlinka 50h green, right marginal horizontal strip of 3 with production flaw - joined paper; on gum signs of storage, small spots, viewing of quality recommended, after all rare production defect,
c.v.. -,- (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3414 |
Philately. Sy.29A ZVZ, Hlinka 50h green with line perforation 12½, the bottom marginal horizontal pair with omitted vertical perf between stamp.; propite hinged in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, nevyrazne signs of storage,
rare occurrence omitted perf on this value! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3415 |
Philately. Sy.30xA, Hlinka 1Ks with plate mark close interspace A2 (0,25mm); mint never hinged, catalogue misvalues (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3416 |
Philately. Sy.30YA production flaw, Hlinka 1Ks red with wmk, the bottom marginal horizontal pair with production flaw - shift centre vertical perf R to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, decorative (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3417 |
Philately. Sy.30YA production flaw, Hlinka 1Ks red with wmk, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number A3 and perf paper crease in margin; opravovana label on/for UR stamp. (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3418 |
Philately. Sy.30YA production flaw, Hlinka 1Ks red with wmk, R marginal horiz. block of 8 with production flaw - shift centre horiz. perf downward to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, decorative (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3419 |
Philately. Sy.30YA, Hlinka 1Ks red, UL corner blk-of-4 with vertical grid (!); mint never hinged, only print fingers, exp. by Synek., in/at corner block of four rare occurrence, rare! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 256.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
3420 |
Philately. Sy.31A production flaw, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna blue, LR corner blk-of-4 with date and plate number, with oblique perf paper crease in lower margin; mint never hinged, defect gum on/for UR stamp. (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |