Europe continued...
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 continued...
Lot |
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Opening |
2421 |
Philately. Pof.1D-26D, complete set of 15 pcs of values 1h - 1000h with neprepazkovou line perforation 11½; mainly hinged, cheap 30h nevyrazne stripped paper on/for front face, exp. Stolfa and Vrba (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2422 |
Philately. VICEBLOKY / POCITADLA / selection of various values on stock-sheet A4 two-sided, contains mainly blocks, often marginal or corner, with control-numbers and plate mark, contains i.a. krajovou ** pair Pof.9A (exp. Vrba),
krajovou imperforated ** Pof.24 and much other; mainly mint never hinged, sporadically several minor faults, overall but nice quality, interesting selection of
(Image) (Image2)
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Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2423 |
Philately. COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1C, 1h brown, complete 100 stamps sheet, line perforation 13¾, plate 2; mint never hinged, only folds in perforation
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 13.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2424 |
Philately. Pof.2A inverted comb perforation, 3h violet, the bottom marginal block-of-9 with control-numbers with inverted unofficial perf. comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, 1x grain in paper and small toned, exp. Vrba,
rare, rare usage! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 128.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2425 |
Philately. Pof.3D flaw print, 5h light green with line perforation 11½, block of four and single stamp. with production flaw airship - both light variant printing defects, block of four on/for pos. 27/2 and single stamp. on pos.
46/1; stamp. hinged, block of four mint never hinged (Image)
Currently...US$ 13.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2426 |
Philately. Pof.3D production flaw, 5h light green, perf line perforation 11½, vertical block of 6 with L krajem and production flaw - omitted 2 perf. holes in horiz. perf; 1x stmp hinged., other mint never hinged (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 13.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2427 |
Philately. Pof.3E, light green, L upper corner blk-of-20, perf line perforation 11½ : 10¾; mint never hinged, little povolena perf in margin
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2428 |
Philately. Pof.4A, 5h blue-green, horiz. blk-of-10 with R margin, perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, plate variety - interrupted tie-on label on pos. 40/3; mint never hinged (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2429 |
Philately. Pof.4Aa, 5h dark blue-green, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, R marginal blk-of-9, zavrene spiral; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 86.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2430 |
Philately. OBRACENE HREBENOVE ZOUBKOVANI / Pof.4Ab inverted comb perforation, 5h dark green with inverted comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, plate 5, pos. 85, with common full offset on gum; superb, exp. Vrba, in catalogue very
underprized, rare occurrence! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 171.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2431 |
Philately. OBRACENE HREBENOVE ZOUBKOVANI / Pof.4Ab inverted comb perforation, 5h dark green, block of four with inverted comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, plate 5, pos. 55-56, 65-66, with common full offset on gum; only horiz. folded in
perforation, otherwise mint never hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, in catalogue very underprized, as blk-of-4 only rare and rare occurrence! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 639.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2432 |
Philately. Pof.4B joined bar types, 5h blue-green, UR corner blk-of-12 with comb perforation 11¾, with joined bar types, bar type II on pos. 18/3; mint never hinged, small notice by pencil in margin, exp. Vrba (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 171.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2433 |
Philately. Pof.4D IIs, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, Gilbert (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2434 |
Philately. Pof.4D, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½; hinged, 2x grain in paper, exp. by Gilbert., Mrnak and Pofis (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 18.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2435 |
Philately. Pof.4E plate mark, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, LR corner blk-of-4 with plate mark - vystipnuta numeral(s) 5 in/at control-numbers 5.-, plate 2, vert. perf shifted R to to picture of stmp.; mint never
hinged, small production bend in paper, exp. Vrba (Image)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2436 |
Philately. Pof.4E joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, LL corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers with line perforation 11½ : 10¾ and with joined spiral types, stmp field 81-82, 91-92, printing plate 2, spiral type I on pos. 91; L in
margin contemporary notice, otherwise mint never hinged without marks, Vrba certificate, decorative corner block with joined spiral types! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 937.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2437 |
Philately. Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, upper marginal block-of-6; mint never hinged, note by pencil in margin, marked Vrba (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2438 |
Philately. Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, L upper corner blk-of-18; mint never hinged, at top small vraska in paper and notice by pencil in margin (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2439 |
Philately. Pof.4G Nb, 5h dark green, stamp. with ministerial perf line perforation 11½ : 13¾, plate 5; mint never hinged, usual light bands in gum, exp. Vrba, very rare usage! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 128.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2440 |
Philately. Pof.4L production flaw + plate mark, 5h blue-green, neprepazkova perf line perforation 11½, right the bottom corner Pr with control-numbers, production flaw - omitted the bottom horiz. perf + plate mark - vystipnuta 5
in/at control-numbers for plate 2 + plate variety - chipped right/genuine frame on pos. 100; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
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