Europe continued...
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 continued...
Lot |
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Descrip |
Opening |
2301 |
Philately. HUNGARY + AUSTRIA + CZECHOSL. FRANKING / larger part Hungarian dispatch-note franked on front side by Hungarian stamp. Parliament 75f + Hradcany 5h + on reverse Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 40h, CDS SAZAKOLCZA 919
Feb.20. (Skalice); good condition, exp. by Karasek., Skaloud, exceedingly rare usage Hungarian, Austrian and Czechosl. stamps to payment postage in Slovakia in time of validity parallel stamps! (Image)
Currently...US$ 86.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2302 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / odmitnuti takeover pohledavky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / cut money dispatch-note addressed to to Budapest (!), CDS NYITRA 919 Feb.22., postal-charge 40h postpaid with stmp Reaper 3x 5f and
Hradcany 20h + 5h, refused takeover amount (according to postage to 250K), sent back to Nitra with CDS NYITRA 919 Apr.9., handwritten notice Zrusene; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 18.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2303 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / odmitnuti takeover pohledavky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1000 Koruna, CDS FEHERHALOM 919 Feb.26. (Lysa in Slovakia), postal-charge
1,25K postpaid with stmp Zita 3x 40f and Hradcany 5h, undelivered, recipient declined to take over - handwritten notice Neprijme, sent back with CDS FEHERHALOM 919 Mar.31.; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2304 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / odmitnuti takeover pohledavky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1000 Koruna, CDS NAGY TOPOLCSANY 919 Feb.24. (Velke Topolcany), arrival
postmark SZMOLANY 919 Mar.8. (Smolenice), postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 1 Koruna and Hradcany 20h, skrtnuty receiver and supplemented with text Penize poslane to dist. komisariatu to Trnava - post obdrzela money before/(in
front of) zakazem platebnich operaci platnym from 1.3.19, recipient declined amount to take over and post money odeslala to franking and teprve potom payment dorucila, day before/(in front of) ukoncenim kolkovaci action; only light fold, see article
and illustrated in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2305 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / odmitnuti takeover pohledavky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 300K, CDS ZSOLNA 919 Feb.27. (Zilina), arrival postmark ALSOKUBIN 919
Mar.6. (bottom Kubin), postal-charge 60h postpaid with stmp Hradcany 3x 20h, undelivered, recipient took over to 6. March, delivering fee paid Postage due stamps Red numerals 2x 10f; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex
Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2306 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / odmitnuti takeover pohledavky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. /larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 1.000K, CDS POZSONY 919 Feb.28., postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Reaper
4x 5f and Hradcany 5x 20h, arrival postmark STERNBERG MAHR. 4.III.19, refused takeover, handwritten notice on face-side, sent back to Bratislava with CDS POZSONY 919 Mar.10. - predano after/around ending franking; good condition, see article in/at
Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2307 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting and delivery after/around ending franking / larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 120K, CDS LIPTOSZENTMIKLOS 919 Mar.13. (Banska Bystrica), arrival postmark KESMARK 919 Mar.15.
(Kezmarok), postal-charge incl. delivery fee 45h postpaid with stmp Charles 2x 20f (already invalidated!) and Hradcany 5h; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2308 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting and delivery after/around ending franking / larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 262,10K, CDS BESZTERCZEBANYA 919 Mar/16, arrival postmark REICHENBERG 1/ 21.3.19, postal-charge 50h
paid invalidated stamp. Charles 2x 20f with overprint KOZTARSASAG and Hradcany 10h on reverse; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 69.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2309 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting last day 28.2. before/(in front of) pozastavenim receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 660,75K, CDS SZAKOLCZA 919 Feb.28.
(Skalice), arrival postmark POSZONY 919 Mar.4, postal-charge 90h postpaid with stmp Parliament 75f + Hradcany 5h and 10h on reverse, sent to pojistovnu and ty nepodlehaly stejnemu omezeni as bank; without defects, see article in/at Mercure Revue
6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2310 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting last day 28.2. before/(in front of) pozastavenim receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 449,75K, CDS NAGY TAPOLCSANY 919
Feb.28. (Velke Topolcany), arrival postmark NAGY LAPAS 919 Mar.3. (Big Lapas), postal-charge 70h postpaid with stmp Parliament 50f, Charles 10f and Hradcany 5h, on reverse supplemented with official cancel. community Big Lapas with signature as
confirmation registrace money, on/for this base was/were possible their/its payment in/at course franking with CDS NAGY LAPAS 919 Mar.7.; fold, see article and picture in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image)
Currently...US$ 86.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2311 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting last day 28.2. before/(in front of) pozastavenim receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 801,20K, CDS IGLO 919 Feb.28.
(Spisska Nova Ves), arrival postmark TROPPAU 1/ 26.III.19, postal-charge 105h postpaid with stmp Parliament 80f, Reaper 15f and Hradcany 10h, delivered according to CDS to 26.III.19 in value 401,20 (50% and small coin/-s), marked amount (4,00), to is
1% revenue after/behind the second polovinu amount (vkladovy sheet); without defects, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, quite rare document/attribut with by hand written data complete operation , ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 128.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2312 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) pozastavenim receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 767,20K, CDS NAGY TAPOLCSANY 919 Feb.27. (Velke Topolcany),
arrival postmark NYITRA 919 Mar.1., postal-charge incl. delivery fee 1 Koruna postpaid with stmp Reaper 5f and Charles 2x 10f on face-side and Reaper 2x 35f + Hradcany 5h on reverse; without defects, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex
Skaloud (Image)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2313 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) pozastavenim receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part Austrian C.O.D. dispatch-note for amount of 37,60K, CDS SZAKOLCZA 919 Feb.27. (Skalice),
arrival postmark KRAL. VINOHRADY 2.III.19, postal-charge 25h postpaid with stmp Reaper 2f and Hradcany 3h + 20h; without defects, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2314 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) ucinnosti order - delivery in/at course franking / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 500K, CDS LOSONCZ 919 Feb.25. (Lucenec), arrival postmark
SKRBEn 7.III.19, postal-charge 70h postpaid with stmp Parliament 50f and Hradcany 20h, order was not before/(in front of) zastavenim all platebnich operaci dorucena and delivery was/were pozastaveno, in front supplemented with CDS OLOMOUC 1/
7.III.19, delivery fee 20h paid Austrian Postage due stamps Small numerals 4x 5h; good condition, see article and picture in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2315 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting in time of pozastaveni plateb - delivery after/around ending franking / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. dispatch-note for amount of 18K, CDS SZENICZE 919 Feb.26., arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/
28.II.19, postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 80f and Hradcany 40h, delivery wasn't uskutecneno, bank mely pozastaveny payment operation , Postal saving bank prevzala amount to 10.3.19, so the first day after/around ending
kolkovaci action; good condition, see article and picture in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image)
Currently...US$ 128.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2316 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posting in time of pozastaveni plateb - delivery after/around ending franking / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. dispatch-note for amount of 18K, CDS SZENICZE 919 Mar.8., arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/
11.III.19, postal-charge 25h postpaid with stmp Hradcany 5h and 20h, mailing dorucena and amount zaplacena 4.3.19, dispatch-note pozdrzena to 8.3.19, then sent to Prague and dorazila 11.3.19 already in time of normal postal transport, on reverse
supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2.IV.19 as confirmation delivery chosen amount; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2317 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) order - delivered in/at day his ucinnosti 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 660K, CDS LOSZONCZ 919 Feb.21., arrival postmark MAHR. SCHONBERG
25.II.19 - to is in/at day ucinnosti law, this amount already mohl recipient odmitnout to take over, but neucinil so, postal-charge 90h with Hradcany 2x 10h, 2x 25h and Charles 20f; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2318 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) order - delivered in/at day receiving order 25.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 6,74K, CDS MALNAPATAK 919 Feb.21. (Malinec), arrival postmark
LOSZONCZ 919 Feb.25. - to is in/at day receiving law about/by order, postal-charge 20h + 5h predplacene delivery fee, with Hradcany 10h and Reaper 15f; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2319 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) pozastavenim plateb - delivered in/at day pozastaveni 1.3./ larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 134,40K, CDS SZAKOLCZA 919 Feb.27. (Skalice), arrival
nationalized CDS BRNO 1/ 1.III.19, postal-charge 35h postpaid with stmp Hradcany 20h and 10h, 2x Hungarian express stamp. Surgos 2f used as postage stmp (!), missing 1h; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Skaloud, rare usage
two pieces express Hungarian stamps 2f used as postage stmp! (Image)
Currently...US$ 128.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2320 |
Philately. KOLKOVANI BANKOVEK / posted in/at day ucinnosti order - delivered last day 28.2. before/(in front of) pozastavenim platebnich operaci / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 110,65K, CDS NEMETPRONA 919
Feb.26. (German Pravno), arrival postmark PRIVIGYE 919 Feb.28. (Prievidza), postal-charge 35h postpaid with stmp Charles 20f and Reaper 3x 5f, delivering fee paid stamp. Hradcany 5h; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex
Skaloud (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
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