Picture Postcards continued...
Picture Postcards continued...
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2181 |
Picture Postcards. HUMPOLEC - embossed picture collage with coats of arms, Us; bumped corner (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2182 |
Picture Postcards. HRANICE N./M. (Mahrisch Weißkirchen) - color lithography, general view, church, town-hall, chapel, print With. Schutz, long address, Us; only wrinkled corners (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 18.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2183 |
Picture Postcards. LIPNIK N. B. (Leipnik) - colored collage, future, Zeppelin over the town, Us; without defects (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2184 |
Picture Postcards. PREROV - color lithography, brewery, hotel, power station and krojovana pair, issued Spolecenska printing-works in Prerov, long address, Us; fold in corner, slightly toned (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 22.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2185 |
Picture Postcards. PREROV - colored collage, inscription, krojovana pair and square, long address, Un; without defects, superb (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2186 |
Picture Postcards. PREROV - in/at future, Comenius Street, colored collage, issued J. Letfusova, Us; only slightly toned, without folds
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2187 |
Picture Postcards. PREROV (Der Zukunftshafen in Prerau) - B/W. collage future port in Prerov, long address, Us; without defects
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2188 |
Picture Postcards. TURNOV - collage, engine with view town, coloured collotype, Un; oder in margin (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2189 |
Picture Postcards. POLICKA - rainy greeting, colored svetlotiskova collage with view square and people with destniky, Un; without defects
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2190 |
Picture Postcards. TABOR - colored collage, dispatch note Tisic pozdravu with postakem and view of town, Us; unstuck stamp. and fold in corner
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2191 |
Picture Postcards. TRUTNOV (Trautenau) - B/W photo collage pivar with picture square, Us; good condition (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2192 |
Picture Postcards. VRCHLABI (Hohenelbe) - collage, people in the street, coloured collotype, issued R. Weigend, long address, Us; partially stripped/pull-down stamp., else preserved (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2193 |
Picture Postcards. TREBIC - colored collage bota with pohledem of town, coated, Us; without defects (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2194 |
Picture Postcards. BUCHLOVICE - multi-view color lithography, general view, castle, castle Buchlov, knight in/at brneni, K. Schwidernoch, long address, Un; without defects, superb (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2195 |
Picture Postcards. STARY HROZENKOV - multi-view color lithography, school, church, krojovana pair, Th. Bohm, long address, Un; without defects, superb (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 39.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2196 |
Picture Postcards. UHERSKE HRADISTe - multi-view color lithography, general view, square, church, court, K. Schwidernoch, long address, Un; without defects, superb (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2197 |
Picture Postcards. CHOCEn - collage on/for metal folii, general view, town-hall, railway-station, print F. Fischer, long address, Us; good condition
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2198 |
Picture Postcards. VYSOKE MYTO - in/at future, collage, balon, tram, car, cernoch in the square, coloured collotype, issued J. Novak, long address, Us; print stamping ink on picture, otherwise very good condition (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2199 |
Picture Postcards. VALASSKE MEZIRICI (Wal. Meseritsch) - multi-view color lithography, city coat of arms, school, church, square, brewery, issued L.V. Enders, long address, Us; good condition (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2200 |
Picture Postcards. VALASSKE MEZIRICI (Wal. Meseritsch) - four-leaf clover, collage, square, school, New district, Us; only slightly toned
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
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