Autographs continued...
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Opening |
2081 |
Autographs. TOMEK Wenceslas Vladivoj knight (1818-1905), Czech historian, archivar, politician, rektor Univerzity Charle's + RANDA Anthony knight (1834-1914), rektor Univerzity Charle's, Professor obcanskeho law, member of
parliament; handwritten signatures on/for univerzitnim confirmation; good condition and rare (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 86.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2082 |
Autographs. BEZRUC Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimir Vasek, important Czech poet, comp. of 5 handwritten written letters and Ppc with signatures, incl. 1 original envelope/-s; sound condition, sought (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2083 |
Autographs. HERMANN Ignat (1854-1935), important Czech writer, humorist and editor, handwritten 2-page text with signature, incl. envelope/-s; good condition (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 26.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2084 |
Autographs. HRABAL Bohumil (1914-1997), important Czech prose-writer, writer, autograph with dataci on/for titulnim sheet author book/-s Ostre sledovane trains; nice good condition (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2085 |
Autographs. JESENSKY Janko (1874-1945), important Slovak politician, poet, spisovatel-prozaik; handwritten written poem Bola by nedela with signature; rare (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2086 |
Autographs. KOLLAR Jan (1793 - 1852), poet, jazykovedec, historian and evangelic priest Slovak origin pisici Czech language, one of important personalities Czech and Slovak national obrozeni, i.a. author product Slavy daughter;
handwritten folded letter with signature, sent to important Czech jazykovedce Alois Vojtech Semberu (1807-1882), interesting text; good condition and exceedingly rare and sought manuscript one from best known personalities national obrozeni! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 298.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2087 |
Autographs. KUKUCIN Martin (one's own name Matej Bencur, 1860-1928), Slovak spisovatel-prozaik, dramatist and publicist, nejvyznamnejsi representative Slovak literarniho realismu, founder modern Slovak prozy; handwritten 10-radkovy
prozaicky text with signature and dataci; rare (Image)
Currently...US$ 86.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2088 |
Autographs. MRSTIK William (1863-1912), important Czech writer, dramatist (Marysa), translator; handwritten 6-radkovy letter with signature; Mrstikovy rukopisy are sought (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2089 |
Autographs. SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901-1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984); autograph on portrait B/W photograph; decorative (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2090 |
Autographs. SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901-1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984); autograph with dedication and dataci in/at author collection poems Maminka; very nice good
condition (Image) (Image2)
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Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2091 |
Autographs. SIMENON Georges (1903-1989), belgicky writer detektivnich novels, creator of commissioner Maigreta, photo postcard format with dedication and signature; good condition (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 39.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2092 |
Autographs. SLADEK Joseph Wenceslas (1845-1908), important Czech poet, handwritten 2-page letter with signature; good condition (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2093 |
Autographs. SVeTLA Karolina (one's own name Johana Rottova) (1830-1899), Czech authoress, predstavitelka generace majovcu povazovana after/behind zakladatelku Czech vesnickeho romanu, handwritten pages letter with signature
Muzakova; supplemented with about/by cabinet card, rare and sought! (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 128.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2094 |
Autographs. VANCURA Vladislav (1891-1942), important Czech writer and dramatist, handwritten text with signature; interesting and sought
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 52.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2095 |
Autographs. VRCHLICKY Jaroslav (one's own name Emil Bohuslav Frida, 1853-1912), slavny Czech writer, poet, translator, politician; handwritten 2-page letter with signature and dataci (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 43.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2096 |
Autographs. ZAVADA William (1905-1982), important Czech poet, writer and translator; handwritten 2-page letter with signature and dataci; interesting (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2097 |
Autographs. ALES Mikolas (1852-1913), important Czech painter and illustrator, handwritten written congratulation on reverse his/her/its visiting cards with signature and dataci; sound condition, sought (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2098 |
Autographs. FIBICH Zdenek (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech musical skladatelu, after/around Smetanovi and Dvorakovi nejvyznamnejsi Czech composer other middle 19. century, representative romantismu; autograph Zd. Fibich on/for
invoice for release honorare after/behind arrangement operety Fatinica; very fine, Fibichovy signatures are rare and on/for market occur only rarely!
(Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 128.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2099 |
Autographs. KALVODA Alois (1875-1934), important Czech impresionisticky painter, disciple Julia Maraka, handwritten 10-radkovy text with whole signature; folded, interesting (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |
2100 |
Autographs. KALVODA Alois (1875-1934), important Czech impresionisticky painter, disciple Julia Maraka, handwritten text with whole signature and dataci, uvedeny handwritten signed perokresbou country with brizami; nice good
condition, decorative (Image) (Image2)
Currently...US$ 64.00
Closing..Mar-07, 03:00 PM |