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U.S. continued...
LotNo. Symbol Lot Description Cat. Value
21 image U.S. BETTER ITEM GROUP, includes several hundred mint and used singles, mostly better items, contained on 102 cards and cataloged and priced, there is duplication, runs into the 1930's and includes many Airmails and other B.O.B. items including some Revenues, the overall condition here is really quite nice with virtually every item in this lot being SOUND, but we expect there might be some scattered faults in the early issues, very strong in the Classics and Banknotes, values to about $300 with a few over $1,000 each, this is NOT a junk lot and there are many items here which would retail for full catalog or even more in some cases, there is a huge retail potential here and careful consideration will yield a huge amount of profits if broken down properly, DO NOT let this one pass you by, viewing this lot will affirm our description here (Image)

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22 image U.S. HIGH QUALITY MINT SELECTION, 1851-1915, includes 65 various mint singles and pairs, contained on 102 cards with each cataloged and priced base on Scott value and Scott graded value if graded and certified, there are a few used items included, values to about $250 with some higher, the overall quality is simply outstanding with many Very Fine-Extremely Fine stamps, many have certified grades of 90-95 and many others would also grade accordingly, mixed NH, hinged and some unused, maybe a few scattered faults but certainly overall quite a choice group, some of the better items include: 24**, 35**, 64b(2), 89*(NG), 136*, 150*(NG), 160*(NG), 187*(NG), 209*, 210**, 212*, 218*(NG), 220a**, 221**, 227*, 235**, 259*, 309*, 326*, 335**, 390*(LP), 395**, 428**, 448**(LP), 465**, 472*, 475*, there are 37 certificates included with this lot, some items have more than one certificate, most are graded certs., a really amazing group of high quality stamps, the retail potential here should be well over the catalog value listed given the number of 90, 95 and even 98 items which don't have graded certs yet, we have scanned most of the stamps in this group, don't let this one slip by (Image)

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23 image U.S. CLASSICS COLLECTION, includes several dozen mint and used but mostly used, mounted on album pages, the collection runs to 1869, virtually all different, the overall condition is mixed as is the norm for this area but there are many Very Fine stamps here and also a good number of better cancels make this a very attractive collection, some of the better stamps include: 8A, 13, 16-18, 20, 22-23, 25A, 27, 29, 30A, 31, 34, 36, 36B, 37-38, 39(counted as unused without gum), 67, 70, 70a, 71(2), 75, 78-79, 83, 85(2), 86, 89, 91-92, 96, 98, 118, 120, 121; in addition there are 16 Certificates which accompany this collection, we have scanned every page of this collection, certainly a very worthwhile group with many high value items and a good amount of potential retail value if broken down properly, don't let this one slip by (Image)

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24 image U.S. MINT WASHINGTON - FRANKLIN COLLECTION, includes several dozen different mint singles and one block, mounted on album pages, the overall condition is very nice with many VF stamps, expect some scattered faults, some of the better stamps include: 337**, 340**, 341*, 350**, 353-54*, 369*, 382*, 393**, 399**, 400-01*, 403*, 416-17**, 433**, 437-38*, 439**, 453*, 454**, 456(*), 460*, 464**, 468-71**, 474-77*, 480*, 500*, 505(*) Blk/12, 517**, 519*, 541**, 545*; in addition there are four certificates included, any of the doubtful coils were not counted or figured in the total catalog value listed here, a very attractive group with many premium stamps, well worth careful consideration (Image)

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25 image U.S. MINT AND USED COLLECTION, includes several hundred mixed mint and used, mounted in a Scott Specialty album, the collection runs from 1847 to 1934 and includes a some B.O.B. with nearly complete Airmails including a Zepp set, also Special Delivery, Postage Due and some Officials, much of the value here is in the pre-1920 issues, the overall condition is very mixed and faults are to be expected especially in the higher catalog value items, there are also some very nice stamps here too, values up to about $500 with a few higher, still room for expansion with this one and also plenty of breakout items, we have included a number of scans for this collection, well worth a good look and viewing is suggested (Image)

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26 image U.S. MINT COLLECTION, 1892-1907, includes several dozen different mixed mint singles, mounted on album pages, the overall condition is very nice with many VF stamps, expect some scattered faults, some of the better stamps include: 235**, 238-40*, 241*(RG), 244(*), 247**, 249*, 251-54*, 256-61A*, 262*(RG), 263, 269-70**, 271*, 274*, 276A, 277, 281-82**, 282c*, 283-84*, 287*, 288**, 289*, 290**, 298**, 299*, 306**, 309-11*, 325**, 327*, 330**; in addition there are six certificates included, a very attractive group (Image)

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27 image HIGH QUALITY MINT SELECTION, 1890-1920, includes 112 mostly different mint singles, sorted onto black stock pages, includes several plate number singles and some margin singles, the overall quality here is very high with many Very Fine or better stamps, expect some scattered faults, there are 12 certificates with this lot, some of the higher catalog value items include: 219D*, 225**, 229*(RG), 233**, 236**, 238*, 248*, 249*, 252*, 256*, 257*, 260*, 266**, 269**, 274*(PR NG), 275*, 284*, 286*, 297*, 299*, 302**, 326**, 327**, 327*, 330**; there are some graded items here and many would probably grade in the 90-95 range if certed, a good amount of potential retail here (Image)

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28 image HIGH QUALITY MINT SELECTION, 636-723, includes over 230 various mint singles, pairs and line pairs, sorted onto black stock pages, includes several plate number singles, the overall quality here is extremely high with many Very Fine or better stamps, maybe some scattered faults, there are 47 certificates with this lot and most are graded certs of 95-98, some of the higher catalog value items include: 577**, 578**(2), 579**, 603**, 604**(98), 604**(PR 95), 605**(PR 95), 612**(98), 615**(95), 618**(95J), 619**(95), 630*, 630v*,634A*, 636**(95), 642**(95), 643**(98), 646**(98), 650**(98), 653**(98), 656*(LP 95), 660**(95), 666**, 671**(95), 679**, 700**(95); there are many graded items here and many others would probably grade in the 90-98 range if certed, an amazing group of high quality stamps and the potential retail value should be close to the total catalog value of this lot-if not more if a number of ungraded stamps get graded certs, one of the better lots from this area that we have ever offered (Image)

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29 image UNITED STATES COLLECTIONS GROUP, includes 22 various albums of U.S. and B.O.B., there are thousands of mint and used singles and sets here packed into two large cartons, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, values up to about $100 with a few higher, there is a fair amount of B.O.B. material here, also there should be a good amount of total face value scattered throughout this lot, there is certainly material to be pulled from these albums or sold as album lots, the catalog value listed in our estimate and it is likely fairly low (Image)

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30 image U.S. MINT STOCK BOOKS, includes thousands of mint singles, pairs, blocks, strips and some plate blocks, packed into two large Elbe stock books, runs from 1893 to about 1968, mostly items with catalog values under $50, quantities generally range in the 5-10 for many issues but higher for many others, this stock is oranized by Scott number and most have catalog values with the stamps but with varying year values, the overall condition is pretty clean with some faults to be expected but includes many Very Fine stamps and a good number of NH, this stock is ready to go with many hundreds of hours of labor already done for the user, there are a number of varieties included with the more modern issues (Image)

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31 image EXTENSIVE U.S. MINT AND USED COLLECTION, includes several hundred mixed mint and used but mostly mint, mounted in a Scott National album, the collection runs to about 1985 and there is very little material before 1890, very strong in the Washington-Franklin area, there are plenty of better stamps here with many items in the $50-250 range and some even higher, the overall condition is very clean but some faults are to be expected, we have photographed many of the better pages from this album, well worth a real good look, the catalog value listed is from Brookman(2019), don't let this one slip by (Image)

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32 image U.S. HIGH QUALITY MINT SELECTION, 1915-1935, includes 59 various mint singles and pairs, contained on 102 cards with each cataloged and priced base on Scott value and Scott graded value if graded and certified, the overall quality is simply outstanding with many Very Fine-Extremely Fine stamps, many have certified grades of 90-98 and many others would also grade accordingly, mixed NH, hinged, maybe a few scattered faults but certainly overall quite a choice group, there are 29 certificates included with this lot, some items have more than one certificate, most are graded certs., values to about $250 with some higher, a really amazing group of high quality stamps, the retail potential here should be well over the catalog value listed given the number of 90, 95 and even 98 items which don't have graded certs yet, we have scanned most of the stamps in this group, don't let this one slip by (Image)

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33 image U.S. MINT AND USED MIXTURE, includes several hundred mixed mint and used singles, pairs, blocks and plate blocks, contained on 104 cards, there is duplication here with some quantities generally in the 1-3 range with a few higher, much of the value here is in the early issues but there are items running into the 1920's and there are some B.O.B. items included along with a good showing of Revenues, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected but there are many Very Fine stamps too, values to about $300 with a few higher, a good amount of total potential retail value here (Image)

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34 image U.S. USED STOCK, includes tens of thousands of mostly used stamps, contained in 11 large Elbe stockbooks in two large cartons, this stock runs into the 1990's, quantities range from 1-25 with some higher, most of the catalog value here is in the first two stockbooks, there are values up to about $200 with some higher, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, there is a couple of hundred dollars in face in mint singles mostly in the 3-4c denominations, the key to this stock is the many, many hours of organization with the entire stock being in Scott order, there are plenty of varieties scattered, a huge number of stamps and the catalog value listed is our estimate and it is surely low, a rare opportunity to obtain a very in depth used stock, take a good look at this one (Image)

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35 image U.S. MINT AND USED ACCUMULATION, includes several dozen mint and used singles, contained on 102 cards and each is cataloged by number and price, the overall condition is mixed and there are some faults to be expected but there are also MANY Very Fine or better stamps here, values up to about $250 with a few higher, strong in Classics and Banknotes but there is also some B.O.B. and Ducks included, plenty of useful items here and well worth careful consideration and there should be a good amount of total retail value to be mined from this one (Image)

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36 image HIGH QUALITY MINT AND USED CLASSIC SELECTION, includes 35 different mint and used singles, sorted onto a black stock page, the overall quality here is very high with many Very Fine or better stamps, expect some scattered faults and some of the mint stamps are unused and cataloged as such, there are 16 certificates with this lot, some of the higher catalog value items include: 10*, 12, 14,, 24**, 30, 35, 36, 37, 63*, 70, 76*(RG), 77, 86*(NG), 87, 91, 94*, 112*(RG), 113*, 212*(RG); plenty of useful items here (Image)

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37 image U.S. CLASSICS AND BANKNOTE ACCUMULATION, includes several dozen mixed mint and used, contained on 102 cards with each being cataloged and priced, there is duplication with generally 1-3 each with some higher, usual overall mixed condition with faults to be expected, we noticed some scattered better cancels, values up to about $400 with a few higher, most everything catalogs at $20 or more, take a look as this one has plenty of value (Image)

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38 image HIGH QUALITY MINT AND USED BANKNOTE SELECTION, includes 46 mostly different mint and used singles, sorted onto a black stock page, includes nine proofs, the overall quality here is very high with many Very Fine or better stamps, expect some scattered faults and some of the mint stamps are unused and cataloged as such, there are nine certificates with this lot, some of the higher catalog value items include: 145*(NG), 147**, 148*(NG), 152, 153(2), 156*, 161*, 162*(RG), 165, 182*, 205*, 207**, 211*, 212**, 214**, 216*; a good amount of potential retail here (Image)

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39 image U.S. PRIORITY AND EXPRESS MAIL ISSUES, includes singles, plate blocks, imperf singles and imperf sheetlets, mounted on album pages, all are NH, nearly complete for the period, there are some scarce items here (Image)

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40 image U.S. MINT PLATE BLOCK ACCUMULATION, 1909-1940, includes several hundred plate blocks, sorted into glassines in a shoebox by Scott number, there are a few dozen items in the pre-700 period with quantities generally in the 1-3 range with some catalog values up to about $200, strong in the Parks, Prexy and Famous American issues with the Prexies up to the $5 and many 10c Famous Americans, quantities generally in the 3-6 range but some over 10 of each, there is also a B.O.B. section which includes Airmails, Officials and some others, the overall condition of this lot is really pretty clean with mostly Very Fine NH, fairly well organized and certainly easy to work with, there is an inventory available for this lot (Image)

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