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GERMANY continued...
LotNo. Symbol Lot Description Cat. Value
321 image GERMANY MINT AND USED COLLECTION, includes several hundred various mint and uses singles, mounted in a Scott speciality album, very little early material, the collection runs to about 1974, some scattered mixed condition, take a look (Image)

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322 image GERMANY MINT AND USED ACCUMULATION, includes several thousand various mint and used singles and sets, on album pages, stock cards and stock pages in a medium box, good variety but there is duplication, slightly mixed condition, runs up to the 1990's, plenty to look through, (ENV 150-200) (Image)

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323 image GERMANY COVER ACCUMULATION, includes 500 various covers, virtually all are pre-1950, usual mixed condition, some combination usages, various destinations, a fun lot to pick through, (ENV 300-400) (Image)

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LotNo. Symbol Lot Description Cat. Value
324 image CLASSIC DDR FIRST DAY COVER SELECTION, includes 24 different First Day covers, all are DDR, includes singles, sets, S/S's and some mixed frankings, the overall condition is very clean but some faults are to be expected, values range from about 150M to 2,400M each in Michel catalog value, a very nice group with a total catalog value over 18,000Marks, (ENV 3,000-3,500) (Image)

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325 image DDR ACCUMULATION, includes several hundred mixed mint and used but mostly mint singles, sets and souvenir sheets, contained on 102 cards and retail pages including some large pages, quantities generally in the 1-2 range with some higher, the overall quality is very clean with most being Very Fine NH, maybe a few scattered faults, values up to about $60 with some higher, there is some Michel material (1-15, 16-30), there is a 21 page inventory with this lot (Image)

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326 image NEARLY COMPLETE DDR COLLECTION, several hundred mixed mint and used but mostly mint singles, sets and souvenir sheets, contained on 102 cards, retail pages and large retail pages, all different, overall Very Fine and mostly NH, maybe a scattered fault here and there, runs to about 1990, values up to about $120 with a few higher, a ready retail inventory or perfect to start a mounted collection, there is a 25 page inventory for this lot (Image)

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327 image DDR MINT ACCUMULATION, includes several thousand mint singles, sets and S/S's, contained on Lighthouse stock pages, mostly modern, quantities generally in the 1-3 range with a few higher, most appear to be NH, there should be a huge amount of catalog value here, (ENV 300-400) (Image)

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328 image DDR STAMP AND COVER ACCUMULATION, includes several hundred mint singles and sets, sorted onto stock pages and on album pages, mostly modern issues, also there are about 400 FDC's, mostly different, cacheted and unaddressed, all are pretty clean, (ENV 150-200) (Image)

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LotNo. Symbol Lot Description Cat. Value
329 image POWERFUL EARLY GREAT BRITAIN COLLECTION, includes 171 different mint and used singles, most of this materail is pre-1920 and includes some B.O.B., neatly arranged on black stock pages in Scott order, most of these stamps have a catalog value of $100 or more, some of the issues include a mint and used example and some others have different plate numbers included, the overall condition is mixed with some faults but most of these stamps are sound and Fine-Very Fine, also there are many with better cancels, values generally in the $200-3,000 range with a few higher, some of the better stamps include: 1, 5, 19, 22, 24-28, 29(pl. #7,8,12), 32*(pl. 1,3), 37, 37a, 40*, 40, 40d, 42, 42a, 46, 48, 49(pl. 4), 52*, 52-53, 53a, 54*(pl. 5), 55, 55a, 57(pl. 1,2), 57a(pl. 1,2), 59*, 60, 65, 66(pl. 1,3), 67(pl. 14,17), 69, 70*(pl. 16), 70(pl. 15,16), 71, 73, 80-81*, 84*-85*, 87*, 90a, 90a(dark shade), 94-96, 99-102*, 104-05*, 107*, 102-110, 122*(2 shades), 124, 139a*, 141, 173-76, 180*, J9-17*, 40*(blk/4), 39-44*, O7*(unused, stain), 12, 21, 28-30, 33, 36, 38, 43, 45*, 52, this is a remarkable holding with many better singles and sets, certainly a very good opportunity and basis for a important collection, or a wonderful opportunity to break down for retail or auction, one of the better classic Great Britain lots we have offered in quite some time, all the stamps in this lot have been scanned (Image)

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330 image HIGH VALUE GREAT BRITAIN RETAIL GROUP, includes several dozen mint and used but mostly used singles, contained on retail pages, good variety but there is some duplication and some groups of cancels here and there, the overall condition is mixed and there are some faults but also plenty of F-VF stamps present, some of the better stamps include: 1-2, 3*, 3b*, 5-7, 8*, 18*, 19, 22, 24-25, 26(8 diff. cancels), 27*, 27(8 diff. cancels), 28(8 diff. cancels), 28a*, 37, 42, 42a, 45, 46(pl. 4), 48-49, 52, 53, 53a, 57(pl. 1,2), 60, 69, 70*(pl. 16), 73, 90, 94-95, 104-105*, 106-107, 109, 139a*, 174-175, O28, 29(cert.), values generally in the $100-350 range with one up to $5,000, a very worthwhile group with a significant amount of total value and plenty of "meat", we have scanned a number of the better items (Image)

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331 image EXTENSIVE G.B. #33 USED PLATE STUDY, this study includes about 4,000 mostly different singles, virtually all are hinged on "plate study" album pages by plate number and position, virtually all are used, usual mixed condition and a nice array of cancels with some better cancels here and there, includes about 25 different plates of which plate number 122 and 150 are complete(240 positions), the values on each position range from $3.00 to 21.00 per stamp, the plates and number are as follows: 122(240), 134(232), 140(172), 147(217), 148(211), 149(197), 150(240) another 150(173), 155(139), 156(166), 157(141), 158(138), 190(123), 191(118), 193(106), 196(139), 197(103), 198(111), 199(134), 200(156), 201(155), 202(113), 203(90), 204(200), 205(182); certainly one of the best #33 position groups we have ever handled, much of the work is done but there are still many challenging plates to complete, it probably took the collection years to accomplish what has been put together here, that time should be factored in figuring the value of this plate study, if this area interests you don't let this opportunity slip by since they rarely appear on the market with this many different stamps (Image)

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332 image GREAT BRITAIN COLLECTION, includes several thousand mixed mint and used and many issues have both, mounted in a Stan Gibb spring back album, there are some multiples and booklets included here, the collection runs to about 1970, most of the value is in the pre-1920 material and there are many different plate numbers, shades and varieties included, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, there are many items with values in the $100-500 range and some even higher, lots of stamps and certainly a fair amount of "meat" too, also plenty of specialized stamps to work with (Image)

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333 image GREAT BRITAIN #33 PLATE STUDY COLLECTION, includes about 2350 which appears to be all different, positions for 20 different plate numbers, mounted on album pages and stock pages by plate number, the numbers include: 71, 73, 78-81, 83-85, 139, 151, 167-68, 170, 206-09, 212-13; most all appear to be used, usual mixed condition with faults to be expected, there are some better cancels scattered, a very nice and quite large group, a great lot for the specialist in this area (Image)

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334 image CLASSIC GREAT BRITAIN CANCELLATION GROUP, includes over 120 various stamps all with SON HC's, there are numerals and CDS's included, a couple of dozen different issues, neatly arranged on black stock pages, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, also includes some different plate numbers and a variety of shades too, some of the cancels are really quite nice and certainly have retail or auction premium value, the lot includes: 34(6), 39(5), 42(5), 43(15), 48(8), 49(8), 68(13), 81(8), 82(6), 96(10), 104(6), 105(5), 107(7), 108(10), 122(10), (Image)

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335 image GREAT BRITAIN ACCUMULATION, includes several thousand mixed mint and used singles, sets and S/S's, also some scattered covers, there are 18 various albums of which six are Scott Speciality collections, contained in two large cartons, there is duplication amongst the various collections, also some stock books and album pages, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected here, we noticed items with values up to about $100, many various countries here, also a good amount of face value here, certainly a huge amount of total catalog value, (ENV 1,500-2,000) (Image)

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336 image GREAT BRITAIN MINT AND USED ACCUMULATION, includes thousands of mint and used singles and multiples, neatly arranged on Lighthouse stock book pages, most of the value here is in the pre-1940 material and a fair amount of catalog value pre-1900, there is also a good amount of face value with the mint running into the 1990's, there is also a good showing of B.O.B. material, there is duplication and some heavy in the later regular issues, the overall condition is really quite nice with only some faults in the early issues, we noticed dozens of items with values in the $50-100 range and higher and hundreds of $5-25 stamps here, so the total overall catalog value should be quite substancial, a really good lot to pick through, (ENV 1,000-1,250) (Image)

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337 image GREAT BRITAIN COLLECTION, several hundred mixed mint and used, hinged and mounted in a Scott Specialty album, the collection runs to about 1992 and has some B.O.B. items, the overall condition is very clean but there are some scattered faults, values up to about $50 with a few higher, the catalog value listed is our estimate, a really nice starter collection with plenty of room for expansion (Image)

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338 image GREAT BRITAIN COLLECTION TO 2002, includes several hundred mixed mint and used, mounted in two Scott Speciality albums with dust cases, the collection runs to 2002 and includes some Regionals, there is about $1,335 (nice #1 used) in catalog value to 1960 and then about £380 in face value from 1960-2002 all of which appears to be NH, the face is NOT included in the total catalog value listed, the albums alone are worth a couple hundred, a great starter collection with most of the later issues complete, (ENV 500-600) (Image)

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339 image GREAT BRITAIN CLASSIC ACCUMULATION, includes several dozen used singles, sorted onto black stock pages, there is some duplication, very mixed condition with faults to be expected, take a look (Image)

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340 image 1864 PENNY RED COLLECTION AND ACCUMULATION, includes several mint and used multiples on album pages and then a very nice run of plate numbers sorted onto stock pages by number in order, only a few numbers missing and quantities generally range in the 1-5 each with some up to 15 or more, the overall condition is very mixed as is the norm for this area, also we noticed hundreds of better cancels, the total catalog value here will run into the many thousands of dollars, a great lot to work with for the specialist in this area, well worth a good look, (ENV 500-600) (Image)

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