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255 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1718, very early EL from Lissabon addressed to the "Vila de Nossa Senhora do Carmo" (= Mariana, which was at that time the capital of
Minas Gerais), in the name of the king ("Dom Joao" V); vertical filing fold otherwise very fine. Early incoming mail to Brazil! Photo certificate
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €350
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
256 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1748, Minas Gerais province, a document for a journey of the "Governador da Capitania" from Villa Rica (which later became Ouro Preto)
to Rio de Janeiro, very early! P. Meyer photo cert.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €90
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
257 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1821, Jan 20, EL from Rio to Villa Rica with straightline R DE JANR (inverted "N"), vertical filing fold otherwise very fine, P.Meyer
photo cert.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €280
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
258 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1834, Espirito Santo province, framed SERRA (frame with dots) clear strike on EL to Villa de Minas Novas. Meyer catalogue P-ES 3, 3.000
Condition: Cover (Image)
Start Bid €300
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
259 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1835, Provinz Minas Gerais, Brief mit einem schönen Abschlag des negativen Einzeilerstempels "CURV.O" von Curvello in schwarz, im
Meyer-Katalog unter Nr. P-MG-20 nur in violett aufgeführt (3500 USD), ein echter "Hingucker"! ÷ 1835, Província de Minas Gerais, capa com um belo cancelamento do cancelamento negativo de uma linha "CURV.O" de Curvello em preto, listado no catálogo
Meyer sob o nº P-MG-20 apenas em violeta (3500 USD), um verdadeiro "chamariz"!
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €800
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
260 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1835, Provinz Minas Gerais, Ovalstempel "V.DE FORMIGAS", klarer Abschlag auf hervorragend erhaltenem Faltbrief, nicht im Meyer-Katalog
von 1999 aufgeführt, mit Fotoattest José Luis Fevereiro. ÷ 1835, província de Minas Gerais, cancelamento oval "V.DE FORMIGAS", cancelamento claro em capa dobrada em excelente estado de conservação, não listada no catálogo Meyer de 1999, com
certificado José Luis Fevereiro.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €650
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
261 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1835, Minas Gerais province, straightline LAVRAS, extremely fine strike of this scarce cancellation on EL to Ouro Preto, Meyer P-MG-29
Condition: Cover (Image)
Start Bid €650
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
262 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1835, Minas Gerais province, EL from R. DAS VELHAS showing a superb strike of this very scarce cancellation, unlisted in the Meyer 1999
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €650
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
263 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1836, Provinz Minas Gerais, sehr gut erhaltener Faltbrief nach Ouro Preto mit Einzeilerstempel V.JANUARIA in schwarz, einer der
seltensten Stempel dieser Provinz, Meyer P-MG-29, 3000 USD. ÷ 1836, Província de Minas Gerais, capa dobrada muito bem preservada para Ouro Preto com cancelamento de uma linha V.JANUARIA em preto, um dos cancelamentos mais raros dessa província, Meyer
P-MG-29, US$ 3.000.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €650
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
264 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1836, Minas Gerais province, EL to Ouro Preto showing clear straightline LAVRAS, faint vertical filing fold, scarce. (Meyer P-MG-29
Condition: Cover (Image)
Start Bid €500
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
265 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1836, Minas Gerais province, straightline VA DE PITANGUI, an excellent strike of this scarce cancellation on EL to Ouro Preto, Meyer
P-MG-39, 1200 USD.
Condition: Cover (Image)
Start Bid €280
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
266 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1836, Minas Gerais province, straightline Va.DE PITANGUI, a clear strike on very fine EL (Meyer P-MG-39, 1200 USD, José Luis Fevereiro
photo cert.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €240
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
267 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1836, Minas Gerais province, straightline CAMPANHA (3mm, Meyer P-MG-10) and P. ALEGRE straightline alongside (Meyer P-MG 41) on fine EL
to Ouro Preto, José Luis Fevereiro photo cert.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €220
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
268 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1836, Minas Gerais province, straightline V.D.QUELUZ very fine strike on EL.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €120
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
269 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1836, Minas Gerais province, S.JOAO DEL REI straightline on EL addressed to the secretary of the province, José Luis Fevereiro photo
Condition: Cover (Image)
Start Bid €90
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
270 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1836, Minas Gerais province, straightline P. ALEGRE, excellent strike on EL (Meyer P-MG-41), José Luis Fevereiro photo cert.
Condition: Cover (Image)
Start Bid €80
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
271 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1837, Minas Gerais province, violet straightline MARIANNA clear strike on an extremely fine EL.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €240
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
272 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1837, Minas Gerais province, straightline BARBACENA (without frame), excellent strike on EL to Ouro Preto. Meyer P-MG-7 (with and
without frame).
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €240
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
273 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1837, Minas Gerais province, straightline CAMPANHA (4.2mm) (Meyer P-MG-9) and P.ALEGRE alongside on a very fine EL.
Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €170
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |
274 |
Brief (cover) |
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers
1837, Minas Gerais province, CAMPANHA, excellent strike on EL.
Condition: Cover (Image) (Image2)
Start Bid €110
Closing..Sep-13, 01:00 AM |