ST. HELENA continued...
ST. HELENA continued...
Lot |
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1776 |
c.1902 Stampless cover to the Dutch Consul-General in London, apparently hand delivered, with violet triangular "PASSED BY / CENSOR / DEADWOOD" initialled "P.R" by P. Roux, reverse bearing yellow "OPENED UNDER /
MARTIAL LAW" censor seal. Unusual and very rare; Mabbett only recorded one other example of this censor seal. Photo on Page 226. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1777 |
1902 (Apr 4) Cover to Klerksdorp Burgher Camp franked KEVII 1d, endorsed from R.J Scheepers, Tent 13, with violet triangular "PASSED / PRESS / CENSOR" initialled "PR" by P. Roux. A little roughly opened at upper
edge, otherwise fine and scarce, this censor cachet only recorded March - July 1902. Photo on Page 226. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1778 |
1901 (Apr 22) Registered cover to Belgium franked 1884-94 1/- and 1890-97 5d, cork cancels (Proud K101), oval "REGISTERED / ST. HELENA" and "R" in circle, violet censor cachet initialled "F.W.A" by F.W Alexander,
a Belgium registration label tied by "19" postman's handstamp. An attractive registered cover, from J. Barsle in Deadwood Camp. Photo on Page 226.
Est. £280-320
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1779 |
1900 (July 9) Cover to Christiana, Transvaal, franked 1884-94 1d and 1890-97 ½d (3, one with faults), cork cancels (Proud K96), violet censor cachet initialled "JHMB" by J. Brown, violet "CHRISTIANA / 4 OCT.
00" provisional rubber type arrival datestamp (with horizontal town name and date) on the front. Vertical fold and part flap missing but unusual. Photo on Page 226. (Image1)
Est. £200-240
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1780 |
1901 (Apr 27) Cover to a P.O.W on the "Hawarden Castle" in Table Bay, Cape Town, franked 1d with cork cancel (Proud K104), violet censor cachet initialled "CDNS", Alfred Docks arrival c.d.s. Redirected to Ceylon
and India and finally returned to St. Helena, endorsed "Military", backstamped at Ahmednagar and Cape Town R.L.O, violet oval "CENSOR P.O.W / B.P. O'DOWD / AHMEDNAGAR, INDIA", Ceylon censor seal and very scarce red oval "DIYATALAWA KAMP / JOHN F.
FAURE PM" with manuscript "Unclaimed" in the centre, finally handstamped "RETURNED / LETTER" in St. Helena. An exceptional cover. Photo on Page 226.
Est. £500-700
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1781 |
1901 (Nov 7) Cover to Holland, inscribed "Absender P.A Cronje, Kent Cottage", the enclosed three page letter signed by Cronje, the cover franked 2½d pair, cork cancels (Proud K109), violet circular "PRISONERS
OF WAR / CENSOR / BROAD BOTTOM CAMP" initialled "G.A.D.B". Some edge creasing and tears but an uncommon cover and letter from General Cronje. Photo on Page 228. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1782 |
1901 (Feb 16) Registered mourning cover to Germany franked 2d + 2½d, cork cancels (Proud K98), oval "REGISTERED / ST. HELENA" and "R" in circle, violet censor cachet clearly initialled "N.I.P.M", this censor
not recorded by Mabbett, very rare. Photo on Page 228. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1783 |
1901 (Jan 30) Germany 10pf + 10pf reply card, the outward half used from Berlin to A. Schiel in St. Helena, violet censor cachet and "BROAD BOTTOM CAMP" applied upon arrival. The reply half posted
back to Berlin, the St. Helena c.d.s (Mar. 29) away from the stamp, censor cachet initialled "A.W.P" in pencil and "BROAD BOTTOM CAMP" both in brown, May 1st arrival c.d.s. An exceptional intact reply card correctly used in both
directions. Photo on Page 228. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1784 |
1901 (Apr 26) Registered cover to Germany bearing eight differing stamps (1884-94 ½d - 2½d, 1890-97 ½d - 2d), cork cancels (Proud K104), oval "REGISTERED / ST. HELENA" and "R" in circle, censor
cachet initialled "A.W.P" in pencil and "BROAD BOTTOM CAMP" both in brown, St. Helena, Devonport, London and Schmalkalden datestamps. An attractive registered cover. Photo on Page 228. (Image1)
Est. £280-320
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1785 |
1901 (Dec 18) Registered picture postcard (Boer Prisoners at Deadwood Camp) to Germany, written by J. Saenger at Willow Cottage, franked 1884-94 ½d + 1890-97 1d and 1½d, cork cancels (Proud K109), oval
"REGISTERED / ST. HELENA" and "R" in circle, with black censor cachet containing the handstruck initials "A.W.P" (inverted). A fine and unusual registered postcard. Photo on Page 228. (Image1)
Est. £280-350
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1786 |
1901 (Oct 7) Registered cover from Germany to A. Schiel at Jamestown franked 40pf, circular censor cachet in black, endorsed "Opened under martial law, refused by addressee, A.W.P, Censor" and "To be returned".
Handstamped "REFUSED" and "ZURUCK", reverse with Frankfurt Post Office seal. An exceptional endorsement by the censor "A.W.P" and a previously unrecorded "Refused" handstamp, presumably applied in St. Helena. Photo on Page 228. (Image1)
Est. £600-700
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1787 |
1901 (Dec 9) Registered cover to Germany from Col. Count von Braun, franked 2d with cork cancel (Proud K106), another stamp removed, oval "REGISTERED / ST. HELENA" and "R" in circle, censored with black oval
"GARRISON OFFICE / 10 DEC 1901 / ST. HELENA" signed by a Major in the Army Service Corps. Von Braun was the senior German officer amongst the P.O.Ws. Very few examples of the Garrison Office cachet used as a censor are recorded (and most of these are
in violet), an unusually fine strike. Photo on Page 228. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1788 |
1901 (Oct 24) Printed "Nederlandsche Vereeniging Comite Rotterdam" cover with a central Red Cross, from Rotterdam to Capt. de Witt Hamer in St. Helena, arrival c.d.s and violet triangular "PASSED BY / CENSOR / DEADWOOD". Light staining but a scarce
Red Cross envelope.
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1789 |
1901 (Feb 7) Germany 10pf postcard from Leipzig to Otto von Reiche, Prisoner of War, St. Helena, with violet censor cachet and "BROAD BOTTOM CAMP", violet oval "POST OFFICE / UNCLAIMED / ST. HELENA",
boxed "Non Reclame / Not Called for" and "ZURUCK". Minor creasing but a very scarce unclaimed cachet. Photo on Page 228. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1790 |
1900 (Dec 27) "The Eastern Telegraph Company Limited" stampless telegram envelope to "Laurence Bosman, Prisoner of War, St. Helena" with violet censor cachet, enclosed St. Helena Station telegraph form with a
brief message from Bosman's wife in Potchefstroom. The envelope hand delivered, some creasing but very unusual. Photo on Page 230. (Image1)
Est. £200-240
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1791 |
1901 (Dec 31) Cover from a Boer Internee at Thomar in Portugal franked 65r pair, to a P.O.W at Deadwood with violet triangular "PASSED BY / CENSOR / DEADWOOD". Thomar was one of three camps in Portugal for Boers
who had crossed into Mozambique. Mail from these camps is scarce, this cover the only item recorded from a prisoner in Portugal to St. Helena, illustrated in Mabbett's book on St. Helena P.O.W mail. Photo on Page 230. (Image1)
Est. £500-700
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1792 |
1902 (Apr 1) St. Helena 1d reply card posted back from Swakopmund (German South West Africa) to Capt. C. Weiss in Deadwood Camp. Endorsed "Registered" by the writer, a registration label therefore applied in
Swakopmund despite no registration fee being paid, Cape Town Registered transit backstamp and two strikes of violet triangular "PASSED / BY CENSOR / ST. HELENA / HEAD OFFICE" (recorded April - August 1902). An exceptional use of a St. Helena reply
card. Photo on Page 230. (Image1)
Est. £500-700
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1793 |
1902 (June 2) Card folder headed "Book Post" (Trevor's improved "Pictector" wrapper, produced by J. Fallowfield in London), holes at the two ends for tying with string (still allowing the contents to be
inspected), registered to Germany franked 1884-94 ½d (2) + KEVII 1d (3) tied by St. Helena datestamps, violet triangular "PASSED / BY / CENSOR / ST. HELENA / HEAD OFFICE" (recorded April - August 1902), London datestamp. Very unusual. Photo on
Page 230. (Image1)
Est. £300-350
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
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1794 |
1886 (Aug 30) Cover to Port of Spain "per S.S Trinidad" franked 1886 4d on 6d cancelled "A12", St. Kitts and Trinidad (Sep. 10) datestamps below, a very scarce stamp on cover, probably unique to Trinidad, very
fine. Photo on Page 230. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1795 |
1887 One Penny as ½d green, mint (2) and used, strip of three used on large part May 30 registered front to USA, and a cover (June 25) to Nova Scotia with a strip of three on the front and pair on reverse all
cancelled "A12" with July 8 Halifax arrival datestamp. A good page, the cover with a couple to tiny edge tears but otherwise fine, a scarce stamp on cover. (5). Photo on Page 230. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1796 |
1898 (Mar 25) Cover to Sandy Point franked One Penny on 2½d ultramarine, cancelled by St. Kitts A12 duplex, a very scarce stamp on cover. Also 1890 (Mar 13) 1½d postcard written from Sandy Point to
London, cancelled "A12". (2). Photo on Page 230. (Image1)
Est. £600-700
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
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1797 |
1876-1948 Selection, mainly mint or Specimen stamps, including 1891-98 5/- and 10/- mint singles and used blocks of four with forged cancels (1969 B.P.A Certificates), Specimen stamps (88) with 1886-87 set of four, 1891-98 set of three (2 sets),
1902-03 set of five, 1902 Columbus 2d (2), 1916 (Sept.) War Tax 1d, 1921-30 die II set, 1936 set (toned), 1937 Coronation and 1946 Victory sets, also St. Lucia Steam Conveyance Co. reprints (262), 1881 1/- on 1/- orange variety "SHILDING" fiscally
used, etc. (c.500).
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1798 |
1938-48 ½d - £1 Set of seventeen perfined "SPECIMEN", fine mint. S.G. 128/141s, £475. (17).
Est. £100-120
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
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1799 |
1947 KGVI 10/-, variety watermark inverted, used with a neat Kingstown c.d.s, one short perf at upper right, otherwise superb and very rare. With B.P.A Certificate (2019). S.G. 158aw, £4,250. Photo on Page
104. (Image1)
Est. £1,000-1,200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
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