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MALAYA continued...

MALAYA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1426 F.P.O 58 (Negri Sembilan/Johore/ Singapore). 1941-42 Covers (3), front, pieces and stamps (7), with cover to Australia franked Perak 25c, $2 Clipper rate covers to England franked Perak 25c block of eight or 50c strip of four and a front with Negri Sembilan $1 pair, also 1942 (Feb. 6) pieces (2, latest known use, Singapore), etc. (4+).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1427 F.P.O 58A (Perak). 1941 Covers to India with red circular "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA" or Straits U.52 25c meters (3), other covers franked Perak 8c or 25c, or a combination of Straits, Selangor and Perak stamps to pay the 25c rate, a few faults, a scarce group. (7).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1428 imageF.P.O 58B (Perak) / 60. 1941 Covers (4), stamps and pieces (9) with F.P.O 58B c.d.s, the rare first type on covers franked Perak 25c to Egypt or G.B, second type on covers to India franked Perak 8c or with red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA", also a single Selangor 25c stamp with the rare F.P.O 60 c.d.s. (4+). Photo on Page 186. (Image1)

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1429 1941/42 Covers with Straits "U19" or "U.52" (2) 25c meters (also 1939-40 cover and card showing civilian use of the "U19" meter), red circular "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA" or "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / JOHORE" (and Sep. 1945 stampless cover with the same 25 cents Johore mark handstruck in blue), the 1941-42 covers all with A.I.F Field P.O datestamps. Also cover with A.I.F censor and "H.M TRANSPORT" and partial red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CTS" double ring datestamp. (9).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1430 F.P.O 17 (Negri Sembilan/Johore). 1941 Covers from Seremban with 25c postage paid with stamps of Negri Sembilan (3), Straits (2), Perak (2), Johore or with "U.52" Straits 25c meter, one 1941 (Feb. 25) datestamp a very early use in violet, also two stampless covers from Segamat, Johore. (11).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1431 F.P.O 17 (Negri Sembilan/Johore). 1941 Covers from Seremban with 25c paid in stamps of Straits (2), Selangor (2), Perak (2), Straits + Negri Sembilan + Selangor, or with a Straits 25c "U19" or "U.52" meter, also a cover from Segamat, Johore with red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA". (10).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1432 F.P.O 18 (Negri Sembilan/Johore). 1941-42 Covers from Port Dickson with 25c paid in stamps of Negri Sembilan (4) or Perak (2), covers from Mersing, Johore with Johore 25c, red circular "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / JOHORE" (2) or a stampless cover. (10).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1433 F.P.O 18 (Negri Sembilan/Johore). 1941-42 Covers from Port Dickson franked 25c in stamps of Straits, Negri Sembilan (2) or Selangor or sent stampless (2), covers from Mersing, Johore franked Straits 25c or with red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / JOHORE". (8).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1434 imageF.P.O 18 (Mersing, Johore). 1941 (Oct 14) Y.M.C.A Cover with red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / JOHORE", from a British soldier to Scotland uprated for the 50c rate with Johore 1c + 8c strip of three, opened out, unusual. Photo on Page 186. (Image1)

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1435 F.P.O 19 (Singapore). 1941 Covers with red circular "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / JOHORE" (2) or "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA", Straits U.52" 25c meter or franked Straits 25c, and stampless covers (2), all to Australia, also a piece with Pahang + Selangor stamps. (7).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1436 F.P.O 20 (Malacca). 1941 Covers franked Straits 25c, with red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA", or stampless (2), all to Australia. (4).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1437 Base P.O 26 (Singapore/Johore), etc. 1941-42 Covers with red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / JOHORE" (4, one to G.B uprated with 25c in Straits stamps, faults) or "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA" (2, one from Singapore), also various other A.I.F Field P.O covers (11, two fronts only, faults), 1942 (Feb.) covers from Australia to A.I.F troops in Malaya all returned to sender (3), covers with red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA" printed franks bearing C.T.O Japanese Occupation stamps (2), and two A.I.F Christmas cards. (24).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1438 Base P.O 26 (Singapore). 1942 (Jan 29) Cover with red "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA", British army censor, sent by Capt. Harris, 2/19 Bn A.I.F, also a 1945 cover from Harris in Bangkok endorsed "Ex P.W Post", both to his wife in Tumut, N.S.W. Very scarce, the Base P.O 26 c.d.s used in Singapore from Jan. 26th - Feb. 13th 1942. (2).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1439 Indian F.P.Os. 1945-47 Covers with Indian F.P.O datestamps, numbers 18, 37, 39, 57 (7), 75 (3), 91, 94 (2), 117 (2), 121, 126 (3), 128, 136, 145 (2), 153 (2), 169 (2), 189 (3), 202 (3), 217, 585, 593 (3, "REG" and "PAR" datestamps), 594 (12), 599 (4, one "PAR" c.d.s), 605 (6), 607, 608 (3), 614 (7), 644, 660, 660 (4), 661 (2), 662 (3), S-16 (12), a few with B.M.A stamps, most stampless. (96).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1440 Indian F.P.O 594/614 (Singapore) / S-16 (Kuala Lumpur). 1946-97 India 4½a size H registration envelopes to England, sent from F.P.O 594 (2) franked 1r7½a in Indian stamps or India 4a and B.M.A $1.40, from F.P.O 614 franked 4a with violet boxed "R / F.P.O A.G. 614", or from F.P.O S-16 franked 1r4a, the 594 and S-16 covers with manuscript registration labels. (4).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1441 Indian F.P.O 594/614 (Singapore) / S-16 (Kuala Lumpur). 1945-46 Registered covers franked 3a, from F.P.O 594 with manuscript registration endorsement, F.P.O S-16 with manuscript labels (2), or F.P.O 614 with violet or magenta handstruck "R./F.P.O A.G. 614" (5), all fine. (8).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1442 Indian F.P.O 607 (Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan). 1945 (Dec 29) Registered air mail cover franked 8a to Holland with manuscript registration number and handstruck "F.P.O 607", not recorded by Proud.

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1443 Indian F.P.O 635 (Kelantan). 1946 (Dec 21) Stampless air letter from Kota Bharu to England with F.P.O No. 635 c.d.s, fine and scarce.

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1444 Australian F.P.O 250 (Singapore). 1945 (Oct 18) Registered cover from a former Changi prisoner, to Australia franked Australia 3d pair + nine Japanese Occupation stamps all cancelled by violet F.P.O 250 datestamps, reverse with registration label of "Aust. Base P.O Melbourne" altered in manuscript to "Singapore" tied by a further F.P.O 250 c.d.s and "No.2 Aust. Base P.O" transit c.d.s of Sydney. Small part flap missing, otherwise fine and rare, not recorded in use by Proud.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1445 Australian F.P.O 251 (Singapore). 1945 (Oct 20/24) Air Mail cover endorsed "P.O.W Camp Singapore" on reverse franked Australia 4d, and a stampless cover endorsed "Ex P.W Mail", both to Australia, with violet F.P.O 251 datestamps, used by No. 2 P.O.W Reception Unit at Changi, scarce. (2).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1446 British F.P.Os. 1946 (Feb.) Cover to England bearing B.M.A $5, pieces bearing prewar Straits $5 (5, one a pair), and single Straits 40c and $5, all with F.P.O 642 datestamps, also Straits 10c and $5 and piece with 15c pair all with 1944-45 datestamps of F.P.O 17, both F.P.Os located in Italy, most unusual. (11).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1447 British F.P.Os. 1945-46 Covers with India 4½a size H registration envelope from F.P.O 262 (violet handstamp on registration label), cover from F.P.O 262 to Papua bearing B.M.A 8c and India 8a, and stampless covers from F.P.O 259 (2), 262 (2) or 545. F.P.O 262 located at Kota Bkaru, Kelantan, 259 at Singapore, 545 at Seremban, Negri Sembilan. (7).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1448 RAF Post. 1945-47 Covers and air letters with RAF Post datestamps, numbers 6 (3), 155 (7), 170, 201 (5), 205 (2), 221 (10), 300 (7), 307 (6), 309 (3), air letter with Kuala Lumpur c.d.s + Indian F.P.O 660, also prewar covers to R.A.F Seletar (3), a few photos, etc, mainly stampless. (57).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1449 imageNetherlands Post Office Singapore. 1947 (May/June) Stampless covers from the Dutch Consulate in Singapore to Batavia, endorsed "Dienst" with the Consulate cachet, one sent by air, both with circular violet "NETH. MIL. / SINGAPORE / POST SECTION", very scarce. (2). Photo on Page 186. (Image1)

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1450 Netherlands Post Office Singapore. 1945-46 Stampless covers to Holland (4) or Java all with violet "NETHERLANDS POST OFFICE / SINGAPORE" datestamps, four with boxed "10 Gr.", one with Indian F.P.O S-16 backstamp, senders addresses include Changi and Beatrixkamp, Singapore. (5).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.

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