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GERMANY & STATES continued...

GERMANY & STATES continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
951 imageBrunswick. 1852-65 Mint and used selection, many with faults but some fine including 1852 1sgr and 3sgr (both with 1973/4 R.P.S Certificates), 1864 Perces en arc 2sgr and 3sgr used, etc., also 1857 4/4ggr block used on 1859 entire from Brunswick to Holzminden, and 1867 entire franked 1865 1gr. (173). Photo on Page 126. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image

Est. £350-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
952 imageHamburg. 1859-67 Mint and used selection with some reprints and forgeries, genuine stamps include 1859 ½s superb used, also 1859 2r used, 1864 1¼s (3) and 2½s (2) used, 1864-65 9s yellow used (two with c.d.s, offered as-is, another with bars cancel, some trimmed perfs), 1866 1¼s (6) and 1½s used, 1867 2½s used (2), etc., some faults. Also 1866 entire to Kellinghusen franked 1866 1¼s, and cover to England franked 1864-65 7s yellow (pin hole to stamp) with bars cancel. (c.200). Photo on Page 126. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
953 imageHanover. 1850-65 Mint and used selection including 1853 3pf pale rose, 1856 3pf (2) used, 1859-61 3pf mint and used, 10gr olive-green mint and used, 1860-62 ½gr used, 1863 3pf unused (4) and used (3), 1864-65 ½gr unused and used (2), etc., a few reprints, some faults, many fine. Also 1865 prices current bearing 1864-65 3pf (address band removed) and c.1857 entire from Stade to Lesum bearing 1856 1ggr. (157). Photo on Page 126. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

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Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
954 imageMecklenburg. 1856-67 Mecklenburg-Schwerin (38) and Mecklenburg-Strelitz (19), mint and used selection including 1856 5s blue used (2), 1864 5s bistre mint, 1866 2s used, Mecklenburg-Strelitz 1sch mint, etc. (57). Photo on Page 104. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
955 imageOldenburg. 1852-67 Mint and used selection including scarce 1852-59 â…“sgr on green used, 1859 1g possibly on indigo (thinned), 3g on yellow used, 1861 1g (2, one the rare dull blue) and 2g used, 3g mint and used, 1862-67 roulette 11½ â…“g mint, etc., some faults and a few forgeries noted, also entire letters bearing 1852-59 1/30th (faults) or 1859 1g, and an 1863 1g stationery envelope. A useful lot, with 1973/75 R.P.S Certificates for 1861 1g dull blue and 2g rose-red, Walter Engel Certificate for 3g yellow stating small repair. (86). Photo on Page 126. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
956 imagePrussia. 1850-67 Mint and used selection including 1850-56 4pf mint and a pair used, 1857 2sgr and 3sgr yellow used, 1858 4pf pair superb used, 1866 transparent paper 10sgr pair and singles (2) used, etc., some faults. (c.250). Photo on Page 126. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
957 Saxony. 1851-67 Mint and used selection including 1851 3pf green used (4), 1855-63 5ngr (10) and 10ngr (4) used, 1863-67 5ngr deep grey used, etc., some faults. (c.250).

Est. £250-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
958 imageSchleswig-Holstein. 1850-67 Mint and used selection including 1850 1s pale blue unused, Holstein German Administration 1¼s blue lithographed with large lettering unused (S.G. 54), etc. (76). Photo on Page 126. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
959 imageWurttemburg. 1851-1923 Mint and used range including 1851-52 1k (2), 9k on rose (2), 18k (2), 1857 1k deep brown, 18k, 1859-62 imperf 18k, perf 13½ thin paper 9k (2), 18k (2) all used, 1862 perf 10 6k mint, 1863-64 perf 10 9k black-brown used (2), etc., some faults, many better stamps noted. (100s). Photo on Page 214. (Image1)

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
960 1858-69 G.B 2d Blue plate 9, partial sheet reconstruction comprising 128 stamps with differing corner letters, all cancelled "A26" in Gibraltar. S.G. £3,884. (128).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
961 image1886-1950 Mint collection in a stockbook including 1886 overprint set, 1886-87 set, 1889 surcharge set with additional 25c on 2d small "I" and broken "N" varieties, 1889-90 and 1898 sets, 1903 ½d - 8/-, 1904-08 set (additional 2/-), 1906-11 set, 1912-24 and 1921-27 sets, 1925 1/- - £1, 1938-51 set with all perfs, etc., mainly very fine. S.G. 1/143, £7,000. (190). Photo on Pages 214 & 220. (Image1)

Est. £500-700

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
962 image1886-1950 Used collection in a stockbook including 1886 and 1886-87 sets, 1889 surcharge set with additional 25c on 2½d small "I" and broken "N" varieties, 1889-96 set, 1903 ½d - 4/- and £1, 1904-08 set and 1d bisect on piece, 1906-11 2/- - 8/-, 1912-24 set, 1938-51 set with all perfs (also 2d ape on rock, small faults), etc. S.G. 1/143, £6,000. (191). Photo on Page 220. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
963 image1950 6d New Constitution overprint, variety overprint double, fine used, very scarce. With R.P.S Certificate (2012). S.G. 142a, £1,300. Photo on Page 126. . (Image1)

Est. £350-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
964 image1896-1960 Mint collection in a stockbook including 1896 first Olympic set, 1900-01 5L and 2d surcharges on Olympic set, 1906 second Olympic set, 1913-15 Victory set to the 5d, 1927-35 set, 1927-28 Navarino set, 1930 Independence set, 1933 Aeroespresso sets of three and seven, 1933 Government air set, 1933 50d - 100d set of three, 1934 Athens Stadium 8d (both perfs), 1940 Greek Youth air and postage sets, 1951 St Paul set, etc. S.G. £10,000+. (c.550). Photo on Page 104. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
965 image1943 10/- Slate-blue and bright carmine, perf 12, narrow printing, fine mint. S.G. 163c, £750. Photo on Page 104. (Image1)

Est. £140-160

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
966 1881-86 Liberty Head issue, mint and used selection on pages including imperf singles of all values mint (12) and used (28), 1c block of six mint, 2c, 3c, 5c and 7c blocks of four mint; perforated singles used (22), 1c pair and blocks of four (2) mint, 2c, 3c and 20c blocks of four mint, horizontal pairs variety imperf between comprising 1c used (faults), 5c used, 2c and 20c mint, 20c vertical pair variety imperf between used, also a few Fournier forgeries. A good lot. (116).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
967 1881 Imperf 7c blue, reconstructed sheet of fifty, all fine mint with four margins.

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
968 1881-1969 Mint and used accumulation in three albums and loose including proofs and specimen stamps, varieties, covers with 1920s air mails, etc. (1,000s).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
969 image1882-87 Liberty Head issue postal forgeries, perf 16 1c and 20c (2), perf 14 7c, all postally used with Cap Haitian datestamps, 1c with a few perf faults, scarce. (4). Photo on Page 126. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
970 1887-1919 Collection written up on pages with many varieties, proofs, specimens, a few covers, forgeries, etc., including 1887 plate proofs (3), 1892 2c on 3c block of twelve with surcharge omitted from two stamps, 1893 plate proofs and imperf vertical varieties, 1898 proofs and specimen overprints or perfins, 1898 postage due specimens, 1902 overprints with varieties and large blocks, 1904 overprint varieties, 1904 proofs, 1906 specimens, 1910 proofs and specimens, 1914-15 overprints with varieties, etc. A fine lot. (100s).

Est. £800-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
971 imagec.1889 Legitime essays, 1c - 50c set of eight with surcharged values, also additional 1c and 10c essays, and four similar 3c - 20c essays with central coat of arms instead of the Legitime portrait. Very scarce, fewer than half a dozen essay sets recorded. (14). Photo on Page 104. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

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Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
972 1910 2c Black and red die proofs, one on card with die number above mounted onto a larger card, the second without die number die sunk into a large card (134x155mm) endorsed "OK 10/27/09" and initialled. (2).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
973 1910-14 1c.dep - 1p and 1c.deg in new colours, all in mint blocks of four. Very scarce as most stamps received the new presidential overprint in 1914 (and many were postally used), fewer than 4,000 unoverprinted stamps issued for the 3c, 4c, 7c - 10c, 50c and 1p values. S.G. 140, 160/3, 167/73, £600+. (12 Blocks).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
974 1920-69 Collection written up on pages with numerous Specimen stamps, 1920 15c and 1942 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 5g die proofs, etc. (100s).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
975 1945 Red Cross issue, master die proofs with Red Cross (2), 1g proofs without the Red Cross (3), 1g - 25g die proofs (11), various colours, three reduced in size, the others mostly die sunk into large card, one signed by the artist. Also set with punch holes and Specimen overprint, the issued stamps and 1960 overprints. (33+).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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