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CHINA continued...

CHINA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
876 1933-35 Commercial covers with violet explanatory cachets comprising 1933 cover from Changsha to USA franked 35c + 1929 Air 15c, flown to Shanghai with boxed "AIRMAIL SERVICE IN CHINA ONLY"; and covers from Shanghai to G.B, endorsed for K.L.M from Singapore franked 72c with "By Netherlands Air Mail" (faults), or endorsed for French air mail from Saigon franked $4.23 with "Par Avion Saigon - Marseille et au dela / de Marseille". (3).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
877 1934-37 South Western Aviation Corp. first flight covers comprising 1934 (Oct 3) Canton to Wuchow cover franked 6c + 1929 Air 30c; 1936 (July 10) Canton to Hanoi extension of the route from Shanghai, six pictorial covers from Canton to Tsinan, Hanoi, Paris or G.B, Lungchow to Hanoi, or Shanghai to G.B, three registered, three with the Canton propeller cachet (one unusually in violet), with Air stamps of the 1929 issue, 1932 issue or the two issues combined, one returned from Hanoi with red "Retourner s.v.p a l'envoyeur / par retour de courrier"; 1937 (Apr 9/10) Fort Bayard to Canton or Hanoi (2) first flights. (10).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
878 1935-37 Covers carried on Pan-Am first flights to or from Manila, Macao or Hong Kong (12), or carried on connecting services from China (12) including 1936-37 first flight covers from Canton to Hong Kong, Canton to Manila, Peking to Hong Kong, Taiyuen to Hong Kong, Changsha to Hong Kong, Hankow to Hong Kong (registered, two complete special delivery receipt labels on reverse), one with red "Via Hong Kong & by U.S Air Service", also 1941 San Francisco to Singapore first flight. (25).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
879 1935 Commercial cover from Canton to Germany franked 10c + 1929 Air 45c and 60c, inscribed for K.L.M from Bandoeng, handstamped "nachgebuhr" and charged 134pf. Also a cover from Liuchow to London with 16 different stamps, endorsed "Air Mail via Nanning - Canton - Bandoeng - Amsterdam". (2).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
880 1935 (Apr 1) C.N.A.C Trial flight from Chungking to Kunming, cover franked 30c with May 1st arrival backstamp, delayed for a month at Kweiyang due to fighting with the communist troops, endorsed "By First Air Mail Chungking to Yunnan", scarce, few carried.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
881 1935-48 Covers including Imperial Airways, 1939-40 covers from Shanghai or Chungking to USA bearing U.S Constitution set (supposedly disallowed in Japanese controlled areas), 1942-43 covers from Chengtu (4) from A.C1 E. Mitchell R.A.F to England (R.A.F censor, front and reverse separated) or to Mitchell in the R.A.F in India or Ceylon, 1948 Sky Merchant around the world flight airletter with 23 datestamps, etc. (20).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
882 1936 (Feb 14) C.N.A.C Canton to Hanoi printed first flight cover franked 5c + 1929 Air 45c, and a registered cover from Shanghai (Feb 12) to London via Hanoi franked 1929 Air 45c + 1932 Air 25c and 50c, both with the Canton propeller handstamp, differing "Air Mail Service Postponed Forward by Steamer" cachets and "DELAYED BY ADVERSE / WEATHER & REFORWARDED / ON 28.2.36", the cover with boxed "DESPATCHED / 6.3.1936" apparently carried to Singapore by the R.A.F who were on a goodwill visit to Canton at the time, the cover to Hanoi with "DESPATCHED / 9.3.1936" and March 13 arrival backstamp. Also covers carried by R.A.F flying boat from Manila (Feb 16) to Amoy, or Shanghai (Mar 3) to Hong Kong, with cachets. (4).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
883 1947 (Aug 16) Cover from Tientsin to Scotland bearing eight China stamps, a little waterstained, handstamped boxed "DAMAGED BY / SEA WATER". Recovered from the B.O.A.C flying boat from Hong Kong to G.B which crashed into the sea when landing at Bahrain on August 23rd with the loss of ten lives.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
884 Avianca. 1950-51 "A" Overprints, mint and used selection with varieties including inverted and double overprints, multiples with and without overprint, 1951 set of eight with overprint omitted, also 1950 set mint, 1951 2p and 5p large sunken die proofs in the issued colours without overprint, etc., several with A.P.S Certificates. (40).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
885 1863-1967 Mint and used collection in five albums or stockbooks and loose with many errors and varieties, specimen stamps, die and plate proofs, etc. A good lot with many unusual and scarce items. (100s).

Est. £500-700

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
886 1889-1903 Waterlow sample stamps and proofs in unissued colours, sheets of nine with punch holes and "Waterlow & Sons Ltd / Specimen" overprints comprising 1889 1c and 5c, 1892 set of ten and 1903 20c postage due, also 1895 revenue set of sixteen printed in four composite sheets of four with the Waterlow Specimen overprint and an additional 1p - 5p sheet with similar but larger overprint in blue, and 1892 set in imperf pairs. (157).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
887 1901 Waterlow issue, selection including 1c mint (2), sets in unissued colours (2), similar unissued colour sets overprinted "Specimen" in singles (2 sets) or blocks of four, or overprinted "Waterlow & Sons Ltd / Specimen" with a punch hole, imperf proofs in unissued colours (2), and 1c file copy block of nine with punch holes. Also 1903 set of three in unissued colours, similar sets overprinted "Specimen" or "Waterlow & Sons Ltd / Specimen" and a 25c sheet of nine with the Waterlow Specimen overprint. (145).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
888 1937 First Annual Fair Air issue master die proof in green, die proofs of the set of three in issued colours and a 3c die proof in orange, all die sunk on card with the die numbers above, 151x100mm, fine and probably unique. (5).

Est. £140-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
889 1944 Centenary of Foundation of San Ramon, sunken die proofs on card (150x100mm) with the die number above, comprising postage issue master die proof in blue, postage set of five and Air 15c - 10col all in issued colours, a fine group, probably unique. (14).

Est. £220-260

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
890 1902-34 Mint selection comprising 1902-04 set, 1904-10 set with additional 10pa and 9pi shades, 1921-23 set (additional 9pi shade, no 18pi), 1924-28 ¼pi - 90pi (no 4pi), 1928 and 1934 sets. S.G. 50/71, 85/99, 103/143, £2,400. (75).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
891 image1924-28 £5 Black on yellow, a very good forgery on Script CA watermarked paper, mint, initialled on reverse by Diena apparently as a genuine stamp, with B.P.A Certificate (2024) as a forgery. Photo on Page 98. (Image1)

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
892 Extensive mint and used accumulation in seven albums or stockbooks and on pages including 1918-19 Hradcany issue proofs (6), etc. (1,000s).

Est. £100-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
893 1865-72 First and second issues, mint and used study with genuine stamps, covers (4, bearing ½r, ½r + 1r green pair, 1r green pair or 3x1r orange), reprints, forgeries, and cancellations, a useful group. (800+).

Est. £250-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
894 1865-1978 Mint and used accumulation in three albums and loose, including covers, proofs specimens and sample stamps, 1930 Independence Centenary issue written up collection, air mail stamps, etc. (1000s).

Est. £200-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
895 1881-87 American Bank Note Co. issues, mint and used selection with some proofs and specimens, including 1881 10c black sunken die proof, 1887 coloured die proofs on wove paper (4) or die sunk on card all with printers imprint below, other 1887 issue imperf proofs (32) and blocks of four with Specimen overprints (14 blocks), etc. (c.200).

Est. £100-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
896 1892-96 Seebeck issue die proofs comprising 1892 coloured master proofs (7) and composite proofs each with three differing values (4, three die sunk); 1894 5c die sunk proof in black, 5c proof in brown endorsed "approved Oct 9", composite proofs in black or green both with three differing values; 1896 composite proofs with differing values in pairs (4) or blocks of four (2); 1896 postage due set of seven proofs in red in composite format die sunk on card. An unusual group, some apparently from the printers archives. (50).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
897 1892-96 Seebeck issues, mint and used issues with original stamps, covers, reprints, proofs, varieties, sample stamps, etc., also a study of the "1897 1898" handstamped overprints. (100s).

Est. £200-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
898 image1897 Waterlow issue, master proof and proofs of the eight values in black on wove paper, the unique set of working proofs from the printers archives, the eight 1c - 5s proofs with a die number written above, most with a second number erased or cut away, some faults. Also 10c brown and 20c yellow imperf proofs. (11). Photo on Page 126. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Est. £120-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
899 image1899 Waterlow issue, working master die proofs in black of the 10c and 5s frames, and the seven vignettes used for the 1c - 50c and 5s, all with the die number written above (the two frame proofs with a second number erased and punch holes), a few faults but unique. Also 1899-1901 sample stamps with "Waterlow & Sons Ltd / Specimen" overprints in various issued or unissued colours comprising imperf singles (9), perforated singles (8) and sheets of nine (6 sheets); similar imperf sample proofs without overprint (9); printers file stamps with punch holes in blocks of four (20), ten (20) or sixteen (4, official stamps) most with marginal endorsements showing order numbers, dates and quantity (no gum, a few faults); 1c black and dull blue mint pair and strip of three imperforate vertically; and 5c black and carmine block of ten with "AR" cancels. (448). Photo on Page 214. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
900 image1907 Waterlow issue, working die proofs in black of the eight frames, with the die number written above (a second number erased, 50c with punch hole, a little soiled), unique. Also file copy blocks of four and twelve of the 3c - 1s, all with punch holes (no gum, a little soiling), the blocks of twelve with marginal endorsements showing order numbers, date and quantity. (104). Photo on Page 214. (Image1)

Est. £120-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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