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726 |
1/- Die Proof in deep blue on white glazed card, 92x60mm. Fine and rare, three proofs recorded in slightly differing shades of deep blue, ex. Ludington and Vestey. Photo on Page 100. (Image1)
Est. £1,800-2,200
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
727 |
1/- Die Proof in deep blue on white glazed card, dated "5 SEP. 83", 92x60mm. Three proofs are recorded in slightly differing shades of deep blue, this proof unique with a date. Photo included on Back Cover. (Image1)
Est. £2,000-2,400
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
728 |
1/- Die Proof in pale blue on white glazed card, 92x60mm. A unique proof in pale blue, ex. Ludington and Vestey. Photo on Page 100.
Est. £2,000-2,400
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
729 |
1/- Die Proof in brown on white glazed card, 92x60mm. A unique proof in brown, ex. Ludington and Vestey. Photo on Page 100.
Est. £2,000-2,400
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
730 |
1/- Perf 12 Colour trial in carmine-rose, the colour adopted for the 1d stamp, on Crown CA watermarked paper, fine mint. 1/- Colour trials were printed in six colours used or proposed for the 1884-90 issue; just two mint sets
and one set applied to part De La Rue archive pages are recorded. Rare, ex Ludington and Vestey. Photo on Page 98. (Image1)
Est. £800-1,000
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
731 |
1/- Perf 12 Colour trial in deep yellow, the colour adopted for the 4d stamp, on Crown CA watermarked paper, fine mint. Rare, just two mint examples and one applied to a part archive page recorded, ex. Ludington and Vestey.
Photo on Page 98. (Image1)
Est. £800-1,000
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
732 |
1/- Perf 12 Colour trial in mauve, the colour adopted for the 6d stamp, on Crown CA watermarked paper, fine mint. Rare, just two mint examples and one applied to a part archive page recorded, ex. Ludington and Vestey. Photo on
Page 98. (Image1)
Est. £800-1,000
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
733 |
Two pieces cut from the 1883 (Nov 20) De La Rue archive page headed "Bahamas Postage Stamps, Existing and Proposed Schemes of Colours", one piece bearing perf 11½ Chalon Head 1d lake with "4d proposed colour"
alongside, the other piece with 1/- perf 12 colour trials in slate-grey, sage-green, and venetian red with proposed colours for the 1/-, 5/- or £1 alongside, initialled "R.C.C" alongside the colour trials. A copy of the original De La Rue page
shows that it also bore 1d, 4d and 6d Chalon Heads, and 1/- colour trials in carmine-rose, deep yellow, blue-green and mauve, the colours of the 1d, 4d, 6d and 1/- stamps. Two unique archival pieces, ex De La Rue archives and Vestey collection. Photo
on Page 102. (Image1) (Image2)
Est. £4,000-5,000
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
734 |
Master Die Proof with blank value tablet, in black on white glazed card, 92x60mm, fine and scarce. Photo on Page 100.
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
735 |
1d Imperforate colour trial in dull purple and blue on Crown CA watermarked paper, margin at left, superb mint. Ten colour combinations recorded, only the purple and blue trials being on watermarked paper, six examples of each colour trial believed
to have been printed. Ex Ludington. Photo on Page 94.
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
736 |
1d, 2½d, 4d, 1/-, 5/- and £1 all handstamped "SPECIMEN" type BAH1, also 2½d and 6d with "SPECIMEN" overprint type D12, all fine mint. The BAH1 Specimen handstamp applied to presentation sets, just
three complete sets apparently recorded. (8). Photo on Page 98. (Image1) (Image2)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
737 |
Used set with additional stamps to the 5/-, 2½d with inverted watermark, also 1d mint (19, with block of six and two corner plate blocks of four) and 4d mint (11, with corner plate block of eight), and two covers franked
2½d or 2½d pair. S.G. £900+. (54). Photo on Page 98. (Image1)
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
738 |
1d Black and red, imperforate plate proof block of four on ungummed inverted watermark Crown CC paper with upper margin, two pressed vertical creases through left pair and central margin, otherwise fine. Scarce, one folded up
sheet of sixty stamps was discovered in 1949 with frame plate 2 and vignette plate 2 (which only occurred in the issued 1911 stamp on Multiple Crown CA paper). Photo on Page 102. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
739 |
1d Perf 14 Colour trial in black and blue, the colour of the issued 2/- stamp, on Crown CC paper, no gum, a few clipped lower perfs. Scarce, ex. Ludington. Photo on Page 104. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
740 |
1d Perf 14 Colour trial in ultramarine and black on Crown CC paper, no gum, fine and scarce, ex Ludington. Photo on Page 104.
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
741 |
1d Perf 14 Colour trial in scarlet and deep green on Crown CC paper, one pulled perf at upper right and a few clipped perfs. Scarce, ex Ludington. Photo on Page 104. (Image1)
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
742 |
Set of four overprinted "SPECIMEN" type D12a fine mint, also 5d, 2/- and 5/- overprinted "SPECIMEN" each additionally handstamped "ULTRAMAR" in violet, traces of gum only. (7).
Est. £100-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
743 |
5d, 2/- and 3/- Handstamped "SPECIMEN" type BAH1 in black, mint large part original gum, 2/- and 3/- a little toned, otherwise fine and scarce. (3). Photo on Page 104. (Image1) (Image2)
Est. £180-220
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
744 |
Mint and used study with "SPECIMEN" set of four (additional 5d, 2/-), 1d mint (21) and used (17), 5d mint (32) and used (7), 2/- mint (13) and used (3), 3/- mint (15) and used (5), mint corner marginal blocks of four and other blocks of four of all
values, also 5d marginal block of fifteen, differing printings showing vignette plates 1 or 2. S.G. £2,500+. (120).
Est. £300-400
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
745 |
1d Watermark inverted, and 3/- watermark inverted and reversed, fine mint. S.G. 58w, 61y, £340. (2).
Est. £80-100
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
746 |
1902-16 Covers (5) and picture postcards (3) including single 5d, 2/- or 3/- frankings on registered covers to Germany, 5d on registered cover to G.B, Miami "PAQUEBOT" handstamps (2), etc. (8).
Est. £100-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
747 |
Master Die Proof with blank value tablet, in black on white glazed card, 92x60mm, fine and scarce. Photo on Page 100.
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
748 |
1d Imperforate colour trial in orange and black on Crown CA watermark paper, mint, diagonal crease but scarce. 25 Differing colour trials were printed on Crown CA paper and used on two appendix pages in 1902; it has been
suggested six examples of each colour trial were printed. Photo on Page 98. (Image1)
Est. £100-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
749 |
1d Imperforate colour trial in dull green and ultramarine on Crown CA paper, fine mint. Photo on Page 98. (Image1)
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
750 |
1d Imperforate colour trial in olive bistre and carmine on Crown CA paper, small corner thin, otherwise fine mint. Photo on Page 98.
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |