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Pre 1700 Frees continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
126 image1674 (May 12) Entire letter from Whitehall, signed by the Duke of Monmouth, addressed "For the honourable Sr Phillip Musgrave Knight, Governor of Carlisle" and endorsed "For his Majesties speciall service, Matthew Lock". Monmouth asks for one or two officers from the garrison of Carlisle to come to London to learn the new system of training and exercising in the use of their arms, so they can then train the other officers and soldiers of the garrison. Backstamped with a reasonable strike of scarce circular "2/off" and "MA/12" Bishop Mark. The Duke of Monmouth was the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II; when his father died in 1685 he led a rebellion in an attempt to depose James II but was captured at Sedgemoor and executed. A rare and historical letter. Photo on Page 20. (Image1)

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
127 imageHull. 1681 (Oct 22) Entire letter from James Sterling in Hull, "To the Honorable The Commissioners of His Maties Ordinance and the principle officers of the land. To be left with Capt Thorburn in the Tower of London", charged 3d with "OC/24" Bishop Mark on reverse. The letter concerns the defences of Hull. Photo on Page 20. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
128 imageCornwall. 1685 (May 21) Entire letter from Lostwithiel, addressed "To the right Worple Sir Robert Southwell Knight, A member of the Honoble House of Commons, London", the 3d charge crossed out, with MY/25" Bishop Mark on reverse. Signed by the town Mayor Walter Renoad and three councillors, William Taprett, Nevill Peeters and John John, who are sending their greetings to their new M.P. A fine early letter from Cornwall. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
129 1686 (Nov 8) Entire letter from Carlisle to "The Honble Sr Christ. Musgrave in Newport Street in London", the 6d charge crossed out and signed "Charlton", confirmed by a black crown Inspectors handstamp, "NO/12" Bishop Mark on reverse. A fine example of the first London Inspectors handstamp.

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
130 1687 (June 6) Entire letter from Shute (near Axminster) written by Courtenay Pole, MP for Honiton and High Sheriff of Devon, addressed "To the Right honoble George Barron Wembe and L. High Chancellor of Englande", charged 3d. The addressee was Judge Jeffreys, the hanging judge sent to the West Country in 1685 to conduct trials of captured rebels following the Monmouth Rebellion. A fine letter, unusually charged 3d instead of being franked, with "JU/3" Bishop Mark on reverse.

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
131 imageWiltshire/Ireland. 1693 (Mar 17) Entire letter from Wilton "To the honable Sr Cyrill Wish at Dublin Castle in Ireland, by London", the postage rate crossed out, endorsed "frank Q". Cyril Wyche was Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. An unusual franked letter to Ireland. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
132 image1694 (Oct 10) Entire letter from the Navy Office, sent during the co-regency of William and Mary (1689-94), therefore headed "For their Maj. Service" above the address "For Anth. Bowyer Esq. at Camberwell", reverse with "PENY / POST / PAYD / B / SAT" Borough Office Government Dockwra handstamp. The letter is a tender for supplying elm timber to Deptford, and is signed by eight members of the Navy Board including Sir Richard Haddock (Admiral, Comptroller of the Navy) and Edmund Dummer (Surveyor-General of the Navy), also signed by Bowyer, who has agreed to the proposed terms. Dummer also operated a line of Packets from Falmouth to Spain and Portugal, and started the first Packet service to the West Indies in 1702 (until 1711, the famous Dummer Packets). A little soiled and pressed file folds but scarce. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
1700-1840 Frees
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
133 Clerks of the Road/Newspapers. 1731-41 Entire letters from Clerks of the Road at the G.P.O London sent free, the letters concerning newspapers (which the Clerks of the Road could frank to regular subscribers), comprising 1731 letter from Charles Westgarth, Clerk of the West Road, to Taunton seeking to send newspapers to Hampshire & the West Country; 1734 letter from Jabez Harris, Clerk of the Western Roads, to Sir Christopher Musgrave in Penrith with a bill for newspapers; and 1740 letter from Christopher Harris to Penrith with a bill for newspapers receipted by the Penrith Post Master. (3).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
134 1743-1839 Entire letters all franked with M.Ps signatures which differ to those used on their letters, with the addition of Free to the signature or lines above or through signatures, an attempt to prevent autographs being fraudulently copied for franks, including "WfreeWilberforce" on 1815 entire sent by the slave trade abolitionist William Wilberforce from Brighton. (6).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
135 1784 23 Page pamphlet "An Authentick Letter from a Disconsolate Member of Parliament to his Unfortunate Son lately Convicted of Robbing the General Post Office", printed for J. Dodsley in Pall Mall. A satirical pamphlet in the form of a letter from an M.P to his son, designed to warn the public against the dangers of abusing the free franking system, published to coincide with the new Parliamentary Act containing many restrictions relating to free franking. Believed to be the only example in private hands.

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
136 Army. 1798 (May 21) Partly printed "weekly state of His Majestys 2nd Battn of the 4th Regt of Fencible Infantry commanded by the Earl of Breadalbane", posted from Kirkcaldy to the Earl of Breadalbane at Taymouth, headed "On. H.M.S", unusual.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
137 1822 (Jan 29) Entire from London to an M.P in St. Ives, Cornwall, with red Free datestamp and boxed "Belvide Ple / S" handstamp, used at Belvidere Place, located within the Kings Bench Prison, fine.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
138 1822 (Aug 1) Printed forms "To His Majesty's Postmaster-General" allowing Lady Louissa Lygon to sign free franks on behalf of her brother William, Earl Beauchamp. Two slightly differing forms, one completed by Lady Lygon, the other by the Earl, who can no longer sign due to bodily infirmity. A rare matched pair. (2)

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
139 1824 (June 8) Letter from the former Bishop of Chester to Francis Freeling informing him that he has become the Bishop of Bath & Wells and will alter his frank accordingly. Also 1823 and 1836 entire letters, the former franked "Geo. H. Chester", the latter "Geo. H. Bath & Wells". An interesting trio. (3).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
140 1823-24 Letters from Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton, Under Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, an 1823 letter stating he will be adding Horton to his name (necessitated by his father-in-law's will, allowing him to inherit), 1824 letter stating he will be shortening his signature to R.W Horton, and a later 1824 letter asking permission for his secretary to sign for him as "time employed in franking letters is inconvenient". An interesting group; Departmental Officials were allowed to alter their franking signature. (3).

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Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
141 imageHouse of Commons. 1826 (Apr 18) Lettersheet with printed heading "HOUSE OF COMMONS" and "FREE / F. FREELING" in the lower corner, partly printed address "To The Churchwardens and Overseers of Painswick", red Free datestamp, fine and scarce. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
142 Parliamentary Proceedings. 1828 Printed wrapper "Par: Pro: / Colonel Davies, M.P, Elmsley Castle, Pershore, Worcestershire, FREE", turned and used as a wrapper to send Parliamentary Proceedings to Brechin, headed "Par.Pro (306)" and signed by Joseph Hume, one of the principal campaigners for postal reform in the 1830s. Very unusual.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
143 1834 (Aug 1) Envelope from London to Lowestoft with two differing franking signatures, red Free datestamp. The only item we have seen franked by two different individuals, most unusual.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
144 1837-39 Front and envelope from the Bishop of Norwich, the front posted on April 30 1837 during the 27 day period between his nomination and consecration as Bishop so signed "E. Norwich Elect", the 1839 cover signed "E. Norwich". The front with the date altered prior to posting, correctly signed a second time alongside the date alteration; the cover redirected with the Free datestamp crossed out, "2" charge, "TO PAY / 2d / ONLY" and red boxed "POSTAGE NOT PAID / TO LONDON". A very unusual pair. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
145 image1717 (Jan 17) Entire letter from Dublin, written by Brigadier Nicholas Price concerning an appearance before the Board of General Officers, addressed "To the Right Honble Edward Southnell Esq., Secretary of State for Ireland at his house in Spring Garden near Whitehall London", backstamped with the rare "D" in circle and "24/JA" Bishop Mark. The "D" in circle the first handstamp of Dublin (used prior to the straight line handstamps), recorded 1717-19, one of the finest of approximately ten recorded examples. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
146 image1804 (Dec 9) Entire letter from Philipstown to "Capt. Hutchinson or Officer Commanding the Yeoman Infy, Roscrea", headed "OHM Service" and signed "B. Gen. Blake", the reverse endorsed "nb - all concerned be particular in this express", "Route Tullamore, Frankford, Whigshore, Birr to Roscrea, E. Morris BM" and "From Tullamore 9th Decr 6 o'clock", with "at 5 miles per hour" on the front. The letter tells of a forthcoming inspection of the Yeomanry Corps at Roscrea by Brigadier General Blake. A scarce official letter carried by army despatch riders. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
147 Newspapers. 1817 (Nov 4) Entire letter to Roscrea franked by William Donlevy, Clerk of the Connaught Road, containing a printed reminder from the G.P.O that the addressee's advance payment for newspapers will shortly expire. Very unusual.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
148 imageRegistered Mail. 1829 (Jan 3) Franked entire from Loughrea to Cork with "LOUGHREA / 86", crowned Free datestamp and circular "REGISTERED" datestamp (Jan. 6) all in red. The Irish Post Office operated an inland registration system from 1824 until 1831, but very few free registered letters are recorded. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
149 image1829 (Feb 21) Entire letter from Harvey & Harrison of the British & Irish Express Section at the G.P.O Dublin, sent to the Waterford Chamber of Commerce acknowledging receipt of a cheque, with red Free datestamp and "G.P.O / Harvey & Harrison" franking handstamp, fine and rare. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
150 image1831 (Dec 14) Entire letter from Portmore Harbour to A. Godby, G.P.O Dublin, headed "Commissioners of Fisheries", with "CARNDONAGH / 132", red Free datestamp and "Free / Aug Godby" handstamp. A scarce franking handstamp from the Secretary of the Irish Post Office. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.

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