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INDIA continued...

Cancellations & Postal History continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
626 Calcutta - Experimental Time Datestamps. 1897 ½a Envelopes or ¼a postcards with single or double ring datestamps showing a time period at base, various periods ranging from 15 minutes to over 3 hours. (21).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
627 Madras - Overland Mail. 1867 (Oct 15) Cover from York to Madras franked G.B 10d, with red "G.P.O / MADRAS / OVERLAND MAIL" c.d.s (Nov 13), reverse with red boxed (chamfered corners) "S.P.O No. 4 / MADRAS" datestamp used at Suburban Post Office No. 4 at Teynampett. The Overland Mail datestamps used on prebagged mail for Madras, the sorting and bagging done on the Suez to Bombay Sea Post Office from 1868; this the earliest recorded example of the Overland Mail c.d.s predating the start of the Sea Post Office, the Madras mails presumably bagged in London.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
628 Madras - Overland Mail. 1872-82 Covers from G.B to Madras franked 1/4, 1/- (3), 8d, 6d (2) or 5d (3) all sorted and bagged in the Suez to Bombay Sea Post Office, nine with Sea Post Office datestamps, all with "G.P.O /MADRAS / OVERLAND MAIL" datestamps in red or black (9), various types. (10).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
629 imageMadras. 1863-73 Covers comprising 1865-66 covers to London franked 2a yellow pair or four 1a stamps with the scarce "MADRAS / INDIA PAID" duplex with "C/1" within a grid in circle (Cooper type 17), also two 1863-73 covers with Madras "1" duplex (Cooper type 9) both with the year shown as "3", all fine. (4). Photo on Page 90. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
630 Calcutta. 1861 (Feb 16) Entire letter to Allahabad franked ½a, cancelled by octagonal framed "B/1", with three complete octagons and a broken inner octagon (Cooper type 7a, tall thin "1" without serif), also cancels on three stamps. Scarce. (4).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
631 Suddur & Disbursing Offices. 1867-72 Covers with duplex cancels (Cooper type 9) with "S&D" after the town name, 1867 ½a lettersheets with cancels of Sattara, Tanna, Kaira and Ahmednuggur all without year shown, and 1872 covers franked 8a to G.B or USA with cancels of Surat or Ahmednuggur. All fine, an uncommon group, the cover to USA underpaid and charged 31c. (6).

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Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
632 image1859 (May 24) Cover from Seetapore to England franked two 4a black stamps each cancelled "178" within triangle of horizontal bars, the scarce variety with bars running through the town number, possibly an experimental type of cancel. Cooper type 5a. Photo on Page 90. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
633 All-India Cancels. c.1873-85 Covers and cards with duplexs or single obliterators with postal circle letter and office number (16, Cooper type 32), or with a letter in circle or square of bars (17, Cooper type 34/35), including Rhewanee duplexs with correct "3/L-17" or "17/L-3" error of number, nine to G.B, three registered, a few faults. (33).

Est. £250-350

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
Bombay Circle
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
634 1855-57 Covers with numeral cancels within a diamond of parallel bars (Cooper type 4), comprising covers franked 1854 ½a cancelled "15", "28", 52" (2, one lines reversed variety), "66" or "102", part cover with 1854 ½a pair cancelled "47", and covers franked 1854 1a cancelled "43", "76" or "85". Also cancels on single 1854 ½a (4) or 1a (2) and 2a strip of four on piece with "17" cancels. A good lot. (17).

Est. £1,000-1,200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
635 1859-74 Covers, mainly franked ½a, with Cooper type 4 numeral obliterators or duplex cancels (45), also some stamps and pieces, covers with 36 differing numbers between "8" and "307", some faults though the majority are fine. (45+).

Est. £700-800

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
636 imageBombay G.P.O. 1855 (Feb 16) Cover to England "via Southampton" bearing two 4a stamps (S.G. 19, both cut to shape) cancelled by diamond of nine parallel bars, boxed "INDIA PAID", datestamps of Bombay (no year date), London and Liverpool, a few minor tone spots. Photo on Page 90. (Image1)

Est. £250-350

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
637 imageBombay G.P.O. 1857 (June 29) Entire letter to Shanghai bearing 1854 4a (S.G. 19, cut square, just touched at left) cancelled by "1" in a diamond of nine parallel bars, endorsed "Per Steamer Ganges", red manuscript "4" and circular "BOMBAY / B.P.P / Paid" on the front, backstamped at Bombay and Hong Kong. Light vertical and light horizontal folds, otherwise fine and an attractive 4a entire to China. With B.P.A Certificate (1987). Photo on Page 92. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
638 Bombay G.P.O. 1856-c.1880 Covers, cancels including "1" within a diamond of parallel bars (5, with 1856 cover bearing 1854 ½a, 1861 cover bearing 1855 8a with small bars reversed cancels), "BOMBAY / PAID" duplexs (8), etc., an interesting study. (23).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
639 Bombay G.P.O. c.1860-80 Covers with unusual double ring "DIVISION / E" (2, one very faulty), large "BOMBAY / PP" c.d.s in red (3, all 1860, one incorrectly dated 1850), "BOMBAY / A P" datestamps (12) or "IM / Bombay" c.d.s, unusual handstamps. (17).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
640 Bombay - Suburban Offices. c.1854 Cover bearing ½a pale blue die I tied by diamond of dots with boxed "RG HOUSE / No. 2" on the front, reverse with a further strike of the cancel across a small wafer seal, a little toned. Also stampless covers with similar boxed Rg House handstamps for No. 2, 3 or 5. (4).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
641 imageBombay - Suburban Offices. 1855 Cover to Kurrachee with 1854 1a (two margins) tied by "5" in a diamond of parallel bars, boxed "RG HOUSE / No. 1" on the front; and an entire letter to Hyderabad with 1854 ½a pale blue die I tied by "4" in a diamond of parallel bars with boxed "RG HOUSE / No. 3" on the front. The cover with minor toning, otherwise fine, an attractive pair. (2). Photo on Page 92. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
642 Bombay - Suburban Offices. 1867-68 Covers cancelled by "G.P.O / BOMBAY" duplexs with a number in a small diamond of parallel bars, comprising number "2" (Market) and "3" (Mandvee) on covers franked ½a, "4" (Girgaum) on cover to Poona bearing six ½a stamps, "7" (Malabar Hill) on cover to Poona franked 1a, "8" (Byculla) on cover to England franked 2a + 4a, and "10" (Colaba) on ½a lettersheet. A fine and uncommon group, the cancels only used in 1867-68. (6).

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Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
643 imageBombay - Suburban Offices. 1857 (Aug 1) Registered cover to Calcutta franked 1854 2a tied by numeral "3" in a diamond of bars at Mandvee, boxed "RG HOUSE / NO. 2" alongside with Bombay G.P.O and Paid datestamps, backstamped boxed "REGISTERED / LETTER No", repaired tears to upper edge, a scarce 1854 issue registered cover. Photo on Page 92. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
644 Bombay - Suburban Offices. 1869-84 Covers (23) and a registered letter C.O.P with Bombay duplex cancels with district initials and number or simply a number within the oval of horizontal bars, comprising "C/8" (2), "E/6" (2), "EC/5" (2), "SE/3" (2), "SW/2" (8), "W/7" (3), "10" (2), "12", "13", various types, four addressed to G.B, a few faults though most are fine, an interesting collection. (24).

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Est. £350-400

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
District Posts
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
645 c.1873 Cover from Malligaum to Nassick with two ½a stamps each cancelled "A/35" within a diamond (Cooper type 8), backstamps of Malligaum City, Malligaum, Munmar, 1sect.3 NE Line and Nassick. Minor edge faults, cover folded over at left with splitting at the fold, a very scarce cancel, probably from the District Post.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
646 image1867 Small native cover to Amritsar, backstamped at Feyapore and Hooshearpore with ½a cancelled by "U/9" within a diamond (Cooper type 8), roughly opened at left, otherwise fine. A scarce cancel, probably used by the District Post. Photo on Page 92. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
647 imageBhownuggur. 1864 (July 22) Cover from Bhownuggur to Bombay franked ½a, cancelled by the very unusual central diamond within two broken outer diamonds, Cooper type 31b only recorded on covers from Bhownuggur, probably a District Post cancel for the Kathiawar District. Scarce. Photo on Page 92. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
648 image1874 (July 3) Cover from Deolalee to Bombay franked ½a, cancelled by rectangular boxed "D-POST / AR-3" within horizontal bars, datestamps of Deolalee, 1Sect.4 N.E Line and Bombay with curved boxed "TRAIN LATE". A very scarce cancel (Cooper type 31a), used in the Ahmednagar District. Photo on Page 92. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
649 image1868 Cover to England franked 1a + 4a pair each cancelled by "D.P" within a diamond (Cooper type 8c), backstamped at Futtehgurh and Agra. A fine and scarce cancel, used in the Futtehgurh District in the North West Provinces. Photo on Page 94. (Image1)

Est. £240-280

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.
650 imageMadras District. 1855 (Aug 26) Entire letter franked 1854 ½a (die I, four margins) cancelled by a circle of bars (Cooper type 2c) with red oval "TANJORE / TALOOK TAPPAL / MANARGOODY" handstamp dated in manuscript. A fine and rare District Post cover. Photo on Page 94. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-24, 11:59 PM EST.

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