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AUSTRALIA continued...

QUEENSLAND continued...
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
1611 image1882-95 QV Large Chalon set 2/- to £1. Engraved wmk large crown Q upright (SG w10). VF fresh M/MLH, original gum. SG 157-161 cat £910. Rare genuine mint set as most of those offered are cleaned & regummed F/C. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (5) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$650

SOLD for AU$625.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1612 image1900 QV Boer War Charity set 1d & 2d. VF fresh MLH with nice colours. SG 263-264 cat £500. (2) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$400

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1613 image1905-06 QV Large Chalon £1 deep green, lithographed, wmk crown Q sideways (SG w6), perf 12½,13 (line). VFU. ACSC Q63 cat $325. SG 272 cat £170. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$120

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1614 image1905-06 QV Large Chalon £1 deep green, lithographed, wmk crown Q sideways (SG w6), perf 12. Superb fresh MLH. ACSC Q64 cat $900. SG 274 cat £550. Scarce top value in unusually nice quality. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$600

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1615 image1906-10 Commonwealth 9d pale brown & blue, LINE PERF 11, perf OS, wmk crown double-lined A, with DOUBLE PERFS at right. Superb U, Bundaberg cds. ACSC Q45Bb(var) cat $1500++, plus premium for double perf error. SG 285(OS) cat £800 as normal & much under- catalogued, perf OS unlisted & should be at least double, £1600+, plus premium for double perf error. Extremely rare perf OS as only several recorded - one of the previous we offered sold for $4000+ commission in our auction 318, while the double perf error is the only recorded & believed unique. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$1,500

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1616 image1907-11 QV set ½d to 1/- with ½d, 1d (2 diff shades), 2d, 3d, 5d, 6d & 1/-, wmk crown A, all se-tenant vert strips of 3, perf 13x11 to 12½. F-VF fresh M. ACSC ex Q5b-Q49b cat $1800. SG ex 301-308 cat £700+ as singles, plus premium for strips. (8 strips) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$500

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1617 image1907-11 QV set ½d to 1/-, all se-tenant vert strips of 3, top stamp perf 13x11½, middle perf 13x11 & bottom perf 13-12, wmk crown A. Stamps VF MNH, all marginal. ACSC ex Q5b-49b cat $2025+ for M, so est $4050 MNH. SG 301-8(var) cat £875+ for M singles, should be at least double, £1750 MNH, plus premium for se-tenant strips. 2020 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs for 4d & 1/-. (8 strips of 3) (P) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Estimate AU$900

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1618 image1907-11 QV 4d grey-black, Die I, vert se-tenant strip of 3, blank background, 4 cnr numerals, wmk Crown/A, perf 12½x11½ top, 12½x11 middle & 12½x12 bottom. F-VF MNH. SG 305(var) cat £210 as M singles, should be at least double, £420 MNH, plus premium for se-tenant strip. ACSC Q33b cat $750 M, so est $1500 MNH. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$200

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1619 image1907-11 QV Large Chalon set 2/6 - £1, lithographed, plus 2/6 shades (2) & 5/-, wmk crown A sideways. VFM. ACSC ex Q52-65 cat $1600. SG 309-312, 309a, 309b & 310s cat £1145. Rare set. (7). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$900

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1620 image1907-11 QV Large Chalon set 2/6-£1, wmk crown A sideways. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 309-312 cat £715. ACSC ex Q55-65 cat $1175. Rare set. (4) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$600

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1621 image1907-11 QV Large Chalon high values, 2/6 vermilion (2 shades) & 2/6 dull orange, all perf OS, last 2 error perf REVERSED, wmk crown A sideways. F-VFU. SG309 & 309a cat £240+ as normals. ACSC Q55A, C, b cat $360+++, last 2 with 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs. (3) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1622 image1907-11 QV Large Chalon high values, 2/6 dull orange, 5/- rose & 10/- brown, all perf OS, wmk crown A sideways, the 2/6 & 5/-, error OS reversed. VF fresh CTO with gum. SG 309a, 310, 311(var) cat £240+ for normals. ACSC Q55Cbx, Q58bx, Q60c cat $545+++. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs. (3) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$400

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1623 imagePostmark: 'Telegraph Branch GPO 9 FE 06' (RRRR) comp strike on 1905 QV Chalon £1 green, lithographed, perf 12. VFU. SG 274 cat £130+, plus premium for pmk. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$180

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
1624 imageRailways: Cairns-Mulgrave Tramway: 1897 small design 1/- violet, blk of 6, w/o control nos. UN as made, bit tropicalized & sl horiz crease in middle. Elsmore cat $1800+ as singles. Extremely rare multiple. (6) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$500

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
1625 image1855 QV 1d dark green, imperf, London printing, horiz pr on small piece with diamond '102' of Normanville (rated 3R). F-VFU, 3-4 margins. SG 1 cat £1000+ as singles, plus premium for nice multiple. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$1,000

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1626 image1855 QV 1d green, London printing plate proof, no wmk, imperf. F-VF UN as made, sl bends, 3½ margins, bright colour. SG 1(p) cat £12,000 as normal. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$220

SOLD for AU$150.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1627 image1855 QV 2d rose-carmine imperf London printing, wmk Large Star. Superb fresh UN, 4 margins, bright colour. SG 2 cat £1500. Rare genuine unused in perfect quality. Certificate can be obtain on request. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$1,500

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1628 image1855 QV 2d rose-carmine imperf London printing, wmk Large Star. Fresh UN, UL cnr tiny tear, 4 margins, bright colour. SG 2 cat £1500. Rare genuine unused. 2014 RPSV photo cert. (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$750

SOLD for AU$500.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1629 image1855 QV 6d deep blue, imperf, London printing, wmk Large Star. VFU, 4 margins, barred oval '60' pmk. SG 3 cat £180. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1630 image1855 QV 6d deep blue, imperf, London printing, wmk Large Star. Superb U, 4 large margins, barred oval pmk. SG 3 cat £180. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$180

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM

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