General Foreign continued...
LotNo. |
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Catalog No. |
Lot Description |
Est. |
201 |
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Falkland Islands 77-80 |
Islands 77-80, 1p-1sh Silver Jubilee Issue of KGV, F-VF with NH (1p,2 ½p and 4p) and VVLH 1sh, fresh and bright colors Cat($69) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Falkland Islands 77-80] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
202 |
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Falkland Islands 103-06 |
Islands 103-06, 1p-2sh UPU Issue, F-VF, postally Used, with very light ccls Cat($17) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Falkland Islands 103-06] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
203 |
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Finland 4-5 |
4-5, 5k and 10k 1860 Issues, 4 Fine with 1864 cds ccl, (3) short perfs, no. 5 VF with full perfs present, ms ccl, both stamps with small thin. Enjoyable and scarce set! Cat($258) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Finland 4-5] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
204 |
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Finland 7 |
Finland 7, 8p Black on Green, Ty III Perfs, F-VF missing (1) perf at left, light horizontal crease, 1871 cds ccl Cat($170)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Finland 7] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
205 |
Fiume 184-192 |
Fiume 184-192, 5c to 1l short set of (9(0 Feb. 1924 issue, F-VF OG/LH, last issue before Italian Annexation overprint issue Cat($22)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Fiume 184-192] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
206 |
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France 2 |
2, 15c GREEN ON GREENISH PAPER, 3½ margins with full value bar from the stamp above; tied to cover with 6 point star ccl made of dots. Cover with dc ccl on reverse from Paris, March 30, 1852 and with repaired tear on front, 2018 APEX
certificate Cat($1,325) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide France 2] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
207 |
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France 75 |
France 75, 5¢ Red Brown, Type I VF, postally Used Cat($13)
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Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
208 |
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France 254A |
254A, 20fr Orange Brown, Die II, F-VF, postally Used, perf 13 Cat($35) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide France 254A] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
209 |
France 300c |
300c, 1.50fr S.S. Normadie, Turquoise shade, VF-XF LH, with normal #300 dark blue shade for comparison, ex Pollard Cat($289) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide France 300c] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
210 |
France B318a |
B318a, 15+7fr & 20+8fr 1957 Semi-Postals, Complete Booklet of 8, VF NH, pristine Cat($45) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide France B318a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
211 |
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Germany-Prussia 22 |
Germany-Prussia 22, 30sg Blue, postally used, vertical crease, and margins trimmed to the frame Cat($225) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Germany-Prussia 22] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
212 |
Germany 664, 669 |
664, 669, 30pf Hanover Export Fair and 30pf UPU 7th Anniversary Issues on separate post-war Germany to U.S. Commercial covers, F-VF, no. 664 tied to cover with indistinct pmk and additional franking (no. 641 and (2) 642) tied to cover with
dc bridge cds "BREMEN 5/21.7.49-21/X". Cover in fair condition with a tear at top on front and creases particularly upper right corner; #669 tied to cover with dc bridge cds "BREMEN 5/11-10-49-20/X". Cover faulty (half missing), but address and
postmark intact. Michel cat no's are: definitives 80, 85 and 92, Hanover #105 and UPU #116. Values for covers from Michel € 109, approx. $123 (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Germany 664, 669] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
213 |
Germany 683 |
683, 70pf Orange on Commercial (Military) Airmail cover, F-VF, neatly typed address with Box Lettering in ink, posted from Stuttgart to Milwaukee May 4, 1954, Michel no. 36 with catalog value of €65. Condition is excellent, opened at top
and with correspondence. Auxiliary markings on front (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Germany 683] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
214 |
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Germany B33 |
B33, 1930 IPOSTA Souvenir Sheet of 4, F-VF with (2) Sept. 20 pictorial cancels from the IPOSTA Exhibition, light glue stains (since only the stamps had gum) in margins for mailing an envelope. Very scarce postally used! Cat($1,500) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Germany B33] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
215 |
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C43, 1M CARMINE, GRAF ZEPPELIN WITH "CHICAGOFAHRT/WELTAUSSTELLUNG/1933" OVPT, Fine Used, issued for Graf Zeppelin flight to Chicago Century of Progress Int'l Exhibition, has wmk 126 and appears to be comb perforation, couple light creases
Cat($375) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide GERMANY C43] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
216 |
Germany-Berlin 9N118-9 |
Germany-Berlin 9N118-9, 10pf and 25pf 1956 Arms of Berlin Event cover, VF stamps on Postcard celebrating the VII Ordinary Federal Conference of the Bundesrat in Wurzburd April 1956. Pmks dc bridge special conference ccls,
unaddressed and very clean. Michel no's 136 and 137 with value €13.50, approximately $18 (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide Germany-Berlin 9N118-9] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
217 |
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German Democratic Republic 10N29//44 |
German Democratic Republic 10N29//44, 2pf to 84pf Portrait Definitives watermark 292, F-VF Used. Included are nos. 10N31 and 10N41 NH and 10N44 LH Cat($24)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide German Democratic Republi] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
218 |
German Democratic Republic (GDR) 49-50 |
Democratic Republic (GDR) 49-50, 12pf and 30pf Letter Carrier Issue on FDC, F-VF, each stamp tied to unaddressed PPC with separate fancy cds pmk's "(10a) DRESDEN BAD WEISSER HIRSCH/30.10.49-11/TAG DER BRIEFMARKE". A text box at lower left
states "ERSTTAGSKARTE/FIRST DAY OF ISSUE/TAG DER BRIEFMARKE/30 OKTOBER 1949". Scott and Michel catalogs list October 27, 1949 as first day. Michel cv is € 360.00, approximately $400.00 (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide German Democratic Republi] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
219 |
German Democratic Republic 330c, 333a, |
German Democratic Republic 330c, 333a,, 477b Complete 1961 Booklet with (3) panes and extra ad pages, VF NH, Michel catalog #361, staple was removed, (2) additional pages of advertising and restapled. Fresh booklet Cat($15)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide German Democratic Republi] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |
220 |
German Democratic Republic B21a |
Democratic Republic B21a, 12+3pf and 84+41pf 1950 DEBRIA Exhibition Souvenir Sheet of 2, Imperf, Michel #Block 7 (271-272), VF, tied to specially designed souvenir card with (2) Aug. 31, 1950 Leipzig Fair pictorial cancels. Michel cv €
280. about $320 (Image)
Get Market Data for [Worldwide German Democratic Republi] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-21, 02:00 PM (EST) |