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AUTOGRAPHS continued...

AUTOGRAPHS continued...
LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
381   (Actress) Coral Browne (1913-1991), stage, film and TV actress, performing in over (50) different plays, (30) films 1930-1990. A very long career, wife of Vincent Price, winner of the BAFTA TV Award/Best Actress 1984, British Film Award/Best Actress 1986 and LA Theatre Critics Award/Best Actress 1976. Handwritten letter signed on a Liverpool hotel page. Also with 4" x 6" B&W photo Cat($135)


Available for $28.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
382   image(Sports) Mabel Bryant (1885-1948), British Women's hockey player (1901-1928), considered one of the elite players of her time. Signature on 5" x 4" manila card with newspaper clipping attached and dated 1928, the year she retired (Image)


Available for $8.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
383   image(Composer) John Freckleton Burrowes (1757-1852), English music composer and one of the original (30) music professionals who formed the Philharmonic Society of London in 1813 (later renamed the Royal Philharmonic Society). Here, his signature on a note accepting a request that he attend a funeral (Image)


SOLD for $20.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
384   image(Theater) Edwin Gilding Clarke (1873-1934), British actor and opera performer, signature here on a 3 ½" x 5½" handwritten letter to an admirer, dated 1927 from the Shakespeare Theatre in Liverpool, where he mentions sending a signed picture of himself in the role of the Cardinal in "The Jewess" and references his role as Buteux in Lecocq's "The Daughter of Madame Angot." Letter glued to cardboard for protection but with crease at bottom, slightly affecting signature (Image)


Available for $10.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
385   (Music) Lorna Dallas, Soprano singer and musicals, very popular songstress, handwritten personalized 6-line note on 6x8 letterhead sheet


Available for $6.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
386   image(Religion) Randall Thomas Davidson (1848-1930), Archbishop of Canterbury (1903-1928), here signature on typed letter to an author referencing Davidson's contribution to an upcoming book on British and American friendship. Paper has "Lion Brand/Croxley Manifest Bank/London" watermark. Also has (2) folds quartering the document and a couple light creases. Document dated May 30th 1918 from LAMBETH PALACE. As Archbishop of Canterbury, Davidson crowned George V at his coronation in 1911 and Queen Mary (Image)


SOLD for $20.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
387   image(Author) Holman Francis Day (1865-1935), novelist, poet, journalist, editor and filmmaker. He wrote over (300) short stories, many poems and more than 25 books. His pencil signature on typed letter dated "DEC 18 1900" on Lewiston Journal letterhead. Content expresses his concerns about contributing an article to the Youth's Companion magazine. Letter folded with third's and has some separation along the creases. Pencil note on back (Image)


Available for $6.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
388   image(Football) Tony Dorsett (1954-), Dallas Cowboys, Super Bowl and Heisman Trophy winner, 1994 Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee, with Scott #1560 FDOI ccl (Image)


Available for $32.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
389   image(President) DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (1890-1969), signature on letter dated June 28, 1960 to Mr. A. Langley Coffey, verifying that Coffey's report (as a member of the Emergency Board investigating the dispute between the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. & some of it's employees, per Executive Order no. 10877) had been received. Pres. Eisenhower also expressed his "appreciation of your services and consideration of an extremely difficult problem." The letter, on "THE WHITE HOUSE" letterhead, is lightly tnd, mounted in an old wooden frame w/green matting (Image)


Available for $280.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
390   image(Tennis) Chris Evert (1954-), 18-time major singles title champion including two Australian Opens, seven French Open, three Wimbledon, and six U.S. Opens, 1995 International Tennis Hall of Fame inductee, with Scott #1507 and #1508 FDOI ccl (Image)


SOLD for $8.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
391   image(EDUCATION) Thomas S. Fiske Jr. (1865-1944), Founder of the New York Mathematical Society in 1888, which changed its name to the American Mathematical Society in 1894. He was also a professor at Columbia University, as well as a professor and Acting Dean of Barnard College. Here, his signature at bottom of part of a typed letter with a vertical fold through the "m" (Image)


SOLD for $6.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
392   image(Composer) RUDOLF FRIMLl (1879-1972), 5½" x 3 /4" imprinted card with blue "From the Music Room of RUDOLF FRIML" signed "To/Jack/(musical score)/Oh, Rose Marie/8-3-71/(signature)Rudolf Friml". Composer of musicals, operettas, songs, etc., he is best known for "Rose-Marie" and "The Vagabond King", both popular on Broadway and later adopted to films, and the song "Indian Love Call" recorded by many artists. This signature dated about a year before he died Cat($750) (Image)


Available for $160.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
393   image(Tennis) Pancho Gonzales (1920-1995), given name "Richard" was an American tennis player who won 15 major singles titles, 1968 International Tennis Hall of Fame inductee, with Scott #1532 FDOI ccl (Image)


SOLD for $20.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
394   image(Entertainment) Marjorie Gordon (1893-1983), English opera, stage and film actress 1915-1977. B&W 2x3 paper picture attached to 4x6 card signed "Best wishes from/"Valentine" at top and signature at bottom. In the picture, she is dressed as the lead character "Valentine" from the opera "Valentine" (Image)


Available for $10.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
395   image(Author) Catherine Gore (1798-1861), novelist of about (70) books from 1823-1858 plus she wrote (11) plays which made it onto the London stage. Here, she has signed a short, undated letter, closing with "I am glad to hear that Lady Sizemore is better." (Image)


Available for $16.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
396   image(Football) Joe Greene (1946-), Pittsburg Steelers, defensive lineman, better known as "Mean Joe Greene", he is also the star of the famous 1979 Coca-Cola commercial, still beloved by many. 1987 Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee, winner of six Super Bowls, four as a player and two as an assistant coach (Image)


SOLD for $18.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
397   image(Football) Bob Griese (1945-), Miami Dolphins, quarterback, 1990 Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee. Two-time Super Bowl winner, including the Dolphins perfect season, with Scott #1787 FDOI ccl (Image)


Available for $14.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
398   image(Postmaster) John A. Gronouski (1919-1996), U.S. Postmaster General (1963-1965) under Pres. John F. Kennedy and Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson and U.S. Ambassador to Poland (1965-1968). Signature in blue on #1237 FDC with Artcraft cachet address. This was the fourth stamp issued under his tenure (Image)


Available for $20.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
399   image(Post Office) Gronouski, John A. (1919-1996), U.S. Postmaster General Sept. 30, 1963-Nov. 2, 1965. He also served as U.S. Ambassador to Poland 1965-1968 under Pres. Johnson. Here, his autograph on #1240 1963 Christmas FDC, during his tenure as Postmaster General (Image)


Available for $16.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)
400   imageJohn Henning (1771-1851), Scottish sculptor, very popular in his day. 1839 letter to "Mr. Squib" and reads: Sir, Finding that I have two impressions/of Freebairn's Engraving of the Medal of/Cheselden, I beg your acceptance of/one of them which I send by my worthy/friend Aaron Pick of the University/of Prague who will show you his/Minor Prophets and his prospectus for/the work which he is about to publish/on the figurative language of the/Prophets. I am with respect your/humble ser't. John Henning Sen" (Image)


Available for $50.00
Closing..Jan-17, 02:00 PM (EST)

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