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641 |
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RW70R |
2003 Snow Goose, An exceptionally stunning remarque from Ron Louque. Here the entire left selvage of the stamp is filled with the Assateague lighthouse, which is located in coastal Virginia. Louque has painted the water's edge, the brush
surrounding the base of the lighthouse, the light glowing, and a dusky lavender sky. One of his finest remarques! Signed and dated by the artist in the selvage above his printed name. VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $300.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
642 |
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RW70R |
2003 Snow Goose, with color remarque by stamp artist Ron Louque. A large goose fills the left side of the stamp and selvage, Louque has lightly signed and dated the stamp in the upper left corner. VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $140.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
643 |
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RW70R |
2003 Snow Goose, Lower Left PNS, superbly remarqued by stamp's artist R. Louque, F-VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $140.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
644 |
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RW70RS |
2003 Snow Goose, with color remarque of a large snow goose by Ron Louque. Louque has signed his work on the stamp. F-VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $165.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
645 |
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RW70R |
2003 SNOW GOOSE & LIGHTHOUSE, BOTTOM PANE OF 20 #P11111 1, each stamp sba Ron Louque and with a painted remarque in each corner affecting (12) stamps. Upper left with snow goose gliding; upper right snow goose flying with wings up; lower left
with large close-up of the lighthouse, land's edges and water with reflections; and lower right with snow goose standing in grass. Stamps F-VF NH, all gorgeous!
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SOLD for $475.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
646 |
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RW70SAR, 2003 Snow Goose, self-adhesive with color remarque by Ron Louque. This elusive artist has added the Assateague lighthouse on the selvage of the stamp. This lighthouse is also pictured on the stamp. The Assateague
brick tower and foundation remain strong and in good repair. In 2004 it was transferred from the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Louque has signed and dated in the upper right hand corner. VF NH (Image)
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Available for $150.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
647 |
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RW70AR |
2003 Snow Goose, Self-adhesive, stamp and remarque each sba Ron Louque. Remarque at upper left of stamp shows a Snow Goose in flight as an extenstion of the stamp's picture, F-VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $100.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
648 |
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RW72R |
2005 Hooded Merganser, Fantastic color all over this stamp, a stunning remarque by artist Mark Anderson. The hooded merganser drake swims across the bottom of the stamp, in a large enough size to appreciate his striking markings. Stamp is
signed by Anderson in the selvage, NH (Image)
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SOLD for $185.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
649 |
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RW72R |
2005 Hooded Merganser, Lower Right corner selvage, large selvage leaves plenty of room for a beautiful remarque by stamp artist Mark Andersen. The selvage is filled with a misty green and a hooded merganser drake, head extended on to the
stamp. A very attractive remarque, VF-XF NH (Image)
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Available for $130.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
650 |
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RW72PA |
2005 Hooded Merganser, Press Sheet Pair, color remarque fills all selvage, by Mark Anderson, VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $220.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
651 |
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RW72cR |
2005 Hooded Merganser, Ty II, Plate Block of 4, remarque on lower left plate block of 4 by stamp's artist Mark Anderson, also sba; beautiful, colorful drake placed in lower left, VF-XF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $220.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
652 |
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RW72R |
2005 HOODED MERGANSER, TYPE I, LOWER LEFT PANE OF 20 #S1111 1, with large remarque by stamp's artist Mark Anderson of (2) drakes and a hen in full wing flying through several trees, sba, VF NH (Image)
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Available for $400.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
653 |
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RW72AR |
2005 Hooded Merganser, Self-Adhesive Issue, remarque by Mark Anderson. Anderson has signed in gold across the top area of the backing and has painted a gorgeous Hooded merganser drake and hen swimming. Deep, rich color, great reflection in the
water, overall an extremely well-done remarque on this artist's first, but we hope not last, federal duck stamp. VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $140.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
654 |
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RW72AR |
2005 Hooded Merganser, Mark Anderson has used a lot of creativity in creating the remarque for his self-adhesive style stamp. He has added a large swimming hooded merganser coming off the corner of the stamp, with fresh green reeds in the
background. In addition, he added matching green reeds to the actual stamp, to tie it all together. Finally he signed the stamp in gold ink. Excellent use of light and reflection on the merganser – overall a top-notch remarque! NH (Image)
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Available for $110.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
655 |
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RW73R |
2006 Ross' Goose, color remarque by Sherrie Russell Meline, Sherrie has added a portrait of a Ross’ goose overlooking the one on the stamp. Very life-like, feathers appear soft and downy. She has also signed the top selvage (Image)
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SOLD for $270.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
656 |
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RW73AR |
2006 Ross' Goose, Remarque by stamp artist Sherrie Russell Meline on a self-adhesive style stamp. Meline has painted a handsome goose looking in to the stamp, with reeds added to follow the flow as those on the stamp. Meline has signed across
the top of the stamp. This is a beautiful remarque! VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $120.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
657 |
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RW74R |
2007 Ring-necked Duck, remarque on Upper Left PNS from Press Sheet, by stamp's artist Richard C. Clifton, VF-XF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $125.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
658 |
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RW74R |
2007 Ring-necked Duck, A large corner single becomes the canvas for a color remarque by Richard Clifton. Clifton has extended the effect of the water well in to the selvage, streaks of blue and brown, and added a ring-necked drake. Clifton
signed his work in the selvage right under his printed name. VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $165.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
659 |
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RW74R |
2007 Ring-necked Duck, Upper Right PNS Remarque, by stamp's artist Richard Clifton, drake ringneck in scene extension, VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $130.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |
660 |
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RW74PR |
2007 Ring-necked Duck, bottom margin pair from press sheet with vertical gutter to which a large remarque of a ring-necked hen and drake by stamp artist Richard Clifton, has been added, VF NH (Image)
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SOLD for $220.00
Closing..Dec-11, 02:00 PM (EST) |