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1864-1867 WATERMARK LARGE STAR PERF 12½ continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2401 c   1864 envelope from Auckland and 1865 envelopes (2) New Plymouth (2), each bearing 2d. pale blue Plate I, worn pair and 6d. red-brown cancelled 1 or 9, 1866 envelope from
Wanganui bearing 6d. red-brown pair (2d. overpaid) indistinctly cancelle1864 envelope from Auckland and 1865 envelopes (2) New Plymouth (2), each bearing 2d. pale blue Plate I, worn pair and 6d. red-brown cancelled "1" or "9", 1866 envelope from Wanganui bearing 6d. red-brown pair (2d. overpaid) indistinctly cancelled and 1869 envelope from Auckland bearing 6d. red-brown (another stamp removed) and showing "deficient postage/via marseilles" h.s.; all with faults or defects, the latter unusual. Sc. 32a, 36; S.G. 113, 122. (imagea) (imageb) (imagec) (imaged) (Image) Est. $150-200

SOLD for $425.00
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2402 c   1864 (8 June) entire from Auckland to London, bearing 2d. pale blue Plate I worn in combination with imperforate 6d. red-brown and G.B. 1d. red Stars twice cancelled 1,
underfranked by 2d. and upon arrival rated 8 (additionally tying the1864 (8 June) entire from Auckland to London, bearing 2d. pale blue Plate I worn in combination with imperforate 6d. red-brown and G.B. 1d. red Stars twice cancelled "1", underfranked by 2d. and upon arrival rated "8" (additionally tying the 1d.) and "8d" (deleted) and showing circular-framed "more/to/pay" h.s. and light "deficient postage /fine " completed for "2d" and "6" respectively, the reverse with despatch and arrival (15.8) c.d.s.; two filing creases, one of which crosses the 2d. value, nevertheless a very rare and unusual franking. Sc. 14, 32a; S.G. 43, 13. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,250.00
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2403 c   1864 (18 June) blue envelope from Dunedin to London, bearing 1- green (partially lifted) clearly cancelled with otago duplex, upon arrival redirected to Inverness and showing
h.s. 1 redirection fee and outgoing London c.d.s. (22.8), th1864 (18 June) blue envelope from Dunedin to London, bearing 1/- green (partially lifted) clearly cancelled with "otago" duplex, upon arrival redirected to Inverness and showing h.s. "1" redirection fee and outgoing London c.d.s. (22.8), the reverse with original London arrival c.d.s. (15.8) and Inverness c.d.s. (23.8); a scarce stamp on cover and particularly so overpaying the route rate by 2d. Holcombe Opinion (1993). Sc. 37b; S.G. 124. Note: The Holcombe Opinion suggests that the cover may not have travelled by the "Via Marseilles" route although the London arrival c.d.s. for 15 August suggests that it did as the via Southampton mail did not arrive in London until 19 August. (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $350.00
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2404 c   1864 (7 Dec.) envelope from Otahuhu to London, bearing 2d. Plate I worn impression (2) and 6d. red-brown all lightly cancelled with two strikes of the oval-framed 5otahuhua
h.s., one 2d. additionally tied by large Auckland c.d.s. with a1864 (7 Dec.) envelope from Otahuhu to London, bearing 2d. Plate I worn impression (2) and 6d. red-brown all lightly cancelled with two strikes of the oval-framed "5/otahuhu/a" h.s., one 2d. additionally tied by large Auckland c.d.s. with a further strike at upper right corner, and with one 2d. additionally tied by London Paid c.d.s. (15.2), despatch c.d.s. on reverse; the adhesives lifted and hinged back in place; a delightful franking of the Maori War period. Sc. 32a, 36; S.G.113, 122. provenance: Christie's Robson Lowe, October 1989 (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

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2405 c   1865 (13 May) envelope from Dunedin to Edinburgh, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown twice cancelled with 0 duplex and showing, on reverse, arrival c.d.s. (16.7) scarce
and attractive. B.P.A. Certificate (1991). Sc. 34, 36 S.G. 119, 122.1865 (13 May) envelope from Dunedin to Edinburgh, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown twice cancelled with "0" duplex and showing, on reverse, arrival c.d.s. (16.7); scarce and attractive. B.P.A. Certificate (1991). Sc. 34, 36; S.G. 119, 122. provenance: H. Gordon Kaye, April 1991 (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $900.00
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2406 c   1865 (1 Aug.) envelope from Auckland to Beverley, bearing 2d. pale blue Plate I worn and 4d. deep rose horizontal pair twice cancelled with 1 duplex, London Paid c.d.s.
(16.10) below and just tying the adhesives, the reverse with London (16.10)1865 (1 Aug.) envelope from Auckland to Beverley, bearing 2d. pale blue Plate I worn and 4d. deep rose horizontal pair twice cancelled with "1" duplex, London Paid c.d.s. (16.10) below and just tying the adhesives, the reverse with London (16.10) and Beverley (17.10) c.d.s.; the envelope with a few light fox marks around the adhesives though a rare and most attractive franking of the 10d. rate. Sc. 32a, 34; S.G. 119, 122. provenance: Christie's Robson Lowe, October 1989 (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,500.00
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2407 c   1865 (12 Sept.) pale green envelope from the Cadell correspondence from Wellington to Edinburgh bearing 2d. pale blue Plate I worn and 6d. red-brown (2, one grossly
miss-perforated, each clearly cancelled 7 with despatch and arrival c.d.s.1865 (12 Sept.) pale green envelope from the Cadell correspondence from Wellington to Edinburgh bearing 2d. pale blue Plate I worn and 6d. red-brown (2, one grossly miss-perforated, each clearly cancelled "7" with despatch and arrival c.d.s. on reverse, and 1868 envelope from the same correspondence from Auckland, bearing 2d. Plate II pair and 6d. red-brown with "1" duplex; a few small faults though the first an unusual item overpaid 4d. provenance: H. Gordon Kaye, April 1991 (imagea) (Image) Est. $150-200

SOLD for $260.00
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2408 c   1865 (8 Nov.) envelope from New Plymouth to Exeter, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown each clearly cancelled 9 and with despatch c.d.s. alongside with London Paid c.d.s.
(12.1) below, Exeter c.d.s. (13.1) on reverse the envelope with som1865 (8 Nov.) envelope from New Plymouth to Exeter, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown each clearly cancelled "9" and with despatch c.d.s. alongside with London Paid c.d.s. (12.1) below, Exeter c.d.s. (13.1) on reverse; the envelope with some soiling though scarce and not unattractive. Sc. 34, 36; S.G. 119, 122. (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $450.00
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2409 c   1865 (8 Nov.) envelope from New Plymouth to Redhill, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown each clearly cancelled 9 and with despatch towards left, Dover transit c.d.s.
(12.1) on reverse scarce and attractive. Sc. 34, 36 S.G. 119, 122.1865 (8 Nov.) envelope from New Plymouth to Redhill, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown each clearly cancelled "9" and with despatch towards left, Dover transit c.d.s. (12.1) on reverse; scarce and attractive. Sc. 34, 36; S.G. 119, 122. (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

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2410 c   1865 (18 Dec.) envelope from Dunedin to Edinburgh, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown twice neatly cancelled with otago duplex, arrival c.d.s. (13.2) on reverse the
envelope with two small tears at lower right corner, otherwise clea1865 (18 Dec.) envelope from Dunedin to Edinburgh, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown twice neatly cancelled with "otago" duplex, arrival c.d.s. (13.2) on reverse; the envelope with two small tears at lower right corner, otherwise clean and most attractive. A scarce franking. Sc. 34, 36; S.G. 119, 122. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

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2411 c   1866 (9 Mar.) envelope from Greymouth to Helensburgh, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown each clearly cancelled 20 and showing, on reverse, despatch, Glasgow (14.5) and
arrival (14.5) c.d.s. the envelope with non-contemporary notation on1866 (9 Mar.) envelope from Greymouth to Helensburgh, bearing 4d. deep rose and 6d. red-brown each clearly cancelled "20" and showing, on reverse, despatch, Glasgow (14.5) and arrival (14.5) c.d.s.; the envelope with non-contemporary notation on face and with a few small faults though not unattractive. Sc. 34, 36; S.G. 119, 122. provenance: Harry Lacoste Bartrop, October 1984 (Image) Est. $750-1,000

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2412 c   1866 (18 Apr.) quadruple rate envelope to Edinburgh, bearing 4d. deep rose and 1- yellow-green (3) neatly cancelled with 0 duplex, arrival c.d.s. (11.6) on reverse the
envelope with large portions on face and reverse replaced though an attrac1866 (18 Apr.) quadruple rate envelope to Edinburgh, bearing 4d. deep rose and 1/- yellow-green (3) neatly cancelled with "0" duplex, arrival c.d.s. (11.6) on reverse; the envelope with large portions on face and reverse replaced though an attractive franking. Sc. 34, 37a; S.G. 119, 125. (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $800.00
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2413 c   1866 (20 Oct.) envelope from Dunedin to Edinburgh, bearing 4d. yellow and 6d. red-brown twice cancelled with 0 duplex and with London Paid c.d.s. (13.12) at left, the reverse
(tears on flap) with arrival c.d.s. (13.12) a scarce and attractive1866 (20 Oct.) envelope from Dunedin to Edinburgh, bearing 4d. yellow and 6d. red-brown twice cancelled with "0" duplex and with London Paid c.d.s. (13.12) at left, the reverse (tears on flap) with arrival c.d.s. (13.12); a scarce and attractive franking of the 10d. rate. B.P.A. Certificate (1991). Sc. 35, 36; S.G. 120, 122. provenance: H. Gordon Kaye, April 1991 (Image) Est. $750-1,000

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2414 c   1869 (9 July) double rate buff envelope from Blenheim to London, bearing 2d. Plate II, 3d. lilac vertical pair and 6d. red-brown horizontal pair all cancelled with M1 duplex,
showing two large 2 h.s., circular-framed R. and Lon1869 (9 July) double rate buff envelope from Blenheim to London, bearing 2d. Plate II, 3d. lilac vertical pair and 6d. red-brown horizontal pair all cancelled with "M/1" duplex, showing two large "2" h.s., circular-framed "R." and London paid c.d.s. (6.9), upon arrival redirected to Brighton and showing, on reverse (part flap missing), three London c.d.s. and arrival c.d.s.; an attractive double rate franking. Sc. 32, 33, 36; S.G. 114, 117, 122. provenance: Christie's Robson Lowe, October 1989 (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,050.00
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2415 c   1869 (3 Sept.) triple blue envelope (249x100m.) registered from Dunedin to Wolverhampton, bearing 1- green (4) each cancelled with dunedin in oval of bars and one additionally
tied by double oval-framed registeredg.p.o.dunedin. n.z1869 (3 Sept.) triple blue envelope (249x100m.) registered from Dunedin to Wolverhampton, bearing 1/- green (4) each cancelled with "dunedin" in oval of bars and one additionally tied by double oval-framed "registered/g.p.o./dunedin. n.z." d.s. and with "Crown/registered" h.s. at foot, London c.d.s. (31.10) on reverse; a few faults, mainly on reverse, though a high rate registered franking. R.P.S. Certificate (2006). Sc. 37b; S.G. 124. provenance: John Woolfe, October 2006 Note: The charge is calculated as quadruple standard rate of 6d. per ½oz. for 1oz.-2oz. letter plus triple Marseilles rate of 4d. per ½oz. for 1oz.-1½oz. letter plus registration. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

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2416 c   1866 (7 May) envelope (some stains and small fault at top) from New Plymouth to Arrowalde, bearing 1- yellow-green neatly cancelled 9 with despatch c.d.s. and French entry
c.d.s. (14.7) below, and unframed P.D. h.s., the reverse with D1866 (7 May) envelope (some stains and small fault at top) from New Plymouth to Arrowalde, bearing 1/- yellow-green neatly cancelled "9" with despatch c.d.s. and French entry c.d.s. (14.7) below, and unframed "P.D." h.s., the reverse with Dunedin (15.5) and arrival (17.7) c.d.s. The 1/- single rate per ¼oz. to Central Germany as per the April 1862 rates. Sc. 37a; S.G. 125. provenance: John Woolfe, October 2006 (Image) Est. $750-1,000

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2417 c   1869 (3 Sept.) envelope from Hoikitika to Fusio, bearing 1d. pale orange-vermilion and 3d. lilac (5) all cancelled with large W handstamp and showing manuscript 20 in crayon,
circular-framed pd and London Paid c.d.s. (1.11), all in re1869 (3 Sept.) envelope from Hoikitika to Fusio, bearing 1d. pale orange-vermilion and 3d. lilac (5) all cancelled with large "W" handstamp and showing manuscript "20" in crayon, circular-framed "pd" and London Paid c.d.s. (1.11), all in red, the reverse with despatch , Basle and Sinnasco (5.11) c.d.s., and two further Swiss namestamps; some of the adhesives with faults through originally having been affixed over edges of cover, nevertheless a remarkable franking from this office, apparently paid via Suez and the Long Sea Route to the U.K. R.P.S. Certificate (2006). Sc. 31, 33; S.G. 111, 117. Note: The cover was probably transferred to the Marseilles route due to mis-sorting. The mail via Southampton arrived on 6 November. The correct cost via Marseilles and the U.K. was 1/3d. per ¼oz. or 1/8d. per ¼-½oz. provenance: C.W. Meredith, March 1960, John Woolfe, October 2006 (Image) Est. $3,000-4,000

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2418 c   1869 (23 Feb.) blue double rate envelope from Greymouth to New York, bearing 2d. deep blue Plate II, 6d. red-brown (3) and 1- yellow-green each cancelled 20, rated 1- and 4
and showing London Paid c.d.s. (15.5), New York Paid All1869 (23 Feb.) blue double rate envelope from Greymouth to New York, bearing 2d. deep blue Plate II, 6d. red-brown (3) and 1/- yellow-green each cancelled "20", rated "1/-" and "4" and showing London Paid c.d.s. (15.5), New York Paid All c.d.s. (25.5) and, on reverse (small faults), despatch and Hokitika (24.2) c.d.s. A most attractive franking sent between the "via Panama" and "via San Francisco" contracts. R.P.S. Certificate (2006). Sc. 32, 36, 37a; S.G. 115, 122, 125. provenance: John Woolfe, October 2006 (Image) Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $2,100.00
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2419 c   1866 envelope from Auckland to London bearing 6d. red-brown cancelled 1 in oval of bars 1867 (Aug.) envelopes (2), one from Dunedin to Huddersfield bearing 6d. red-brown
cancelled with 0 duplex, the second from Blenheim to Perth bearing 3d.1866 envelope from Auckland to London bearing 6d. red-brown cancelled "1" in oval of bars; 1867 (Aug.) envelopes (2), one from Dunedin to Huddersfield bearing 6d. red-brown cancelled with "0" duplex, the second from Blenheim to Perth bearing 3d. lilac (2) cancelled with "M/1" duplex, and 1868 envelope from Napier to Portsmouth bearing 2d. deep blue Plate II strip of three (one defective) cancelled with duplex. Sc. 32, 33, 36; S.G. 114, 117, 122. (imagea) (imageb) (imagec) (Image) Est. $150-200

SOLD for $300.00
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2420 c   1866 (5 Sept.) blue envelope from Dunedin to London, bearing 6d. red-brown pair and a single twice cancelled with 0 duplex and showing London Paid c.d.s. (29.10) in red below,
a further London c.d.s. (29.11) on reverse. Signed Holcombe. Sc. 361866 (5 Sept.) blue envelope from Dunedin to London, bearing 6d. red-brown pair and a single twice cancelled with "0" duplex and showing London Paid c.d.s. (29.10) in red below, a further London c.d.s. (29.11) on reverse. Signed Holcombe. Sc. 36; S.G. 122. (Image) Est. $300-400

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