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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2001 c   1824 (2 Apr.) Single sheet entire letter from missionaries Nathaniel Turner and William White of the Wesleyan Mission at Wangaroa to London, marked Duplicate, rated 12 and
showing, on reverse, step-type gravesendship letter1824 (2 Apr.) "Single sheet" entire letter from missionaries Nathaniel Turner and William White of the Wesleyan Mission at Wangaroa to London, marked "Duplicate", rated "1/2" and showing, on reverse, step-type "gravesend/ship letter"; one of the earliest missionary covers in private hands. provenance: "Kiwi," 1990 (Image) Est. $750-1,000

SOLD for $800.00
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2002 c   1834 (14 Feb.) entire letter from John Whiteley, Wesleyan Missionary at Hokianga to London, rated 12 and showing, on reverse, step-type dovership letter and arrival c.d.s.
(25.6). Also a piece bearing 1840 1d. black (three margins1834 (14 Feb.) entire letter from John Whiteley, Wesleyan Missionary at Hokianga to London, rated "1/2" and showing, on reverse, step-type "dover/ship letter" and arrival c.d.s. (25.6). Also a piece bearing 1840 1d. black (three margins) cancelled in red and additionally just tied by "plymouth company of new zealand" oval d.s. for 10 January 1841. provenance: H. Gordon Kaye, 1991 (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $650.00
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2003 c   1843 (17 Aug.) entire letter, headed Wanganui to Portobello, Scotland, rated 8 and showing a magnificent strike of the exceptionally rare petre h.s., the reverse showing
London ship letter h.s., London (26.2) and Edinb1843 (17 Aug.) entire letter, headed "Wanganui" to Portobello, Scotland, rated "8" and showing a magnificent strike of the exceptionally rare "petre" h.s., the reverse showing London "ship letter" h.s., London (26.2) and Edinburgh (28.2) c.d.s., all slightly overlapping; the contents, written by Miss Cameron to her mother includes, "It was only last week that I wrote a long letter to Isabella but I think the opportunity afforded by a vessel going direct to Sydney from this is too good to pass. My 3 last letters have gone by different routes so I trust some ones of them may reach you in safety". The earliest of the five recorded strikes of this handstamp, and irrefutably the finest. provenance: "Kiwi", 1990Note: A new settlement was formed on 18 September 1840 and although the town was called Wanganui, the New Zealand Company named it Petre as a compliment to Lord Petre, one of the Company's London directors, however the settlers were united in their insistence on the retention of the original Post Office name of Wanganui in preference to Petre. The official name was changed back to Wanganui on 26 January 1854. Despite this, all postal markings were inscribed with the name Petre between the years 1843 and 1862. The cover offered in the above lot is from the same correspondence as that bearing a strike of the straight-line Wanganui handstamp, offered by Spink in the John Woolfe sale (lot 120) on 3 October 2006. (Image) Est. $5,000-6,000

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2004 c   1845 (24 Jan.) entire (208x88mm.) from Russell to Auckland, rated 8 and showing framed paidrussell in red alongside new-zealand double-arc d.s. (29.1), the reverse with post
officerussell Crowned oval d.s., with 1845 (24 Jan.) entire (208x88mm.) from Russell to Auckland, rated "8" and showing framed "paid/russell" in red alongside "new-zealand" double-arc d.s. (29.1), the reverse with "post office/russell" Crowned oval d.s., with "general" removed, across join; some staining, more evident on the reverse. provenance: "Kiwi", 1990 (Image) Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $1,600.00
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2005 c   1847 (27 Aug.) entire letter from Auckland to England, rated 4 (deleted) and 8  and showing paidatauckland new zealand Crowned Circle over-cancelled with London ship letter
h.s., Auckland and London (21.2) c.d.s. on1847 (27 Aug.) entire letter from Auckland to England, rated "4" (deleted) and "8" and showing "paid/at/auckland new zealand" Crowned Circle over-cancelled with London "ship letter" h.s., Auckland and London (21.2) c.d.s. on reverse, an extensive letter from a British settler at Waipa, North Island with a delightful steel engraving entitled "The Missionary Ship Triton leaving Bristol on her first journey". A very early item of illustrated writing paper posted from New Zealand. (Image) Est. $400-500

SOLD for $700.00
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2006 c   1859 (1 Aug.) entire letter from the Wellington Steam Navigation Co. Ltd p Overland to Wanganui, showing a fine strike of the paidatwellington new zealand Crowned Circle
alongside h.s. 4 in the same ink, Petre double-arc arrival1859 (1 Aug.) entire letter from the Wellington Steam Navigation Co. Ltd "p Overland" to Wanganui, showing a fine strike of the "paid/at/wellington new zealand" Crowned Circle alongside h.s. "4" in the same ink, Petre double-arc arrival d.s. (3.8) at left, fine despatch c.d.s. on reverse; central brown filing crease clear of the handstamps. (Image) Est. $200-300

SOLD for $160.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2007 c   1846 (7 Oct.) soldiers entire letter From Corporal No. 1466 John Mitchell 58th. Regiment Wahapu New Zealand to England, countersigned by the Commanding Officer, rated 1 and
showing framed paid atauckland h.s. in red, London1846 (7 Oct.) soldier's entire letter "From Corporal No. 1466 John Mitchell 58th. Regiment Wahapu New Zealand" to England, countersigned by the Commanding Officer, rated "1" and showing framed "paid at/auckland" h.s. in red, London c.d.s. (2.4) in red and Stamford arrival c.d.s. (3.4) in blue, the reverse with "new-zealand" double-arc d.s. (19.10) across join; the interesting contents include "...many of our brave comrades fell gloriously in the field....I expect we will be sent round to Port Nicholson.....We have not laid in a bed since we came to the country... proud to have it to have it to say they have the best praise of any corps in the Island.... News is just arrived that the enemy (h)as taken a circuitous route to attack our Detachment, their is two ships of war come to our assistance... So good Bie I must get ready"; some soiling and weakness at folds though a splendid letter from the First Maori War. provenance: H. Gordon Kaye, 1991 (Image) Est. $5,000-6,000

SOLD for $3,750.00
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2008 c   1869 soldiersseamens envelope From Sergeant Wm. Grimes, Royal Marines L.I. H.M.S. Galatea - New Zealand, signed by the Commanding Officer and bearing G.B. 1d. Plate 97
indistinctly cancelled A99?, London Paid c.d.s. (date unclear) on f1869 soldier's/seamen's envelope "From Sergeant Wm. Grimes, Royal Marines L.I. H.M.S. Galatea - New Zealand", signed by the Commanding Officer and bearing G.B. 1d. Plate 97 indistinctly cancelled "A99"?, London Paid c.d.s. (date unclear) on face, no other markings; a little soiled and with part flap missing though a scarce cover. (Image) Est. $400-500

SOLD for $750.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2009 c   1844 (Jan.) small entire (one side panel missing) from Kororarika to Auckland showing, on reverse across join, a fine strike of the kororarikanew zealand Crowned oval d.s.
with fixed 1840 dateline, the face panel marked OHM Service1844 (Jan.) small entire (one side panel missing) from Kororarika to Auckland showing, on reverse across join, a fine strike of the "kororarika/new zealand" Crowned oval d.s. with fixed "1840" dateline, the face panel marked "OHM Service", rated "4" and showing fine "new-zealand" double-arc d.s. for 12 January. provenance: "Kiwi", 1990 (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

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2010 c   1847 (17 Sept.) OHMS entire (209x94mm.) from Wellington to the Secretary of the Admiralty, London, rated 8 (deleted) and 14 and showing a good strike of the paidatwellington
new zealand Crowned Circle h.s., the reverse with1847 (17 Sept.) OHMS entire (209x94mm.) from Wellington to the Secretary of the Admiralty, London, rated "8" (deleted) and "1/4" and showing a good strike of the "paid/at/wellington new zealand" Crowned Circle h.s., the reverse with Wellington oval (17.9) and London circular (1.3) d.s., both across join. Also 1861 Trustees legal document with one party "now in New Zealand". provenance: Harry Lacoste Bartrop, 1984 (Image) Est. $200-300

SOLD for $200.00
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2011 c   1859 (27 Aug.) On New Zealand Service, Government Service crested envelope from Col. (later Sir.) Thomas Browne (initials in lower left corner), 4th. Governor of New Zealand,
Auckland to Donald Maclean, Native Secretary and Chief Land Pur1859 (27 Aug.) "On New Zealand Service", "Government Service" crested envelope from Col. (later Sir.) Thomas Browne (initials in lower left corner), 4th. Governor of New Zealand, Auckland to Donald Maclean, Native Secretary and Chief Land Purchase Commissioner, Wellington, rated "4" and showing "paid/at/auckland new zealand" Crowned Circle h.s., Wellington c.d.s. (31.8 and 19.9) and Ahuriri (15.9) c.d.s., all on face, despatch c.d.s. on reverse. provenance: "Kiwi", 1990 (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $650.00
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2012 c   1866 (3 Mar.) printed No. 45. New Zealand. O.H.M.S. envelope from the Chief Post Office in Dunedin to Scotland, signed Arch Bell Chief Postmaster with Dunedin c.d.s. below and
with Ayr arrival c.d.s. (20.5) on reverse small faults though1866 (3 Mar.) printed "No. 45. New Zealand. O.H.M.S." envelope from the Chief Post Office in Dunedin to Scotland, signed "Arch Bell Chief Postmaster" with Dunedin c.d.s. below and with Ayr arrival c.d.s. (20.5) on reverse; small faults though unusual. (Image) Est. $200-300

SOLD for $575.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2013 c   1845 entire letter from Richmond to Frederick Whitaker (later Sir Frederick, Premier, lawyer and financier), Auckland, rated 4 and 16 and showing fine boxed windsorpost paid.,
paid ship lettersydney oval d.s., both in red1845 entire letter from Richmond to Frederick Whitaker (later Sir Frederick, Premier, lawyer and financier), Auckland, rated "4" and "1/6" and showing fine boxed "windsor/post paid.", "paid ship letter/sydney" oval d.s., both in red, light "new-zealand" double-arc arrival d.s. (22.4) and, on reverse, fine Windsor oval d.s.; slight toning though exhibits well. provenance: "Kiwi", 1990 (Image) Est. $300-400

SOLD for $210.00
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2014 c   1845 (1 Feb.) entire from Adelaide, South Australia per Ann Sarup G Young via Hobart Town to Kokapo Port Underwood Cloudy Bay Cook Strait, rated 6 and 8 and showing
new-zealand double-arc d.s. (23.4) and well1845 (1 Feb.) entire from Adelaide, South Australia "per Ann Sarup G Young" "via Hobart Town" to "Kokapo Port Underwood Cloudy Bay Cook Strait", rated "6" and "8" and showing "new-zealand" double-arc d.s. (23.4) and "wellington/new zealand" oval d.s. (16.5), the reverse with a fair strike of the "general post office/adelaide" Crowned oval d.s. across join. provenance: Harry Lacoste Bartrop, 1984 (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $1,150.00
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2015 c   1847 (30 Oct.) entire letter from West Bordon to Capt. Bernard Collinson, Wellington, rated 8 and bearing 1847 embossed 1- green upper left corner example lightly cancelled
309 and with New Plymouth c.d.s. (4.4, additionally tying the ad1847 (30 Oct.) entire letter from West Bordon to Capt. Bernard Collinson, Wellington, rated "8" and bearing 1847 embossed 1/- green upper left corner example lightly cancelled "309" and with New Plymouth c.d.s. (4.4, additionally tying the adhesive) and Wellington c.d.s. (25.4), all on face, three U.K. despatch marks on reverse. Most attractive. provenance: Burberry, 1986, Marcel Stanley, 1988 (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,700.00
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2016 c   1853 (14 July) entire from Halifax Via Sydney to Wellington, bearing 1841 2d. blue Plate IV strip of four, CA-CD, with good to large margins on three sides and each cancelled
330, showing rates of 3 and 5, London Ship Letter c1853 (14 July) entire from Halifax "Via Sydney" to Wellington, bearing 1841 2d. blue Plate IV strip of four, CA-CD, with good to large margins on three sides and each cancelled "330", showing rates of "3" and "5", London Ship Letter c.d.s. (15.7) and Wellington c.d.s. (15.12), all on face, Halifax, London and Sydney Ship Letter (11.11) c.d.s. Scarce and most attractive. (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $725.00
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2017 c   1854 (9 May) entire from Dunkeld to Otago, bearing 1841 2d. blue in combination with 1854 embossed 6d. purple each clearly cancelled 118 and showing Wellington c.d.s. (20.9),
large h.s. 2 and Otago c.d.s. (8.10), despatch and London c.d.s. on1854 (9 May) entire from Dunkeld to Otago, bearing 1841 2d. blue in combination with 1854 embossed 6d. purple each clearly cancelled "118" and showing Wellington c.d.s. (20.9), large h.s. "2" and Otago c.d.s. (8.10), despatch and London c.d.s. on reverse; attractive. provenance: Marcel Stanley, 1988 (Image) Est. $400-500

SOLD for $725.00
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2018 c   1856 (6 June) front and part back Per Australian Mail from Bath to Auckland, bearing 1d. LC14 on blued paper strip of six cancelled with 53 sideways duplex, arrival c.d.s.
(13.10) below, 1859 (10 Feb.) envelope from Jersey Via Southamp1856 (6 June) front and part back "Per Australian Mail" from Bath to Auckland, bearing 1d. LC14 on blued paper strip of six cancelled with "53" sideways duplex, arrival c.d.s. (13.10) below, 1859 (10 Feb.) envelope from Jersey "Via Southampton" to Auckland, bearing 1855-57 6d. with "409" duplex and showing Nelson (21.5) and Auckland (26.5) c.d.s., and 1867 envelope from Glasgow "Via Marseilles" to Dunedin, rated "10" with Paid c.d.s. in red and bearing 1d. red, cancelled "159" added for Late Fee. (imagea) (imageb) (Image) Est. $200-300

SOLD for $140.00
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2019 c   1861 (Dec.) envelope registered from London By overland via Southampton to James Mouat, V.C., Inspector General of Hospitals Head Quarters, bearing 1855-57 6d. and 1- pair,
both with wing-margin, cancelled with oval of bars and showi1861 (Dec.) envelope registered from London "By overland via Southampton" to James Mouat, V.C., "Inspector General of Hospitals Head Quarters", bearing 1855-57 6d. and 1/- pair, both with wing-margin, cancelled with oval of bars and showing two "Crown/registered" h.s., London Registered oval d.s., additionally tying the 1/- pair, and arrival c.d.s. (3.5); unusual and attractive. Note: On 26 October 1854 in the Crimea, at Balaclava, Surgeon Mouat went with Corporal Charles Wooden to the assistance of an officer who was lying seriously wounded in an exposed position, after the retreat of the Light Cavalry. He dressed his wounds under heavy fire from the enemy, and by stopping a severe haemorrhage, helped to save his life. James Mouat, aged 74, died in London in 1899. (Image) Est. $200-300

SOLD for $525.00
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2020 c   1862 (24 May.) envelope ex the Stafford correspondence from Stirling Via Marseilles to Nelson, bearing 1862-64 9d. deep bistre cancelled with 308 duplex, upon arrival
redirected to Wellington and bearing 1862 2d. deep blue with good t1862 (24 May.) envelope ex the Stafford correspondence from Stirling "Via Marseilles" to Nelson, bearing 1862-64 9d. deep bistre cancelled with "308" duplex, upon arrival redirected to Wellington and bearing 1862 2d. deep blue with good to large margins and neatly cancelled "15", the reverse with London (26.5) and Nelson (4.8) c.d.s.; a scarce and most attractive redirected franking. provenance: H. Gordon Kaye, 1991 Note: Edward William Stafford (1819-1901), who emigrated to New Zealand in 1843, was elected to the House of Representatives in 1855, and was Premier and Colonial Secretary, 1856-61. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $2,600.00
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