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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale - 770

Union Civil War Postal History

Prisoner of War Covers, Northern Prisons
Lot Description
image LotNo.: 1
Symbol: cover

Helena Jail - Helena, Ark., Cover from a Confederate P.O.W. at Helena, Ark.; exchanged between Pine Bluff and Camden; marked first "Exd & Appd S.E. Chandler, Lt. & Act. Pro. Marshal Dept. Ark's.", then "Apd J.F Belton, Lt Col. & AAG, CSA"; addressed to "Samuel W Ritchey (Care of) Lt. Col. Musser, 1st Brig, Mo Infry, CSA". Turned and reused by Ritchey to Mrs. Margarite A. Harris in Pittsburg, Tex. with a handstamped "Due 10" and pencil docketing July 2, 1864, Fine. The only cover recorded from this prison in Union-occupied Helena.

Col. Colton Greene wrote Belton on June 26, 1864, advising that "a person just from Helena" reports 5 members of his command were closely confined there.

Estimate $1,500-2,000

Estimate $1,500-2,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 2
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Smuggled cover and letter dated Feb 23, 1865, from Lt. A.H. Mansfield, 8th N.C. Infantry [Clingman's Brigade] to William Grimes, editor of a Raleigh, N.C. Newspaper; hand carried by "Politeness of Capt. Burgwin" and placed in the mail at Raleigh; franked with a 10¢ blue type I (11), irregularly separated and lightly tied by a faint, illegible Raleigh, N.C. c.d.s.; an over-paid drop letter.; cover Very Fine, letter has some splitting at ends of folds, one tape-repaired, Very Fine.

Lt. Mansfield expresses hopes for becoming part of a prisoner exchange and notes that, "In a few days, a small group of officers will leave here for the South, among whom is Capt. Burgwin of Raleigh, through whose kindness I send my letter."
. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 3
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Money letter for "$2. U.S. currency" - a handmade envelope from colorful wallpaper - addressed to "J(ohn) Q(uincy) A(dams), Miller, Confederate Prisoner of War, Fla. Vols [Abell's Co., Florida Light Artillery], Care Major Mulford, Steamer New York, Fort Delaware, Del., Per flag of truce, Via Fortress Monroe"; franked with a uncanceled 3¢ rose (sent by courier from Old Point Comfort), Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 4
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Small hand carried cover to Lieut. John Harleston at Fort Delaware from his Cousin Sabina Wells, docketed May 10, 1865. Harleston was one of the earliest Confederate P.O.W.s. Harleston was the Executive Officer on the Confederate privateer, Savannah, when it was captured in June 1861. He was tried as a pirate and confined in New York for a time. Later, captured again, Lt. Harleston, 1st S.C. Artillery, became one of the last prisoners, Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $200-300

Estimate $200-300
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 5
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover with a Delaware City target duplex, Dec. 27 (1864), tying a 3¢ rose; with original letter datelined "Division 31, Fort Delaware, Dec. 25, 1864, from Lt. D.M. McRae to Sallie M.H. Fulton in Baltimore; in part, "Well this is Christmas day…I must pass this day just as I pass all other days in prison.", Very Fine. The handstamped "Examined" oval had been discontinued by this time. (Image)

Estimate $100-150

Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $100.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 6
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., cover from Lt. Earl Carson Andis [Grayson Dare Devils], a P.O.W. at Fort Delaware, to his mother in Elk Creek, Va.; 3¢ rose (65) tied Delaware City. Del. c.d.s., Jul. 26, 1862., marked "Exd by Maj. H Segebarth" [2nd Pa. Artillery]; entered C.S.A. mail at Petersburg, Va. with a blue Aug. 14 c.d.s. with matching "10" (due); manuscript "Exmd WR.F" by Confederate censor, Very Fine, signed B. Green. (Image)

Estimate $600-800

Estimate $600-800
SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 7
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover from a P.O.W. to Mr. J.W. Johnston, Sommerville, Ala.; 3¢ rose tied by a Delaware City target duplex, Feb. 28 (1865); routed via Nashville (red manuscript "Via Nashville, Tenn") and New Orleans, the latter indicated by the manuscript "Examined & forwarded, Wm H. Sterling, Capt. 1st U.S. Infty. Agt. of Exch."; Capt. Sterling was in charge of the New Orleans Prisons at this time. Very Fine. The only cover known with this routing. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 8
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Printed circular, about 5" x 8", from the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners; folded, addressed and sent to "Nat[haniel] Lyon, Sgt. Div 10, D.D.D." [Co. K 8th (Wade's) Conf. Cavalry], a P.O.W. at Fort Delaware. The circular clearly defines which items may be received by prisoners, and under what rules.; minor splitting at folds, Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 9
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Turned cover to Capt. John M. Humphreys [52nd Va. Inf.], a P.O.W. at Fort Delaware; Old Point Comfort c.d.s., Jan 17 (1865) with a 3¢ rose tied by an Old Point Comfort Maltese cross; manuscript "Exd" at War Department in Richmond; original use franked with a four-margin C.S.A. 10¢ blue type I (11) tied by an Apr 23 (1864) Richmond c.d.s., to Dr. Wm. F. Humphreys, Brownsburg, va., Very Fine. Double error in the postmark: month & day upside down, month should be Jan. not Jun. (Image)

Estimate $400-600

Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 10
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover from Newark, N.J. to Lieut. S[amuel] Horace Hawes, Division 36, Officers' Barracks, Page's Artillery Battalion", at Fort Delaware; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a grid cancel alongside a Newark c.d.s., Apr 4, 1865; docd "3rd April 1865". Hawes was one of the Immortal 600 who had been held in retaliation at Morris Island, S.C., Fort Pulaski, Ga., and Hilton Head, S.C. After months of privations, they were returned to Fort Delaware. (Image)

Estimate $400-600

Estimate $400-600
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 11
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Unusual routing, written at Fort Delaware and carried south on the ship sent to Morris Island to pick up the first 50 hostages for exchange; marked "Ex Fitzgerald ADC" by the U.S. examiner, and (in red) "App N Soule AAG" by the C.S.A. examiner; entered the mails at Charleston, S.C. with an Aug 1 (1864) c.d.s. and a handstamped "Paid 10"; a U.S. 3¢ rose is uncanceled as the cover never entered the U.S. mails. Includes the original, well-written letter, datelined "Officers Prison Fort Delaware July 14th 1864" from Lt. W.E. Johnson to his wife in Liberty Hill, S.C. with interesting details of life since his capture. The letter bears a mint U.S. 3¢ rose lightly affixed to the upper right corner for his wife's convenience when writing back.

The prisoner, 2nd Lt. W.E. Johnson, Jr., was later taken to Morris Island as one of the Immortal 600.

Estimate $1,500-2,000

Estimate $1,500-2,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 12
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Two covers, one clearly 1862, the other most likely 1863, from the same sender in Baltimore to different Immortal 600 prisoners at Fort Delaware: Lt. G(eorge) W. Finley [56th Infantry] and Lt. J(ames) E. Cobb [5th Texas Infantry], each with a 3¢ rose tied by blue Baltimore target duplex, Apr 5 and Apr 12., Fine. The sender, Cora Williams, was a friend of Lt. Cobb. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 13
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover franked with a grid-canceled 3¢ rose and postmarked Vicksburg, Miss., Aug 27, 1864; carried by Mississippi River Steamboat, rated manuscript "2" (cents due), to William D. Postlethwaite [Co. A, 9th Louisiana Cav.], a P.O.W. at Fort Delaware; a bit soiled, Fine, Only two covers are recorded with this manuscript 2¢ due marking. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 14
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover from Lt. James M. Buchanan Jr. to his mother in England; rated "Due 24¢" at Delaware City, the unpaid rate to England.; at Philadelphia, the 3¢ rose, which is tied by a Delaware City target duplex, Nov 10 (1864), was credited and the charge corrected to 21¢ with a "21/Phila. Br. Pkt./Nov11" c.d.s.; backstamped London, Nov 24; vertical & horizontal file folds, abrasion in the address and other small faults, Fine appearance. One of two known P.O.W. covers to England.

Buchanan's father, James M. Buchanan Sr., was Postmaster of Baltimore from 1845 to 1849.

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $250.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 15
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover to Lt. Eugene F. Cordell at Fort Delaware with manuscript free frank, "Geo Read Riddle, U.S.S." and postmarked with a Wilmington, Del. c.d.s., Jun 2 (1865); bit of insignificant contemporaneous "doodling" partly erased, Fine to Very Fine. Only recorded use of a Congressional free frank to a captured C.S.A. soldier.

George Read Riddle served as a U.S. Senator from Delaware from 1864 until his death in 1867
. (Image)

Estimate $400-600

Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $2,200.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 16
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover with a Delaware City target duplex, Apr 6 (1865), tying a 3¢ rose; with original letter datelined "Div 31, Fort Delaware, April 4th, 1865", from Lt. Arnold F. Clarke to Sallie M.H. Fulton in Baltimore; in part, "We heard Richmond fell last night…the cannons roared a 100 gun salute. Gloom and despair throughout the prison."; minor slight tape stain in address, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $350-500

Estimate $350-500
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 17
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover to Capt. John M. Humphreys, a P.O.W. at Fort Delaware; [Greenville. Va.] "Paid 5" in circle struck twice - making up the C.S.A. 10¢ rate - and pen-canceled; Old Point Comfort c.d.s., Feb 7 (1865) with a cork-canceled 3¢ rose; manuscript "Exd JI" at Fort Monroe, Fine to Very Fine. No more than five handstamp paid markings on South-to-North P.O.W. mail are recorded. (Image)

Estimate $400-600

Estimate $400-600
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 18
Symbol: cover

Fort Delaware - Delaware City, Del., Cover from a P.O.W. at Fort Delaware franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a neat Delaware City target duplex, Oct 8 (1864); light examiner's oval, "Prisoner's Letter Examined, Fort Delaware, Del."; addressed to Vicksburg, Miss. where it was handstamped "Advertised" and apparently not claimed; reduced slightly at the left, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $300-400

Estimate $300-400
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 19
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Carroll Prison

Carroll Prison - Washington D.C., Cover from Lt. Virgil Duc, 25th S.C. Inf. with enclosure datelined "Carroll Prison Washington Aug. 26th 1864" to his father in Charleston, S.C.; with examiner's circular handstamp "Passed W.P. Wood Supt. Military Prison", a cork-canceled U.S. 3¢ rose and a irregularly torn, pen-canceled C.S.A. 10¢ blue type II tied by a partial Richmond, Va. c.d.s. (Sep) 14 (1864). Duc was captured on the Weldon Rail Road on Aug 21, 1864; he was held in Carroll Prison only three days, Very Fine. The only recorded P.O.W. cover from Carroll prison. (Image)

Estimate $1,200-1,500

Estimate $1,200-1,500
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 20
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Carroll Prison

Carroll Prison - Washington D.C., Cover to J. D. Reamer, a citizen prisoner from Washington County, Md.; 3¢ brown entire (U60) grid-canceled and postmarked with a Hagerstown, Md. c.d.s., May 23, 1865; addressed to "Old Capitol Prison, Care Col. W.P. Wood Supt", with a choice strike of Wood's circular examiner's handstamp, Very Fine. One of just 12 covers recorded to this prison, and the only recorded use of the scarce 3¢ brown entire for P.O.W. mail.

Reamer was actually in Carroll Prison, which was primarily used for state or political prisoners. Old Capitol Prison, only about a block away, was used for military prisoners. Woods served as Superintendent of both.

Estimate $1,000-1,300

Estimate $1,000-1,300
SOLD for $1,100.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 21
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Carroll Prison

Carroll Prison - Washington D.C., Cover to Jesse T. Hughes, "Carroll Prison Room 32 Carroll Military Prison, Care of William P. Wood"; cork-canceled 3¢ rose and Old Point Comfort, Va. c.d.s., Dec. 31 (1864); manuscript "Released Address not known" in partially erased pencil and "Released" in ink; manuscript "$1.00" probably indicating contents, Fine to Very Fine. Hughes, a mail contractor, was a civilian prisoner from Prince George Co., Virginia. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 22
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Carroll Prison

Carroll Prison - Washington D.C., Small cover from Sgt. G. Berkley Greene, 18th Miss. Infantry, a prisoner at Fort Delaware with that prison's "Examined" oval and a 3¢ rose tied by a Delaware City target duplex, Jul 20 (1864); addressed to "Miss Anna M. Hempston(e), Room No 41 Carroll Military Prison, Care W.P. Wood Superintendent, Washington City D.C."; left back and part of top flap missing flap. One of only two reported usages to a female prisoner, Fine to Very Fine. Only 13 recorded covers to or from Carroll Prison. (Image)

Estimate $350-500

Estimate $350-500
SOLD for $250.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 23
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Lincoln General Hospital

Lincoln General Hospital - Washington D.C., Enclosure from "Edwin H. McCaleb, Jr., 1st Lt. Adjutant 12 Miss Regt, Army of Northern Virginia, 'Prisoner of War'" requesting his letters be addressed care of "Asst. Surgeon J.C. McGee, U.S.A. in Charge Lincoln Hospital Washington, D.C."; 3¢ rose tied by a Washington D.C. target duplex, Oct. 19 (1864), on a cover to Boston; docketing on reverse acknowledges "articles sent Edwin H. McCaleb, Oct 19, 1864", Very Fine. Four recorded. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 24
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Lincoln General Hospital

Lincoln General Hospital - Washington D.C., Cover from Hugh Ingraham [43rd N.C. Infantry], a P.O.W. at Lincoln Hospital to a Washington, D.C. address; envelope with a U.S. Christian Commission corner card franked with a 3¢ rose (65) tied by a neat cork cancel alongside a Washington, D.C. c.d.s., Nov 16 (1864) - drop letter overpaid by 1¢; endorsed "Approved, Thos. Butler, Chaplain U.S.A." Includes the original letter requesting help in the form of "sum tabacker and carpet sack", Very Fine. Rare use of a Christian Commission envelope by a Confederate prisoner - not to mention the use of the 3¢ pink! . (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 25
Symbol: (cover)
CatNo.: Lincoln General Hospital

Lincoln General Hospital - Washington D.C., from Jack Smith, a P.O.W. at Lincoln Hospital to Capt. James W. Foster, a P.O.W. at "Point Lookout Genl. Prison", cover front only franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a cork cancel alongside a Washington, D.C. c.d.s., Nov 19 (1864); endorsed "Prisoner's Letter, Approved, Thos. Butler, Chaplain U.S.A.", Very Fine. Rare Prison to Prison usage. (Image)

Estimate $200-300

Estimate $200-300
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 26
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Old Capitol Prison

Old Capitol Prison - Washington D.C., Cover to Charles Harris, a P.O.W. at Old Capitol Prison, franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a New York, N.Y. duplex, Feb 5 (1865); forwarded to Point Lookout because Harris had been transferred. A native of Maine, he declined to be exchanged, took the oath of allegiance, and was sent home, Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 27
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Old Capitol Prison

Old Capitol Prison - Washington D.C., Cover from Dennis A. Mahony, a newspaper editor & political prisoner - a victim of President Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus; addressed to Col. Joseph Holt, Judge Advocate General U.S.A. with manuscript "Private" and red Provost Marshal handstamp signed "A. Davenport, Clk for…", Very Fine. The only example seen of this signature.

Mahoney was confined from August to November 1862, when he was released without charge or trial. The following year he published
The Prisoner of State, an account of his prison experiences. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 28
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Old Capitol Prison

Old Capitol Prison - Washington D.C., Money letter - $3.00 Enclosed" - addressed to Old Capital [sic] Prison, franked with a 3¢ rose tied by neat Point of Rocks, Md. c.d.s.; possibly smuggled across from Virginia as the addressee, William B. Thompson of Mosby' s Command, was from Loudoun County, Va. and Point of Rocks was not a normal exchange office; penciled "Not in O.C. Prison" and forwarded to Point Lookout, Md.; docketed "$1 Bl G… Belt, $2 U.S. Cur[rency].", Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $700.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 29
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Old Capitol Prison

Old Capitol Prison - Washington D.C., Inside envelope from Pvt. Noah Deaton [26th N.C. Infantry] to Curriesville, N.C.; 10¢ blue type II tied by Richmond c.d.s., Nov 16, 1863; red handstamp "Approved By (signed) 'WG Sheen, Lieut. Adj[utant]', Provost Marshal, Washington D.C." Deaton was at Old Capitol for only ten days; somewhat soiled, Fine. (Image)

Estimate $1,000-1,300

Estimate $1,000-1,300
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 30
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Old Capitol Prison

Old Capitol Prison - Washington D.C., Cover to Edward Colston, P.O.W. at Old Capitol Prison; Washington, D.C. duplex c.d.s. on a 3¢ pink entire, May 3 (1865), the date that Colston was received at Lincoln General Hospital from the U.S. Hospital ship, State of Maine. He was transferred to Old Capitol Hospital on May 4; addressed "Care of W.P. Wood, Superintendent" with Wood's circular handstamp. An overpaid drop, likely from another D.C. prison; reduced somewhat at the left, Fine. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 31
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Old Capitol Prison

Old Capitol Prison - Washington D.C., Folded letter from Old Capitol Prison franked with a 3¢ rose tied by Washington, D.C. c.d.s., Sep 28, and by one of two strikes Richmond c.d.s., Oct. 5, 1863; handstamped "DUE 10" for C.S.A. postage; from Pvt. Samuel Thacker to his father; red handstamp "Approved By (signed) 'C.W.T. [Charles W. Thompson], Lt. & A[djutant]' Provost Marshal, Washington D.C." The letter reads, in part, "We are now in washington in prison we are treated verry well. I would be glad to see you all at this time.", Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 32
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Old Capitol Prison

Old Capitol Prison - Washington D.C., Late usage from Old Capitol Prison to Staunton, Va. after that town was occupied by U.S. forces; carried back by the just-released former Governor of Virginia, as indicated by the manuscript endorsement, "Care of Gov. J Letcher"; "Passed, Supt., Military Prison" circular handstamp with "W.P. Wood" removed, Fine to Very Fine. One of only two recorded uses of this altered device. (Image)

Estimate $1,000-1,300

Estimate $1,000-1,300
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 33
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Old Capitol Prison

Old Capitol Prison - Washington D.C., From a P.O.W. at Old Capitol Prison; 3¢ rose (65) tied by a neat Washington, D.C. duplex, Aug. 30 (1865); to "Samuel R. Schwenk, Late Lt. Col. 50th Regt. Penn. Res. Vols.,Tremont, Schuylkill Co., Penna."; circular handstamp "Passed (signed) 'G. Weest' Supt. Military Prison"; docketed "Col. W.H. Telford"; reduced a bit at the right, otherwise Very Fine. The latest known usage from this prison and the only recorded use of this altered device signed by Weest. (Image)

Estimate $1,000-1,300

Estimate $1,000-1,300
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 34
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Savannah Fort Pulaski

Fort Pulaski - near Savannah, Ga., Cover from Lt. J.L. Haynes, 14th Ala. Infantry, one of the Immortal 600, who were in prison at Fort Pulaski after their removal from Morris Island; endorsed "Via Flag of Truce" and red examiner's "Ex" with Charleston, S.C. c.d.s., Jan 7 (1865) and handstamped (due) "10"; to the Hon. R.K. Cruikshanks in Richmond, Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $1,000-1,300

Estimate $1,000-1,300
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 35
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Savannah Fort Pulaski

Fort Pulaski - near Savannah, Ga., Money letter to "Lieut. Stephen P. Allensworth, Prisoner of War at Fort Pulaski, Georgia, Port Royal P.O. South Carolina"; franked with a rose tied by a blue Louisville, Ky. target duplex, Jan 27, 1865; red manuscript "Contains $1 U.S. bill"; small penciled examiner's "ex", Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 36
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Savannah Fort Pulaski

Fort Pulaski - near Savannah, Ga., Cover to Lt. AM. Bedford, [3rd Battalion. Missouri Cavalry], at Fort Pulaski; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a small grid and a Savannah, Ga. c.d.s., Dec 2 (1864) with an examiner's large red "Ex"; endorsed "forwd to Hilton Head" because, by the time the cover reached Fort Pulaski, Bedford had been moved transferred there; reduced slightly at the right, Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $1,400.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 37
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Savannah Fort Pulaski

Fort Pulaski - near Savannah, Ga., Cover from Lt. J.W.A. Ford, [20th Va. Cavalry], one of the Immortal 600, who were in prison at Fort Pulaski after their removal from Morris Island; endorsed "By Flag of Truce" and examiner's "Ex" with Charleston, S.C. c.d.s., Jan 7 (1865) and handstamped (due) "10"; to Capt. C.L. Davis, Greenville C.H., S.C., Very Fine. Illustrated in the American Philatelist, May 1946. (Image)

Estimate $1,000-1,300

Estimate $1,000-1,300
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 38
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Savannah Fort Pulaski

Fort Pulaski - near Savannah, Ga., Cover from Lt. John W. Hooberry [44th Tenn. Infantry] to his wife in occupied Nashville, Tenn.; routed through Port Royal, S.C. where a 3¢ rose was canceled on Nov. 12, 1864; in the enclosed letter, dated Oct 30, Hooberry notes that he prefers the conditions at Fort Pulaski better than those at Fort Delaware and requests a long list of clothing, food and supplies. Cover somewhat soiled, letter with repaired splitting, Fine. The only known P.O.W. cover with this routing. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 39
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Savannah Fort Pulaski

Fort Pulaski - near Savannah, Ga., Cover from Lt. Henry J. Jenkins, [15th N.C Cavalry], one of the Immortal 600, who were in prison at Fort Pulaski after their removal from Morris Island; endorsed "Via Flag Truce. Via Charleston S.C." but exchanged by local flag of truce; entered C.S.A. mails at Savannah, Ga. with a (Nov) 10 (1864) c.d.s. and a handstamped (due) "10"; to Jenkins' wife in Murfreesboro, N.C. with the original letter telling of Jenkins' "agreeable" transfer from Morris Island and of a fellow prisoner, one Lt. J. Calhoun Cowper(?), who died before the transfer and who "seemed to be reconciled to death but was very anxious to get home before he died.", Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 40
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Alton State Penitentiary

State Penitentiary - Alton, Ill., Cover to "G.F. Smith, Alton, Illinois, Military Prison"; franked with a target-canceled 3¢ rose and postmarked Catlettsburg, Ky., Jan. 27 (1863); contained money as indicated by the manuscript "Credited Kinkead Adjt." on the reverse (the Prison's Adjutant was Capt. Isaac B. Kinkead, 77th Ohio Vol. Infantry); a bit soiled with small edge tears and most of the top flap missing, Fine. (Image)

Estimate $500-600

Estimate $500-600
Will close during Public Auction

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