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Van Looy and Van Looy Stamp Auctions Sale: 235

Worldwide Stamps and Covers
AMERIKA Zuid - Brazilië
image Sale No: 235
Lot No:4203

1866/1970 Verzameling in insteekboek met veel oudere zegels, zm/m/ntz (Image)

Opening EUR 30.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:4204

1896/1945 Acht mooie (o.a. luchtpost) brieven internationaal verzonden, zm/m (Image)

Opening EUR 8.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:4205

1943 en later speciale verzameling 100 jaar postzegels in Ordner, ossenogen in blokken, op stuk, etc., mooie koop, zm (Image)

Opening EUR 50.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:2758

1879/1996 Verzameling in 4 insteekboeken, waarbij zegels en blokken, kleinbogen, overwegend gest., zm/m/ntz (Image)

Opening EUR 30.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:2759

1886/1972 Verzameling in Schaubek album met veel zegels, zm/m/ntz (Image)

Opening EUR 20.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:883

"Type BL 116 ""Christmas 1983"", 4 different color proofs, spectacular, vf" (Image)

Opening EUR 18.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:884

"N° 892/904 ""Animals of Africa"" + overprint WWF, vf (OBP €1.000)" (Image)

Opening EUR 110.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:885

"N° 892/904 ""Animals of Africa"" with overprint WWF- LUXURY set, VF (OBP €100)" (Image)

Opening EUR 120.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:886
Cat No:Collection

1962/1977 Collection stamps and blocs, in 2 albums, mostly full sets, nice topics, VF/F. (Image)

Opening EUR 80.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:887
Cat No:Collection

1962/1970 Quasi complete collection in album, sets and airmail, VF (OBP €1.583,50) (Image)

Opening EUR 100.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:888

1962/1983 Verzameling in insteekboek met o.a. betere dierenzegels WWF, zm/m (Image)

Opening EUR 40.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:889
Cat No:Collection

1964/1973 Stock sorted by full sets, incl. 464/69, 267/69, PA 75/77, 95/101, 429,34, 535,37, PA 249/51, 561/63, vf (OBP €446) (Image)

Opening EUR 20.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:890
Cat No:Collection

1965 Stock of n° 146/53 and PA 17/24 sorted by sets in plastic pockets in shoebox, mostly cancelled, vf (Image)

Opening EUR 4.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3284
Cat No:Collection

Ceylon 1870/1960 Interesting collection postal stationery with ao. a large part to Switzerland, large number with perforations, registered (45 pcs), vf (Image)

Opening EUR 70.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3303
Cat No:Collection

1922/1995 Collection in 2 KaBe albums, neatly filled with a lot of MNH year sets, vf/f (Image)

Opening EUR 100.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3304
Cat No:Collection

1953/2004 Accumulation in ring binder ao. a lot of complete sets starting in 1967 **, also blocs, vf (cat. value €922) (Image)

Opening EUR 26.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3306
Cat No:Collection

"1947/1999 Splendid collection, nearly all MNH from S.G. 1/19, MNH followed by huge amount of local overprints incl. even GV ""15rs."", complete to 1999 incl. various perforations, S.G. 25 colour proof, errors and varieties, 1961 scarce local hand-overpri (Image)

Opening EUR 1,000.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3307

1950/2000 Over 100 items of postal history consisting of nicely franked covers and unused postal stationery, covers sent to Belgium, vf (Image)

Opening EUR 20.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3308

PAKISTAN and BAHALWALPUR 1947 GVI set and same 1948 service, Bahawalpur virtually complete (few officials missing), vf/f 400845 (Image)

Opening EUR 120.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3309
Cat No:Collection

"BAHALWALPUR 1947/1949 Magnificent collection in album starting with 1947 GVI overprints S.G. 1/14 incl. extra pairs of 14As, and ""1r."" (very rare interim stamps) cat. value for this section £1.125, after that complete with many extras such as block of (Image)

Opening EUR 1,000.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3310
Cat No:Collection

BAHALWALPUR 1948 Large format, very impressive collection of full and part sheets of the Amir of Bahawalpur, definitives and some with official overprints, stamps will not be taken out of their covers, due to fragility!, very rare!, vf (Image)

Opening EUR 200.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3956
Cat No:Collection

Handelaarsstock, Europa CEPT, 1956/2003, gesorteerd in zakjes per uitgifte of in veldelen, inclusief blokken en minisheets, gedetailleerde gedetailleerde lijst op site en bij lot, zm/m (Cataloguswaarde: €659.000) (Image)

Opening EUR 5,000.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3957

1940/1999 Uitgebreide verzameling CEPT en voorlopers/meelopers in 6 albums Davo, inclusief blokken, overwegend **, zm/m (Zeer hoge cataloguswaarde) (Image)

Opening EUR 400.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3958

1942/1996 Samenstelling CEPT, voorlopers en meelopers, in 6 insteekboeken, zegels, blokken en boekjes, zm/m/ntz (Image)

Opening EUR 60.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0
image Sale No: 235
Lot No:3959

1956/2000 Samenstelling FDC's, overwegend periode 1956/1961, zm (Image)

Opening EUR 4.00

Closed..Jun-12-2023, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

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