ANGOLA. 1896 (March 13). Cover sent to Breslau from Loanda, underpaid and found to be double rate (22 grams in manuscript) bearing Germany 1889 10pf. carmine pair tied by oval dated ´Deutsche Seepost/Linie/Hamburg-Westafrika/XI´ in black. Further strike at left and manuscript charge ´40pf´ due double the deficiency. A scarce and appealing cover. Scott 48. (Image1)
Start Bid €200
Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 360.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 360
Sale No: 799
Lot No:1044
Cat No:Angola
ANGOLA. 1889. CUNGA (Angola) a U.S.A. Sobre del CAMINHO DE FERRO TRANSAFRICANO con el texto interior, circulado con sello de 50 reis azul. RARA circulada desde este remoto lugar en el interior de Angola. (Image1)
ARGENTINA. ESTABLECIMIENTO DE CORREOS EN BUENOS AIRES. Documento fechado el 31 de julio de 1748 y firmado por Joseph Andonaegui, presumiblemente dirigido a Domingo Basavilbaso, promotor y futuro Primer Administrador Princpial de Correos en 1767. ´Inmediatamente que se recivio la orden de U.E. se puso en ejecución el Establecimiento de Correos, y sale oy el primero para Potosí...´. José Andonaegui: fue gobernador teniente general (1745/1756) y nombró a Basavilbaso administrador y tesorero de los ´Derechos Impuestos´, para subvenir a los gastos de la Guerra contra los indígenas. En copia ´Exmo Sor Dm Jph Manero´. Documento importante. (Image1)
Start Bid €400
Opening EUR 400.00
Sold...EUR 400.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 799
Lot No:5
Cat No:Brasil
Start Bid €200
Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 260.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 799
Lot No:6
Cat No:Jan 2
ARGENTINA. 1859 (Jan 2). Entire letter from CHANAR to CORDOBA franked by October 1858 5c. blue (Kneitschel 1) tied by manuscript PEN CROSS in black ink. An EXCEPTIONALLY RARE entire, one of just two known examples with the 5c. adhesive used outside the province. Cert. MOORHOUSE. Sc.1. (Image1)
Start Bid €2000
Opening EUR 2,000.00
Sold...EUR 2,000.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 2000
Sale No: 799
Lot No:7
ARGENTINA. 1868. SAN LUIS a MENDOZA. Envuelta de carta certificada (falta parte del ángulo superior derecho). Franqueada con sello de 10 cts. verde y pareja del 15 cts. azul, mat. circular ADMON. DE CORREOS/SAN LUIS y marca CERTIFICADO en las esquinas en color azul, ´recibí´ manuscrito del destinatario en el anverso. MAGNÍFICA y MUY RARA. Sc.12, 13 (2). (Image1)
Start Bid €1000
Opening EUR 1,000.00
Sold...EUR 1,300.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 1300
Sale No: 799
Lot No:11
ARGENTINA. 1874. BUENOS AIRES a FRANCIA. Circulada con sello de 5 cts. rojo de Argentina y cuatro sellos franceses de 25 cts. azul, mat. ANCLA y fechador octogonal BUENOS AYRES/PAQ. FR. Nº 2 y marca lineal del buque POR GIRONDE. (Image1)
Start Bid €300
Opening EUR 300.00
Sold...EUR 320.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 320
Sale No: 799
Lot No:12
ARGENTINA. 1873. PRUEBAS DE PUNZON de los valores de 1, 4, 30, 60 y 90 ctvos. en color negro realizadas en la NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO N.Y. Estampación del cuño completo sobre papel cartulina de 23x15cm. Extraordinariamente raros y no reseñadas. Probablemente UNICO JUEGO CONOCIDO. Sc.22/26. (Image1)
Start Bid €1000
Opening EUR 1,000.00
Sold...EUR 1,100.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 1100
Sale No: 799
Lot No:13
Cat No:2
ARGENTINA. 1874. BUENOS AYRES a FRANCIA. Circulada con sellos de 5 cts. rojo (2) de Argentina y sellos franceses de 40 cts. naranja y 80 cts. rosa (2) matasellados a la llegada con el rombo ´2240´ de Marsella, manuscito ´Par Savoie´. RARA. (Image1)
Start Bid €400
Opening EUR 400.00
Sold...EUR 440.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 440
Sale No: 799
Lot No:14
Cat No:Jan. 10
ARGENTINA. 1875 (Jan. 10). Cover from BUENOS AIRES to BORDEAUX (addressee´s surname cut out), showing interesting Por Orénoque handstamp (Salles fig. 1075) applied at Buenos Aires on dispatch, with 5c vermilion and 15c blue (horizontal crease) covering the internal postage, tied by cds, in combination with France 1870-75 Cérès 10c (pair), 40c and strip of three of 80c, paying the triple weight letter rate, tied by ANCHOR LOZENGES with matching octagonal BUENOS-AYRES/PAQ.FR.J Nº2 at bottom, as well as arrival on back. A rare and colourful franking. Scott 20, 21. (Image1)
Start Bid €600
Opening EUR 600.00
Sold...EUR 750.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 750
Sale No: 799
Lot No:17
AUSTRIA. 1853-60. Lot of 5 covers with diverse frankings. (Image1)
Start Bid €350
Opening EUR 350.00
Sold...EUR 420.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 420
Sale No: 799
Lot No:18
AUSTRIA. 1863-83. Lot of used stamps with diverse cancellations. Fine quality. (Image1)
Start Bid €100
Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 120.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 799
Lot No:19
AUSTRIA. 1867. Lot of used stamps with diverse cancellations. Fine quality. (Image1)
Start Bid €200
Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 220.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 799
Lot No:25
Cat No:Poland
AUSTRIA. 1874. Registered cover from KRAKAU (Poland) addressed ´via Lvov, Brody´ to RUSSIA franked by single 1867-74 25kr. deep lilac tied by KRAKAU-RAKÓM datestamp in black with superb strike of oval RECOMANDIRT-KRAKAU STADT in blue at right. Three red wax seals on reverse and arrival cds´s on back and front of an exceptionally attractive cover. Signed Ferchenbauer. Sc.32. (Image1)
Start Bid €150
Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 260.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 799
Lot No:28
AUSTRIA. 1881. Envelope to Rome, provenance unknown but from the Levant, franked Austrian 10kr. tied by boxed Piroscafi/Postali/ Italiani applied in transit at Ancona. (Image1)
Start Bid €125
Opening EUR 125.00
Sold...EUR 125.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 125
Sale No: 799
Lot No:36
BELGICA. 1795-97. French occupation. 4 covers. (Image1)
Start Bid €150
Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 150.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 799
Lot No:42
BELGICA. 1875. ARLO to FRANCE. Envelope franked with 10 cts. green and 1 Fr. lilac stamps. RECOMMANDE mark. Arrival cds. on reverse. RARE franking. Of.30, 36. (Image1)
Start Bid €250
Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 250.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 799
Lot No:46
Cat No:Bolivia
BOLIVIA. 1877. LA CHIMBA (Bolivia) to FRANCE. CORREOS DE LA CHIMBA/BOLIVIA negative blue ship illustrated handstamp, Department of Litoral. Two strikes of the blue ship marking accompanied by a variety of matching blue handstamps including ADMON DE CORREOS/DE/LA CHIMBA three-line handstamp, straight line FRANCA and T/170 rate marking, carried to Lima (Peru) with that Post Office´s transit and turned over to the British Post Office at Callao with small CALLAO/JU 28 77 c.d.s. on reverse. Also London transit on the reverse and Calais entry c.d.s., backstamped Paris, very fine; an attractive and rare combination of the Bolivian Post Office featuring this lovely ship illustrated postmark and the British Postal Agency. (Image1)
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. 1888 (Sept. 25). Printed registered envelope (1kr.), sent to GEORGIA (USA), franked on front and back with 1879 lithographed 2kr. yellow strip of three and two strips of five, 3kr. green in two strips of four and 10kr. blue (3) all tied by K. und K. Milit. Post XI / BANJALUKA cds´s in black. Reverse with New York arrival (Oct 8). A fine and RARE cover at 80 kreuzer rate. Mi.2/I+3/I+5/I. (Image1)
Start Bid €800
Opening EUR 800.00
Sold...EUR 800.00
Closed..Feb-06-2024, 02:00:00 EST
Sold For 800
Sale No: 799
Lot No:58
Cat No:20 Nov.
BRASIL. 1802 (20 Nov.). MARANHAO a LISBOA. Carta completa, marca lineal MARANHAO y tasa de 120 reis estampada a la llegada. RARA circulación transatlántica durante el Período Colonial Portugués. (Image1)