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Leski Auctions Sale: 475

Worldwide Stamps and Covers
image Sale No: 475
Lot No:531
Symbol:** *
Cat No:Collection

Collection in stockbook mostly MUH with AAT 1957-1987 incl. pre-decimals complete (duplication to x4), decimals with 1966-68 Pictorial sets (3), other sets in multiples incl 1973 Pictorials to $1 Sperm Whale gutter block of 12, 1984 Scenes to $1 Penguins block of 8; other Antarctic issues from BAT & Argentina plus a few non-Antarctic issues from Australia and Kiribati (few 100s)        (Image)

Estimate AU$140-180
Min. Bid. AU$100

Opening AU$ 100.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 475
Lot No:532
Symbol:** *

1940s-1970s useful range of covers/cards from late includes Australia used in, various base cancels, few registered, later flight covers, 1957-73 Definitives in blocks of 4, few vignettes; also some New Zealand, Belgium 1957 M/S mint, etc; condition a little mixed. (few 100s)             

Estimate AU$300-350
Min. Bid. AU$240

Opening AU$ 240.00
Sold...AU$ 320.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:533

B.A.N.Z.: 1930 self-addressed cover to "SAC Campbell Pilot/B.A.N.Z.A.R.E.,/”Discovery", franked 1927 Sturt 1½d tied by superb strike of  'BANZ 1930 (penguin) -31 ANTARCTIC RESEARCH EXP' cachet in black.   (Image)

Estimate AU$450-500
Min. Bid. AU$360

Opening AU$ 360.00
Sold...AU$ 360.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 360

BELGIUM - Postal History
image Sale No: 475
Lot No:544
Cat No:#7

IMPERFS ON ENTIRES: 1855 Philippeville to Namur (backstamp) with 20c blue Medallion (Scott #7) tied by indistinct barred cancel; also 1860 commercial entire from Gand to Eecloo (backstamp) with 10c brown Medallion (Scott #6) tied by 18-bar '45' cancel of Gand. (2) (Image)

Estimate AU$160-180
Min. Bid. AU$120

Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:556
Cat No:Collection

1903-29 mint & used array on album pages with KEVII 1903 Crown CA to 75c used & mint (3) plus defective R1.50 & R2.25, 1904-05 MCA to used R1.50 & R2.25, 1908-11 to R1 mint & used, R2 used (2) & R5 mint; KGV 1912-25 MCA to 5r (4) used and 10r (fiscal cancel), plus 1r block of 4 mint, patchy later issues including War Stamps. (78) (Image)

Estimate AU$200-300
Min. Bid. AU$140

Opening AU$ 140.00
Sold...AU$ 140.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

Sale No: 475
Lot No:570
Symbol:** *
Cat No:Collection

1860s-1950s disorganised mint & used collection on Hagners in 'Kanga' ringbinder, with earlies including 1867-71 1pi unused, heavily duplicated 1879-1909 Pyramids requiring specialist inspection, 1926 27m violet Air unused, Middle Period with plate number multiples incl. Airs and other values to £1, plus many sets and part-sets mint and/or used; also back-of-book including Express Letter & postage dues, UAR including mint multiples & 'PALESTINE' overprints; heavy duplication throughout, condition is variable but mainly fine. (many 100s)

Estimate AU$300-500
Min. Bid. AU$240

Opening AU$ 240.00
Sold...AU$ 320.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:571
Cat No:178a-181a

1929 (SG.178a-181a) Prince's Birthday 5m to 20m set, with black or brown centres, fine MLH, Cat. £560. (4)                                                (Image)

Estimate AU$200-250
Min. Bid. AU$140

Opening AU$ 140.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 180

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:572
Cat No:341a

1946 (SG.341a) Aviation Congress overprint on 30m. green, error OVERPRINT INVERTED,  superb MLH, Cat, £400.                             (Image)

Estimate AU$200-250
Min. Bid. AU$140

Opening AU$ 140.00
Sold...AU$ 140.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:605
Cat No:Collection

POST OFFICE OPENING DAY COVERS: 1949-67 selection of usually untabbed issues on illustrated covers including MERED II 5m violet Plate 19 on 1953 (Feb.26) for MABARET HOLON PO, MERED II 10m green Plate 20 on 1953 (Jan.29) for ONO PO, other early 1950s openings include HAMIDRASA LEHAKLAUT RUPPIN, HOF ASDOD (mobile PO), QIRYAT BIALIK, SFAYIM & ZARNUQA; generally fine condition.(300 approx).    (Image)

Estimate AU$200-300
Min. Bid. AU$160

Opening AU$ 160.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 180

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:606

REVENUES: c.1948 10m green Map marginal horizontal strip of 5 with "Grossly misperforated vertical perforations" giving appearance of "Imperforate between stamps", black mark on centre unit and a few minor adhesions on gum, otherwise fine MUH.  (Image)

Estimate AU$100-150
Min. Bid. AU$80

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:607

REVENUES: 1948 fragment of a legal document with mixed revenue usage comprising Palestine Numeral Types 10m green (2) in combination with Map Types 10m green, 20m orange & 100m purple pair, pen cancelled.     (Image)

Estimate AU$100-150
Min. Bid. AU$80

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 140.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

ISRAEL - Postal History
image Sale No: 475
Lot No:608

MILITARY MAIL: 1953 to early 1970s Soldier's Free Mail, mostly covers with a few illustrated postal cards, with the odd registered item sighted. Wide array of postmarks including slogan types, plus censor cachets from various locations. Likely to be of interest to the specialist. (250 approx). (Image)

Estimate AU$120-160
Min. Bid. AU$80

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:630
Cat No:125-136

1925-27 (SG.125-136) Huts ½d to £1 set including a 6d shade, 9d with thin, key 10/- & £1 values are fine, Cat. £400. (14) (Image)

Estimate AU$260-300
Min. Bid. AU$220

Opening AU$ 220.00
Sold...AU$ 280.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:632
Symbol:** *
Cat No:67a & 67b

1915-15 (SG.67a & 67b) 1d Dull Red block of 4 [ca,cc], two units MUH; also 1d Carmine-Red well centred block of 6 [3x2,aa,aa,aa], centre top unit with variety "White scratch behind Roo" [VIII/32], four units MUH; both blocks fine mint. (2 items) (Image)

Estimate AU$100-140
Min. Bid. AU$60

Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 160.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 475
Lot No:652
Cat No:Collection

1920-44 mostly mint selection with Overprints 1920 4m, 1920-21 Perf.15x14 1m to 5m (2) incl. 4m single & pair, 5p deep purple plus Perf.14 2m & 5m orange; also 1921-22 1m (used), 1922 4m & 5m, 1932-44 Plate '2' 4m block of 3, 15m shades (3), 250m, 500m & £P1, fine mint, Cat. £240+ (24)

Estimate AU$150-200
Min. Bid. AU$120

Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 200.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:653
Cat No:16-26d

1920 (SG.16-26d) 'PALESTINE' Overprints 1m to 20p set Perf 15x14, the 2p, 9p, 10p and 20p values variety ‘PALESTINB’ for ‘PALESTINE’, the 9p setting II others values setting I, fine mint; Cat. £2,700+ for the varieties alone. (11)                                                                  (Image)

Estimate AU$1,000-1,200
Min. Bid. AU$

Opening AU$ 800.00
Sold...AU$ 700.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 700

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:654

POSTAL HISTORY: 1938 (Oct.26) use of 8m Postal Card from Jerusalem to USA with extensive message in Yiddish relating to family matters and to the possibility of being able to emigrate to the USA; 1944 (Sep.17) cover to a Jewish soldier serving in the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force with 10m Tomb tied by KEFAR SAVA datestamp, Deputy Chief Field Censor circular handstamp; also 1942 inwards censor cover from Egypt addressed to Hostel Jerusalem/YMCA, Egyptian censorship handstamps and tape; condition variable. (3) (Image)

Estimate AU$100-140
Min. Bid. AU$80

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:655

POSTAL HISTORY: March 1939 usage of 6m orange-brown Postage Due on short-paid postcard from MOMBASA, KENYA; with boxed "TO PAY" h/stamp at left. The card, addressed to the Christchurch Compound in Jerusalem bears Easter greetings and news of the writer's current project: translating Pilgrim's Progress into Somali. (Image)

Estimate AU$150-200
Min. Bid. AU$120

Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:656
Cat No:P1-16

JORDAN OCCUPATION: 1948 (SG. P1-16) 1m to 1P Overprints set, very fresh MUH; Cat. £225. (16)                                        (Image)

Estimate AU$120-150
Min. Bid. AU$90

Opening AU$ 100.00
Sold...AU$ 140.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

Sale No: 475
Lot No:657

PALESTINE REVENUES: on documents with [1] c.1919 with Court Fee franking comprising No Currency Shown 10(p) brown-red, 5(p) blue & 1(p) red (3), plus Inscribed 'Piastres' 20p red, also O.D.P.A./Devair 5M & H.J.Z./E.E.F. 2PT plus  overprinted postage stamp O.P.D.A. 10pt on 10pi ; [2] c.1919 with Court Fees No Currency Shown 5p pair plus overprinted postage stamps O.P.D.A./Devair 5M on 5M and British Admin O.P.D.A. 5pt (in gold) on 5pi purple; [3] c.1920 with Court Fees New Currency 10m strip of 3 (centre stamp with "Damaged/Broken frameline at right") and 100m; some scarce 'on-cover' usages. (16 stamps on 3 documents)     

Estimate AU$180-240
Min. Bid. AU$140

Opening AU$ 140.00
Sold...AU$ 200.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:658

PALESTINE REVENUES: c.1919 document with Court Fees 100p green Bft. 51 (20) including block of 8 showing all 4 settings, also single 5p blue, plus O.P.D.A. Devair 5M blue, O.P.D.A./E.E.F. 5M red pair and H.J.Z./E.E.F 2PT blue, Barefoot Cat. £330++ as 'on-cover' usage. (Image)

Estimate AU$180-240
Min. Bid. AU$140

Opening AU$ 140.00
Sold...AU$ 200.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:659

PALESTINE REVENUES: c.1920 commercial document with Court Fees 5p blue (7) & 1p red (3), also Hejaz Jordan Zone (H.J.Z.) tax stamps comprising  PT red pair, 5PT orange block of 4, 10PT purple strip of 3, plus British Admin O.D.P.A./E.E.F issue 5 M orange (2). Unusual combination franking, Barefoot Cat. £115++ for 'on-cover' usage.   (Image)

Estimate AU$100-200
Min. Bid. AU$80

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

Sale No: 475
Lot No:660

PALESTINE REVENUES: c.1928 document with mixed currency franking comprising Court Fees 200m red Bft.74 (37), 100m, 5m olive-green pair, plus 5p blue Bft.61, on reverse 50m & 500m Revenues Bft. 25 & 28; Barefoot Cat. £295++ as 'on-cover' usage.    

Estimate AU$160-220
Min. Bid. AU$120

Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 200.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 475
Lot No:661

REVENUES: Mostly British KGV 'Consular Service' revenues used on successful late 1930s/early 1940s Visa applications for ENTRY TO PALESTINE, granted at various European consular offices including Kovno (Kaunas, Lithuania), Lisbon, Madrid  Prague, Vienna, plus Constantinople, revenue values to 7/6d (2), 8/- & 10/- (5); also a few visa pages with Egyptian, French or Italian revenues. (50 stamps on 16 forms) (Image)

Estimate AU$150-250
Min. Bid. AU$120

Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 180

Sale No: 475
Lot No:727
Symbol:** *
Cat No:Collection

1860s-1928 mint & used stock on Hagners housed in ringbinder, stamps identified by Michel reference, with good range of 1860s-80s Shield types, 1904 War Orphans optd 'P' set mint, 1920s imperfs including Surcharges, 1924 Air Surcharges imperf unused and used; 1925 Lenin Death Anniv. imperf set mint, 1928 Revolution Anniv 14k & 28k mint ; lots of duplication including imperforate and surcharged issues, condition variable but mostly fine. Inspection by specialists will be rewarded. (100s)

Estimate AU$200-400
Min. Bid. AU$160

Opening AU$ 160.00
Sold...AU$ 160.00

Closed..Dec-08-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

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