Back to Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Sept. 2024

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Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. Sale: 862

Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Sept. 2024
image Sale No: 862
Lot No:276

1924-26 AMUNDSEN - ELLSWORTH ATTEMPTED FLIGHT OVER THE NORTH POLE: 19 Jun. 1924 small card from Sutton Coldfield with printed address to "THE TRANS POLAR FLIGHT EXPEDITION/CHRISTIANIA/NORWAY" the reverse side headed "NORTH POLE MAIL" with Norway 5o (damaged) & 25o tied by fine "KINGS BAY" cds. Fine and rare, but philatelic. Note: the special postcards were sold by subscription to finance the Amundsen & Ellsworth attempted flight over the North Pole. They were sold in the USA and the to Norway side was usually franked with USA adhesives. The use of a GB adhesive (1½d 1924 BEE) is rare. Cross Reference: NORWAY, AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 320.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:226

RAILWAY DISASTER MAIL - USA COVERS DAMAGED BY FIRE IN RAILWAY STORAGE CAR; 2 scarce 1937 charred envs. ex New York to Los Angeles struck with purple "DAMAGED BY FIRE / OG & LA TR.5 AUG 22" or red "DAMG'D BY/FIRE TR. AUG 22/OGDEN & L.A." cachets.Cross Reference: CRASH/WRECK MAIL, RAILWAY MAIL, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Image)

Opening GBP 55.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:228

SHIP WRECK MAIL - SS ST PAUL - DAMAGED BY IMMERSION IN SEA WATER: 1897 (1 Jun.) env. Lena WI to Cardiff franked tied 5c brown (Grant) with alongside a fine violet boxed "DAMAGED BY IMMERSION IN SEA WATER" hs. The env. was carried by the SS St Paul of the International Navigation Co. but how the mails became water damaged is unknown. Hoggarth recorded 10 items, this is an additional item.Cross Reference: MARITIME MAIL, CRASH/WRECK MAIL, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Image)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 120.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:229

SHIP WRECK MAIL - COLLISION OF THE PS CHICAGO ON THE HUDSON RIVER; 1899 (31 Oct.) 2c. printed PS env. Philadelphia to New York with "POST OFFICE, NEW YORK, N.Y./This piece of mail was damaged/through the sinking of the Penn. R.R./ferryboat Chicago which occurred at/about 12.45 a.m., on October 31st, 1899." printed label to the front. Few covers recorded.Cross Reference: MARITIME MAIL, CRASH/WRECK MAIL, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Image)

Opening GBP 160.00
Sold...GBP 170.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:232

AIR CRASH MAIL - USA INTERNAL MAIL: Two 10 Jan. 1930 env. on plane crash in Wabash Range with fine "Delay due to wrecked mail plane/January 10, 1930" cachet; 1938 env. with "DAMAGE DUE TO AIR MAIL/INTERRUPTION NEAR/PT. REYES CALIF./NOV. 29 1938" cachet. (3 covers) Cross Reference: CRASH/WRECK MAIL, AIR MAIL COVERS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 60.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:233

AIR CRASH MAIL - U.S.A. INTERNAL MAIL: 1930 env. carried on night flight Los Angeles to Salt Lake City with "Delay due to wrecked mail plane/January 10, 1930." cachet; 3 water damaged envs. carried on a est bound Salt Lake City to San Diego flight which crashed at Alhambra with "DAMAGED BY AIR PLANE WRECK/DECEMBER 22, 1930" cachets; 2 envs. (one charred) carried on flight which crashed on landing with "DAMAGED IN PLANE FIRE/AT WARREN, OHIO, 9-21-30" or "Damaged in Plane Fire/at WarreN O. 9-21-30" cachets; 28 May 1932 env. carried on flight from Salt Lake City to Seattle with "DAMAGED BY PLANE CRASH/IN WILLIAMETTE RIVER" cachet. (7 covers) Cross Reference: CRASH/WRECK MAIL, AIR MAIL COVERS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 70.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 70

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:234
Cat No:Collection

AIR CRASH MAIL - 1954 PRESTWICK AIR CRASH: Collection of covers from this B.O.A.C. Stratocaster "Cathay" crash inc. repaired env. to Venezuela franked 2/6d; charred part env. to Canada franked 1/3d; unfranked, undamaged "On Her Britannic Majesty's Service" env. to Canada; plus 3 to U.S.A. (2 charred). All with very fine purple boxed "SALVAGED MAIL/AIRCRAFT CRASH/PRESTWICK 25-12-54" cachets. (6 covers) Cross Reference: CRASH/WRECK MAIL, AIR MAIL COVERS, CANADA, VENEZUELA (Image)

Opening GBP 70.00
Sold...GBP 90.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 90

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:286

KGV 1913 ½d GREEN ON COVER TO LONDON. Small, plain cover bearing control (B12) single ½d green Downey Head type cancelled 30 Dec. 1913. No arrival mark. SG Z38aCross Reference: G.B. USED ABROAD STAMPS & COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 26.00
Sold...GBP 28.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 28

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:288

KEVII 5d BLOCK OF SIX: Marginal block of six of KEVII 5d defin. cancelled 2 Jan. 1913. Perf. faults at right hand edge. A rare item. SG Z29 £2,400+Cross Reference: G.B. USED ABROAD STAMPS & COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 280.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:627
Cat No:Collection

JAPANESE OCCUPATION COVERS: Attractive selection of 16 covers inc. "FDC"s. Highly catalogued. (Image)

Opening GBP 170.00
Sold...GBP 320.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:24
Cat No:Collection

EUROPE WITH STRENGTH IN AUSTRIA, WITH SOME WORLDWIDE: 1860s-1990s mixture, mainly fine to good used and with some duplication. Strength in Europe but interesting foreign material. Davo illustrated album Austria Vol II 1944-80's fine used, with additional loose on stock cards (1000+). Small red album of Greece and blue stock book with some mint sets; Better stamps inc. Norway 1863 24sk cat.£140 and Vietnam 1951 Refugees 100p (cat. £90); Small collection of Luxemburg, and off paper Europe. (c. 3,500) Cross Reference: AUSTRIA, GREECE (Image)

Opening GBP 80.00
Sold...GBP 90.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 90

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:25

SHOEBOX OF COVERS/CARDS WITH STRENTH IN G.B. inc a good range of items bearing 1d reds inc. imperfs with numbers in MX, a good variety of 1d reds with cancellations inc. a few duplex and "spoons". Also a large number of postcards inc a small number of "silks. Also a range of commonwealth covers, mostly being modern but some with better cancellations. (Few 100 items). (Image)

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 320.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:26

QV-QEII SHOEBOX OF BRITISH EMPIRE COVERS & CARDS with many countries represented in varying quantities, inc. registered item, FDC,s, military with P.O.W. items, camp postmarks, some higher values, registered envelopes and much more. (c 400 covers). (Image)

Opening GBP 360.00
Sold...GBP 340.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 340

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:27
Cat No:Collection

1892-1996 THE ACCUMULATION OF NON BRITISH EMPIRE COVERS AND CARDS inc. small but interesting sections of many countries inc Japan, China, Switzerland, France and Colonies, USA and some military inc. P.O. W. items . A most interesting lot. (c 380 covers). (Image)

Opening GBP 260.00
Sold...GBP 280.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:701

1918 1p INDIGO WITH 'SPECIMEN' OVERPRINT [S.1] fresh example without gum, as issued. Handwritten Rosen cert. (2010). (Image)

Opening GBP 70.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:702

1918 1p COBALT OVERPRINTED 'SPECIMEN' [S.2] in fresh block of four, without gum as issued. Tsachor cert.(2010). (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 360.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 360

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:703
Cat No:Collection

1918 1p BLUE SHADES [1, 1a, 1b], cobalt [2], ultramarine shades [3 & 4] – all fresh examples, super group, cat £1,200. (10) (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 360.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 360

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:704

1918 1p INDIGO [1] in 'A18' corner marginal control blocks from all four transfer plates; fine and fresh. 'F' with light marginal bend and Muentz cert.(1992). Cat. £3,330. (16) (Image)

Opening GBP 500.00
Sold...GBP 1,400.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1400

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:705

1918 1p INDIGO [1] 'A18' control block of 4 (F) fresh; also 4 fu examples inc. one on piece with APO/SZ 44 cds. Cat. £1,200. (8) (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 420.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:706

1918 1p DEEP BLUE top marginal example tied by crisp APO/SZ 44 cds (Jerusalem) of 22 FE 18 on printed cover to Alexandria; army censorship. Fresh. (Image)

Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 700.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 700

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:707

1918 5m ON 1p COBALT [2] in fresh corner marginal control block B18 A (transfer G) with 'knee' variety; couple of light tone spots. Signed Diena & Sorani, BPA cert. (1952). Cat. £1,200. (Image)

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 220.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:709

1918 5m ON 1p COBALT [2] vfu with APO cds 25 FE 18; signed Tsachor. Cat £1,000. (Image)

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 220.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:710

1918 5m ON 1p COBALT [2] vfu on small piece with complete cds APO/SZ 45 of Jaffa; stamped 'Muentz'. Cat £1,000. (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 240.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 240

image Sale No: 862
Lot No:711

1918 5m ON 1p COBALT [2] on PPC to Cairo tied by light APO/SZ 44 (Jerusalem) cds; doubly censored. Signed Tsachor, Muentz cert. (1978). Cat. £1,500. (Image)

Opening GBP 280.00
Sold...GBP 550.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 550
image Sale No: 862
Lot No:712

1918 5m ON 1p COBALT [2] on PPC to Cairo, tied by light strike of an APO/SZ 44 (Jerusalem) cds (light glue stain on card), two censor cachets overstruck. Signed Tsachor & Sorani. Cat. £1,500. (Image)

Opening GBP 280.00
Sold...GBP 380.00

Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

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