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Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions Sale: 75

Worldwide Stamps and Covers
Postal History

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:2079
Cat No:Stampless

Mexico, 1839 Mazatlan to London, England. Folded letter sheet docketed "Mazatlan, 25 Sep" and endorsed "forwarded by…Sihuiro & Wersers Co." on reverse, sent overland to ship Dewalion, straight line "Liverpool Ship Letter" backstamp and "1/5" rating on front, red "Ja 2,1840" receiving backstamp; some soiling along file folds, F.-V.F., an early forwarding usage which precedes the Royal Mail Steam Line.
Estimate; $200 - 300. Est. $200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 170.00

Closed..Oct-15-2017, 13:20:39 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:2080
Cat No:Stampless

Mexico, 1845 Mazatlan to London, England. Folded letter sheet endorsed on reverse "forwarded…26th June, 1845, by…Sengstack & Schutte" (operated 1843-47 in Mexico City) and "1 July 1845 forwarded by Bronser Pensing & Co.", front with "pr Royal Mail Steam Packet" ship endorsement and rated "2/3", reverse with "Vera Cruz, Julio 30" cds and British "Vera-Cruz, Jy 1, 1845" cds; file folds, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $200 - 300. Est. $200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 170.00

Closed..Oct-15-2017, 13:20:48 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:2081

Mexico, 1865 French Expeditionary Forces. French military engineer officer cover from Mazatlan to Strasbourg, France, endorsed "Voie du Panama", but first sent on northbound ship to San Francisco (18 Apr 1865) with "30" rate handstamp (under March 3, 1847 act all letters to and from Panama 30 cents) "New York, 18, May 6" cds for carriage up eastern seaboard, reverse with French receiver and docketed "Mazatlan" in pencil on reverse, Very Fine, This is the only known letter from this French Officer from Mazatlan using the public mail system, his correspondence from various French held places is well known, ex-Schimmer.
Estimate; $600 - 800.

No stamps were used because the Maximilian government and its stamps were not recognized by the United States and this letter was going there on its way to France.
Est. $600-800 (Image)

Est. $600-800

Opening US$ 1,500.00
Sold...US$ 1,500.00

Closed..Oct-15-2017, 13:21:12 EST
Sold For 1500

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:2082

Mexico, 1865 French Expeditionary Forces. French military engineer officer cover from Mazatlan to Strasbourg, France, endorsed "De Mazatlan" at top, franked with France 1862, 10c bister + 20c blue, two singles tied by "CEM K" (Mazatlan) lozenge cancels, boxed "PD" handstamp (fully paid officer rate) reverse with Paris transit and Strasbourg receiver, believe to be the only known Bureau K cover and the only cover from Mazatlan using the French military mail system, illustrated in Pietsch Imperial Eagles of Mexico 1864-66 (page 205).
Estimate; $600 - 800.

The French operated their own postal system in Mexico, parallel to the public one that also operated.
Est. $600-800 (Image)

Est. $600-800

Opening US$ 900.00
Sold...US$ 900.00

Closed..Oct-15-2017, 13:22:24 EST
Sold For 900

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:2083

Mexico, 1876 San Francisco circular to San Blas via Mazatlan. 1876 advertising circular with U.S. 2¢ Banknote canceled by fancy handstamp, endorsed "Per Newbern via Mazatlan" at top, manuscript "5" for inland circular Mexican postage collected in San Blas; archival tape at lower left, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $150 - 200.

It was loaded aboard the Newbern in San Francisco. It probably went ashore in Mazatlan and continued by land or sea to destination. The Newbern was an inter-coastal ship that plied the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California) from Puerto Isabel on the Colorado River to Mazatlan and possibly as far as San Blas or Manzanillo and provided the sea connection by calling in San Francisco.
Est. $150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 180.00
Sold...US$ 180.00

Closed..Oct-15-2017, 13:23:08 EST
Sold For 180
image Sale No: 75
Lot No:2084

Mexico, 1892, 10c vermilion, Advertising Sheet and Envelope. Canceled by oval "Franco En Rosario" handstamp (Schimmer Sin 42/1) with 1893 Rosario town date stamp alongside (Schimmer Sin 42/4), to Mazatlan; small edge nick at top left, still Very Fine, very scarce used, the only known example from Rosario and the only example we have seen with date stamp not cancelling.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

These were printed as a special order containing a printed flyer with many advertisements and an embossed image of the 10c, the envelope has a cut oval, the user would only pay 5c and the remaining 5c would be subsidized by the advertisers.
Est. $200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 130.00
Sold...US$ 130.00

Closed..Oct-15-2017, 13:23:39 EST
Sold For 130

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