DUMMY STAMPS: KING EDWARD VII & BATTLESHIP 2D design, letter press plate proof in black block of forty-five (9 x 5), single imperf colour trials (3 different, two with SPECIMEN perfin), then perforated blocks of four in red, blue and violet with coloured borders. (60 stamps) [US2] (Start Price = £376.00) (Image)
Opening GBP 376.00
Sold...GBP 380.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 380
Sale No: 76
Lot No:5345
Cat No:100/100c
Nefertiti overprinted 55m on 100m, block x 4;one showing 'UAP.' variety.u.m. [US4] (Start Price = £6.40)
Opening GBP 6.40
Sold...GBP 6.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 6
Tierra Del Fuego
Sale No: 76
Lot No:18921
Cat No:1
10c carmine rose 'Poppers Local Post' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 1) (Start Price = £11.20)
Opening GBP 11.20
Sold...GBP 19.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 19
Worldwide Stamps and Covers Abu Dhabi
Sale No: 76
Lot No:258
Cat No:1-11
Definitives set u.m. (11) [US1] (Start Price = £42.40)
Opening GBP 42.40
Sold...GBP 55.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 55
Sale No: 76
Lot No:259
Cat No:1-11
Set complete(11) fine unmounted mint [US1] (Start Price = £44.80)
Opening GBP 44.80
Sold...GBP 48.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 48
Sale No: 76
Lot No:262
Cat No:15-25
Surcharge set complete(11) very fine used [US1] (Start Price = £112.80)
Opening GBP 112.80
Sold...GBP 144.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 144
Sale No: 76
Lot No:362
Cat No:318/321
'19th Anniversary of Faculty of Medicine, Kaboul' issue the set of four fine mint. [US5] (Start Price = £6.40)
Opening GBP 0.99
Sold...GBP 7.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 7
Sale No: 76
Lot No:371
Cat No:19-26
President Kennedy set, in blocks x 4.Fine c.d.s.(8x4) [US4] (Start Price = £7.20)
Opening GBP 7.20
Sold...GBP 7.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 7
Sale No: 76
Lot No:372
CINDERELLA: 5c black, red & green 'Independence Albanaise' label, perforated, a fine unused copy. (Start Price = £9.60)
Opening GBP 9.60
Sold...GBP 10.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 10
Sale No: 76
Lot No:373
5gr on 1f brown 'Surcharge' issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 45, Cat £16) (Start Price = £6.40)
Opening GBP 6.40
Sold...GBP 8.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 8
Sale No: 76
Lot No:377
15q deep brown 'President Ahmed Zogu' issue, a fine mint pair and two singles. (SG 197) (Start Price = £4.00)
Opening GBP 4.00
Sold...GBP 4.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 4
Sale No: 76
Lot No:381
25q blue, 50q deep green and 2f violet & olive green AIR issue with 'Rep Shqiptare' opt, all fine mint. (SG 206/7 & 209, Cat £35+) (Start Price = £12.80)
Opening GBP 12.80
Sold...GBP 13.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 13
Sale No: 76
Lot No:382
25q blue AIR issue with 'Inauguration of Vlore - Brindisi Air Service' opt, a fine unmounted mint copy. (SG 224) (Start Price = £6.40)
Opening GBP 6.40
Sold...GBP 9.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 9
Sale No: 76
Lot No:391
1f blue green 'Kruje Fortress' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 361) (Start Price = £6.40)
Opening GBP 6.40
Sold...GBP 6.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 6
Sale No: 76
Lot No:392
5q green 'Italian Occupation' OPT issue, a fine mint copy with variety STRAIGHT FOOT TO 2. (SG 339a) (Start Price = £12.80)
Opening GBP 12.80
Sold...GBP 22.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 22
Sale No: 76
Lot No:397
Cat No:19/379
A small mint range on stock page includes 1945-47 set of 18, 1949 Naval Welfare, 1957 Army Welfare, Red Cross, etc. Clean lot (29) [US1] (Start Price = £18.40)
Opening GBP 18.40
Sold...GBP 18.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 18
Sale No: 76
Lot No:398
Cat No:2/454
A fresh mint range on 2 sided stock page, from 1924-25 definitivfes (19 vals to 2fr), 34 values of the 1926-41 set including the scarce 10fr carmine & brown, 1930 10fr Philatelic Expo, a few WWII opts, 1939 Sahara Pioneers set of 4, 1945-47 vals to 5fr plus a small later range to 1966 Cave paintings(160) [US1] (Start Price = £89.60)
Opening GBP 89.60
Sold...GBP 110.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 76
Lot No:399
Cat No:93-105
Centenary of French Occupation set, very fine mint (13) [US1] (Start Price = £26.40)
Opening GBP 26.40
Sold...GBP 38.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 38
Sale No: 76
Lot No:400
Cat No:20A
30c blackish brown, perf 14 with blue control figures on reverse, a fine mint copy. Scarce stamp. (Start Price = £41.60)
Opening GBP 41.60
Sold...GBP 48.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 48
Sale No: 76
Lot No:401
Cat No:FD38
Postage Due 5f on 1f purple, very lightly mtd mint. Very fine. (Start Price = £41.60) (Image)
Opening GBP 41.60
Sold...GBP 52.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 52
Sale No: 76
Lot No:402
Cat No:FD97-100
Postage Dues set of 4 superb l.m.mint. (Start Price = £16.80)
Opening GBP 16.80
Sold...GBP 21.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 21
Sale No: 76
Lot No:521
10p black & orange and 20p black & dull blue 'Centenary' issue, both used with 'INUTILIZADO' PERFINS. Useful spacefillers. (SG 380/1, Cat £260) (Start Price = £16.00)
Opening GBP 16.00
Sold...GBP 28.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 28
Sale No: 76
Lot No:526
10p ultramarine & lake 'Revolution' issue a fine cds used copy. (SG 608, Cat £60) (Start Price = £19.20)
Opening GBP 19.20
Sold...GBP 19.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 19
Sale No: 76
Lot No:527
50c grey black AIR issue with 'ZEPPELIN' overprint in blue, a fine mint copy. (SG 583) (Start Price = £15.20)
Opening GBP 15.20
Sold...GBP 20.00
Closed..Jan-14-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 20
Sale No: 76
Lot No:528
Cat No:605
1p carmine & blue 'Revolution of the 6th of September' issue a fine cds used copy. (SG 605) (Start Price = £8.00)