Boorara: 'BOORARA/AP6/6/W.A' largely fine strike on 2d yellow. RO 1.7.1903; PO 1.2.1905; closed 15.10.1910. The first example we have offered. [Goldmining; 19km SE Kalgoorlie]
Bulla Bulling: 25mm 'BULLA BULLING/JU29/96/[W.A]' very fine strike on 1d pink. A new discovery: not recorded in PMI. PO 1.1.1896; RO 13.12.1904; closed 31.12.1924. [Presumably, this cds was lost after only a short time. The 21mm 'BULLA-BULLING' cds - with hyphen - is recorded from 30AU/97]
Perth: Double-oval 'SPECIAL INQUIRY & DETECTIVE OFFICE/30MAR12/GPO PERTH WA' two largely superb strikes in violet tying ½d x5 to PO 'Declaration...relating to a Missing Letter...containing a Valuable Enclosure Unregistered', the form is significantly aged but is the only recorded example. Datestamp unrecorded in PMI. [The missing letter contained a 5/- Postal Note payable to the Queensland Insurance Co at Perth, the sender stating that registration of such as item was not required, although he probably regretted not paying the extra 3d]