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Cherrystone Auctions Sale: 0323

United States
image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:189
Cat No:6

1862 5c light blue, De La Rue Printing, sheet of 100, all but two stamps n.h., pos. 99 with sealed tear, other minor wrinkles, still fine-v.f sheet (catalogued as 25 blocks of four) cat. $2500 (Cat No. 6) (Image)

Cat. $2500, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00

Closed..Mar-14-2023, 11:22:29 EST
Sold For 600

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:188
Cat No:56X2

1861 5c red, small faults, tied by black Memphis cancel on cover, fine appearance, with 2019 Crowe certificate, cat. $1750 (Cat No. 56X2) (Image)

Cat. $1750, Est.US$250

Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00

Closed..Mar-14-2023, 11:22:12 EST
Sold For 250

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1121
Cat No:Collection

1853-99 collection neatly written up on pages, some duplication or additional shades noted, early material including Numerals (few forgeries or fake cancels noted), 1862 2c rose, including Specimen and Cancelled overprints, 1864-86 1c-18c, 1875 2c and 12c, 1862 to 15c, 1863 to $1, Provisional Overprints, 1894 Pictorials, Officials, Revenues, Postal Stationary, etc., mixed condition with some faults noted, otherwise fine-v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 1,600.00
Sold...US$ 1,600.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:37:19 EST
Sold For 1600

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1098
Cat No:Collection

1847-1980 collection in well-filled Minkus (All American) and H.E. Harris albums, 19th Century used, imperforate singles, Scott No.1,2, 12,15 and 17, perforated 1857-61 to 90c (last one unused), 1861-67 to 90c, 1869 Pictorials complete, Bank Note Issues, with all values represented, 1890-95 Bureau sets unused to $5, 1902-03 complete to $5, also most of the Washington-Franklins (without Blue Paper), including high values and coil singles or pairs. Commemoratives are complete, unused, with Columbians, Trans-Mississippi, Panama-Pacific perf. 10, etc. Back of book with complete Air Post, including C13-15, Special Delivery and Parcel Post, also some better Postage Dues, mixed condition, faults noted, some certificates are included (Image)


Opening US$ 20,000.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:27:10 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1099
Cat No:Collection

1847-1959 collection in Scott album, used and unused singles, including Nos. 1 and 2 (each with lightened pen cancel, both look unused), 7, 10,12,15, 17, 1857-61, with 1c, 3c, 5c, 10c-30c used, 1861-62 with 30c and 90c used, 2c and 15c black, 1867 Grills to 90c, 1869 Pictorials complete unused (1c-12) also 30c (re-issue, without gum), both 15c, 24c and 90c used, 1870-71 Bank Note Issues to 90c used, 1873 complete to 90c used, 1879-83 used and unused, 1887 1c-90c unused, also 1890-93 Bureau issues 1c-90c, Columbians complete to $5 ($3 unused without gum, v.f., $4 with original gum, short perfs, $5 original gum), 1894 and 1895 Regular Issues 1c-90c unused, $1-$5 used (246-78), Trans-Mississippi complete unused, 1902-03 Issue complete, $5 well centered, h.r., v.f., also 315 imperf. pair, Pan-American, Louisiana Purchase, 1c-$1 Washington, Panama-Pacific perf. 12 and perf. 10, all unused, $2 and $5 Franklin, 1922 Liberty to $5, White Plains souvenir sheet, Kansas-Nebraska, etc. Air Post complete, with C13-15; Special Delivery and Postage Dues, with many unused, Shanghai overprints to 40c, Officials, with some unused, also Plate Proofs used as fillers, Parcel Post complete, fairly good showing of first Revenues. Stamps are in pre-cut mounts closed on all sides, making examination difficult. We did spot check many of the better items and while there are some faults, condition is generally fine-v.f. A good, solid U.S. collection (Image)


Opening US$ 19,000.00
Sold...US$ 19,000.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:27:45 EST
Sold For 19000

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1100
Cat No:Collection

1847-1949 collection in a Bertram Poole album, first pages include used No.1 and 2 (faulty), 1869 Pictorials to 30c, Columbians to $1, mixed Bureau Issues to $1, Trans-Mississippi to $1 (straight edge), from there used and unused, with Louisiana Purchase, Jamestown and other commemoratives, Kansas-Nebraska, White Plains souvenir sheet; Washington-Franklins mostly used, nice group of imperf. and coil pairs, back of book with Air Post, Special Delivery, Postage Dues, Parcel Post, Officials and Revenues, mixed condition, faults noted, fine old-time collection (Image)


Opening US$ 3,000.00
Sold...US$ 3,000.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:28:31 EST
Sold For 3000

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1101
Cat No:Collection

1851-1940 collection in old (1944 edition) Scott album, with mostly used, including 1869 10c, 15c, 30c, Bank Note issues to 90c, Bureau issues to $1, Columbians to 50c, other commemoratives, Washington-Franklins, Kansas-Nebraska, Air Post 1918-23, Parcel Post and Officials, mixed condition, high catalogue value (Image)


Opening US$ 950.00
Sold...US$ 950.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:28:50 EST
Sold For 950

Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1102
Cat No:Collection

1861-88 balance of the Proofs collection, with eight large die proofs, including Scott 162P1 and 205P1 die sunk on full cards (the latter with some light card stain), also 69P1,155P1,206P1 and 219P1 on reduced cards, plus 149P1 removed from card. In addition, there are ten small die proofs from the Roosevelt Album including 1861 10c and 24c, 6c Pictorial, plus a selection of Bank Note Issues, occasional minor faults noted, generally fine-v.f., cat. $4,500+


Opening US$ 1,400.00
Sold...US$ 1,400.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:29:31 EST
Sold For 1400

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1103
Cat No:71 (45)

1861 30c orange, 45 used copies, nice variety of cancels, usual faults noted, otherwise fine-v.f., cat. $11250 (Cat No. 71) (Image)

Cat. $11250, Est.US$1,000

Opening US$ 1,100.00
Sold...US$ 1,100.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:29:52 EST
Sold For 1100

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1104
Cat No:75

1861 5c brown, 11 used copies, one with straight edge, few faults possible, otherwise fine-v.f., cat. $4675 (Cat No. 75) (Image)

Cat. $4675, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 450.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:30:10 EST
Sold For 0

Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1105
Cat No:78a

1861 24c grayish lilac, 15 used copies, variety of cancels, small faults, fine-v.f. appearance, cat. $6375 (Cat No. 78a)

Cat. $6375, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 525.00
Sold...US$ 525.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:30:19 EST
Sold For 525

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1106
Cat No:112-120

1869 duplicated selection of used stamps on pages, with 1c (10), 2c (3), 3c (55), 6c (10), 10c (11), 12c (9), 15c (6) and 24c (2), variety of cancels, usual small faults, otherwise fine-v.f., cat. $11300 (Cat No. 112-120) (Image)

Cat. $11300, Est.US$1,000

Opening US$ 1,200.00
Sold...US$ 1,200.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:30:33 EST
Sold For 1200

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1107
Cat No:Collection

1869-1940 balance of a consignment, small selection on cards and lot sheets, used 15c 1869 Pictorial, 30c Columbian, Bank Note issues to 90c, occasional proofs, Postal Stationery entire envelopes, few Duck Hunting stamps used or unused, mostly fine; also a used Switzerland 1fr Standing Helvetia (used, faulty) (Image)


Opening US$ 180.00
Sold...US$ 180.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:30:56 EST
Sold For 180

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1108
Cat No:153 (45)

1870 24c purple, 45 used copies, nice variety of cancels, few small faults noted, generally fine-v.f., cat. $9450 (Cat No. 153) (Image)

Cat. $9450, Est.US$1,000

Opening US$ 950.00
Sold...US$ 950.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:31:14 EST
Sold For 950

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1109
Cat No:134/150

1870-71 Bank Note issues, duplicated selection of used stamps on pages, with 1c (7), 2c (16), 3c (17), 6c (11), 7c (9) and 10c (2), variety of cancels, few small faults noted, otherwise fine-v.f., cat. $4180 (Cat No. 134/150) (Image)

Cat. $4180, Est.US$400

Opening US$ 350.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:31:28 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1110
Cat No:Collection

1890-1949 balance of a collection in carton, 6 albums or stock books, one is a collection on pages, used and unused, few better Commemoratives, Parcel Post, etc., another is an extensive collection of Pre-cancels, some undoubtedly better, others are filled with many hundreds of used lower value commemoratives and regular issues, mixed condition, fine old-time holding (Image)


Opening US$ 950.00
Sold...US$ 950.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:31:47 EST
Sold For 950

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1111
Cat No:Collection

1898-1940 collection in two albums, early booklet panes, blocks of four of lower value commemorative sets, 2c Hudson Fulton imperforate pane of 20, nice group of Special Delivery in blocks of four, Famous Americans, etc., fine-v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 800.00
Sold...US$ 800.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:32:35 EST
Sold For 800

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1112
Cat No:Collection

1910-40 collection on pages, mostly Regular Issues, with solid group of booklet panes of six, including 279b, 300b, 301c (these alone cat. $1,600), 1910-17 Washington Franklins unused 1c-15c, subsequent issues, 1c-30c (414-20), Perf. 10 to 50c, high values used, 1917-19 complete unused, good run of coil pairs, some guide-line and Paste-ups (few questionable), back of book items, cut squares, some Locals and Confederate States, mixed condition, mostly fine or better (Image)


Opening US$ 2,000.00
Sold...US$ 2,000.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:33:22 EST
Sold For 2000

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1113
Cat No:410

1912 1c green, wholesale lot of 155 pairs and 15 singles, n.h., occasional toned spot noted, generally fine or better, cat. $5232 (Cat No. 410) (Image)

Cat. $5232, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 450.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:33:40 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1114

1931-1940 sheets and part sheets, large holding, including complete sets of Washington Bicentennial, National Parks, Famous Americans, many Regular Issues, including 1934 Residentials, 1c-50c (23 sheets), also blocks of 8 and 12 of $5 Coolidge, later issues, some scrap Postage, Air Post, Regular Issues, including better items, plus many others, n.h., fine-v.f. Also included are a few unused singles, 1893 Columbians to $2, 1901 Pan-American Set, Air Post, C13-15,C18, all with some faults. A good working lot of sheets, with many useful extras (Image)


Opening US$ 7,500.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:33:54 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1115
Cat No:936/1325

1945-67 3c-5c Commemoratives, group of 200+ PSE graded ("XF-Sup 95", "XF-Sup 98" and a few "Gem 100") singles, good assortment, up to 3 of each, stored on black cards with certificates, ready for immediate resale (SMQ $11,050) (Cat No. 936/1325) (Image)


Opening US$ 3,500.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:34:07 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1116

1987-1992 American Bank Note Archive series of engravings, issued in limited edition, six booklets, each 12 pages of beautiful engravings (total of 502), covering U.S. Presidents, World Royalty, Railroads, American Eagle, Explorers, Dogs, etc., with certificates of authenticity and covering letters from product manager. The print run was 924-3500 depending on the year and how many were sold. A rare and most attractive boxed set, seldom offered as a complete set covering American Bank Note Company products, including Postage Stamps and Revenues, v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 1,300.00
Sold...US$ 1,300.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:34:35 EST
Sold For 1300

Air Post
image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1117
Cat No:C10a

1927 24 booklet panes of three, various positions noted, mostly n.h., also two exploded booklets, n.h., fine-v.f. (Cat No. C10a) (Image)


Opening US$ 475.00
Sold...US$ 475.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:35:07 EST
Sold For 475

Postal Stationery
image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1118
Cat No:Collection

1853-1960 collection of mostly unused Cut Squares, hundreds on Scott album pages, including Officials, many better items, some with certificates, cataloguing up to $200+, some entire envelopes, later surcharges, varieties, etc., mostly fine-v.f., seldom offered (Image)


Opening US$ 2,800.00
Sold...US$ 2,800.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:35:42 EST
Sold For 2800

Revenue Stamps
image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:1119
Cat No:Collection

1862-1919 collection on Bertram W.H. Poole album pages, Internal Revenue 10c-$50 perf. and 25c-$50 imperf., mostly complete (without 40c), some cut close, others with large margins, Documentary Stamps, second and third issues to $20 (cut cancels), 1898 Battleship and Commerce, $100 Marshall and many more, including Wine stamps to $20, mixed condition, high catalogue value (Image)


Opening US$ 2,900.00
Sold...US$ 2,900.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 13:36:27 EST
Sold For 2900

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