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Sterling Stamps Sale: 23A

United States
image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:58
Cat No:C7-C9

USA Scott C7-C9 MNH Complete Set of Plate Blocks - 1926-7 Map set. F-VF. (SCV $180) (Image)

Opening US$ 55.00
Sold...US$ 55.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:06:26 EST
Sold For 55

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:59
Cat No:C9-C11, C22

USA Scott C9-C11, C22 MNH Plate Blocks - 4 Different, MNH F-VF Group. (SCV $367) (Image)

Opening US$ 75.00
Sold...US$ 75.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:07:23 EST
Sold For 75

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:61
Cat No:C18

USA Scott C18 MNH VF Block of 4, 50c Baby Zepp - Nicely centered! (SCV $300 as singles) (Image)

Opening US$ 100.00
Sold...US$ 100.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:08:52 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:62
Cat No:C18

USA Scott C18 MNH VF Block of 4 - Nicely centered! Shorter perf on upper right stamp at top. (SCV $300 as singles) (Image)

Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:09:29 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:63
Cat No:C18

USA Scott C18 MNH F-VF Block of 4 - Nice block, well-centered. A few gum bends. (SCV $300 as singles) (Image)

Opening US$ 95.00
Sold...US$ 95.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:10:12 EST
Sold For 95

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:64
Cat No:C18

USA Scott C18 MNH F-VF Block of 4 - Decent centering. A few gum bends and an inclusion in lower right stamp. (SCV $300 as singles) (Image)

Opening US$ 65.00
Sold...US$ 65.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:10:53 EST
Sold For 65

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:65
Cat No:C18

USA Scott C18 MNH Fine Block of 4 - Nice deep color. (SCV $300 as singles) (Image)

Opening US$ 75.00
Sold...US$ 75.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:11:29 EST
Sold For 75

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:101
Cat No:Collection

Dealer Stock of Booklets and Panes - Dealer binder stuffed with dealer sales sheets holding over a 100 mostly booklet panes along with about a dozen booklets. Some of the better booklets include Scott BK56, BK82, BK92, and both express mail booklets. We spotted panes like 319f (no selvage), 331a (with and without selvage), 332a, and later W-F's with some positions pieces noted. A few modern unfolded round out the stock. Mixed MNH and MH. Few faults, generally fine or better. (Est $160-200) (Image)

Opening US$ 190.00
Sold...US$ 190.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:41:59 EST
Sold For 190

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:102
Cat No:Collection

USA Large Booklet Stock - All identified in glassines, ranging from Scott BK162 to BK276A. There is duplication on many and include several makeshift booklets and better like Scott BK227A (x2), BK228A (x2), BK261 (x4), and BK270 (x2). (Face $1150+) (Image)

Opening US$ 550.00
Sold...US$ 550.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:42:38 EST
Sold For 550

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:103

Express Mail Complete Booklets - Two different, BK140B (x7) and BK148 (x6). F-VF. (Face $389) (Image)

Opening US$ 260.00
Sold...US$ 260.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:43:06 EST
Sold For 260

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:104

USA Mint Booklets - Couple 100 booklets with owner's tally included. Values to 32¢ ($6.40). Clean! (Face $350) (Image)

Opening US$ 180.00
Sold...US$ 180.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:43:37 EST
Sold For 180

Canal Zone
image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:117
Cat No:22 var.

Canal Zone Scott 22 Variety Used Pair, "ANA" for "CANAL", Fine - Variety mentioned in Scott, "ANA" for "CANAL" in pair. Top stamp (non-variety) has blunt/short perfs at top. Fine.(SCV $70+) (Image)

Opening US$ 70.00
Sold...US$ 70.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 11:53:50 EST
Sold For 70

Collections and Lots
image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:140
Cat No:Collection

USA Collection in Scott National Album to 1990 - Unused/used mounted collection in 2-post Scott album (no back of book). Starts with several better used like Scott 68-71, 72, 76-8, 87-8, 90, 96-8, 112-1, 153-5, 156-166, 182-191, 212-218, 219-229, 238-240, 260, 268-276A, 291, 300-311, 479-480, 397-404, 523-4, 547, and unused Scott 94, 537, 548-50, 610-2, 614-21, 630 MH, 730-1, 735, 750-1. Highly complete between W-F to 1990 with much face value. Note that there is much value in the Wash-Franklins if identified correctly, and the Kansas-Nebraskas are complete mixed unused/used. Expect a few faults in the early issues, otherwise a lovely collection with high SCV. (Est $1500-2000) (Image)

Opening US$ 1,250.00
Sold...US$ 1,250.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:24:54 EST
Sold For 1250

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:141
Cat No:Collection

USA Collection in Scott National Album to 1975 - Unused/used collection in hingeless 2-post Scott album. Starts with used Scott 9, 11, 14, 68, 69, 78, 119, 120, 190, 238, 239, 242, 276, 276A, 291, and unused Scott 220, 235, 237, 252, 314, 330, 391, 730-1, 750-1, plus around $75+ in face value. The back of book includes airmails complete less Zepps but Scott C1-6 (most MNH) are present, J78 MH, parcel post complete used less Q10, and JQ3 MNH SE. In general, much mint appears MNH. Expect a few faults in the early issues, otherwise worthy of continuation. (Est $1200-1500) (Image)

Opening US$ 1,050.00
Sold...US$ 1,050.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:26:08 EST
Sold For 1050

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:142
Cat No:Collection

USA Collection in Scott National Album to 1968 - Strong collection with over 1000 stamps and blocks of 4, mostly in mounts. Starts with a faulty used Scott 1 then better used like 7,9, 32, 36, 68-71, 77-8, 95-8, 116-7, 119, 121, 151-5, 228-9, 275-276A, 291, 310, and unused Columbians to the 50¢, Pan-Ams, Jamestown, Scott 400, 571-2, 630 MH in selvage (x2). There is no back of book. Collector added extra pages for blocks and/or used. Early issues are very mixed condition so examination is recommended. (Est $1000-1200) (Image)

Opening US$ 900.00
Sold...US$ 900.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:29:24 EST
Sold For 900

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:143
Cat No:Collection

USA 9 Volume Commemorative Plate Block Collection in White Ace Albums - Complete collection in 9 albums (White Ace binders with slipcases) covering 1948 to 1986. Face is around $660. All in clear mounts. Clean collection! (Est $500-700) (Image)

Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:30:29 EST
Sold For 300

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:144
Cat No:Collection

USA Back of Book Accumulation with Much Mint - Small stockbook holding mostly mint with several better like Scott C1-6 MH, C10 plate block MLH, C11 plate block MNH, C18 MNH, and a nice selection of special delivery and postage dues in singles and and plate blocks. Also includes Scott Q1-12 and JQ1-5 in somewhat mixed condition. Owner's 2022 SCV $2700. Examine. (Est $600-700) (Image)

Opening US$ 375.00
Sold...US$ 375.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:31:25 EST
Sold For 375

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:145
Cat No:Collection

Dealer Stock of Plate Blocks 1909 - 1990's - 2 dealer binders filled with a couple 100 sales sheets holding unused plate blocks. Starts with Scott 373 (MLH, short selvage), 550 (MNH block of 4 with plate number), then several from the 1920's in the $20+ range and higher like Scott 638, 637, 640, 642, 645, 673 precancel, 694, 695 (X)2), 699 (x2), 701, 713-715, 740-9 (with some extras). Mixed MNH and MH, few faults. Generally fine and better. (Est $400-600) (Image)

Opening US$ 290.00
Sold...US$ 290.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:32:39 EST
Sold For 290

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:146
Cat No:Collection

Medium Box with Variety of Stuff - A binder full of mint blocks and plate blocks (old SCV $480 but mostly face type stuff); USPS products like a 1996 year set, Wildflowers, Civil War, and "We the People"; a few identified mint and used on stock cards (SCV $300+). Generally fine or better. (Est $120-150) (Image)

Opening US$ 100.00
Sold...US$ 100.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:33:21 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:147
Cat No:Collection

USA Back of Book Booklets, Panes, Plate Blocks - Dealer stock in sales binder includes complete booklets like Scott BKC3 (x2), BKC4 (x2), BKC4a, BKC7 (x2), and BKC8 (x3), along with several of the associated panes. The plate blocks include Scott C7 (x2), C8, C10, C19, C21 (x2), C22, C31 (x3), C46 (x4). A few other back of book plate blocks include J86, PS12, and WS8. A few are MLH, otherwise MNH and F-VF. (Est $200-250) (Image)

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:33:55 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:148
Cat No:Collection

USA Back of Book Collection in Scott Album - Couple 100 mint and used stamps on Scott Specialty pages in Scott album. Airmails pretty complete to early 2000's, but without Zepps. Then a showing of mostly used special delivery, dues, officials, and others. Most of the value is in the Possessions which or on Scott album quadrille pages. Careful review may uncover a few nuggets. Very mixed condition throughout. Please review. (Est $150-200) (Image)

Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:34:29 EST
Sold For 150

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:150
Cat No:Collection

USA Booklet Pane Collection in Scott Specialty Album - Many Key Items! - Advanced booklet pane collection going to the late 1990s in a Scott Specialty Album. Unfortunately the first couple panes (Scott 279be both horiz and vert wmks, and 300b) are mixed condition. Scott 301c is reinforced, and one of the four 1903 issue is Type I MNH. Washington-Franklins are almost complete with many extras between the pages. Some of the extras entail positions, plate numbers, partial plate numbers, etc. Finishes with well over $640 in face value from the Prexies to the end. Much is MNH. Worth consideration if this is your area. (Est $1000-1200) (Image)

Opening US$ 750.00
Sold...US$ 750.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:35:41 EST
Sold For 750

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:151
Cat No:Collection

USA Early Used Accumulation on Stock Sheets - Many 100's mostly used 19th to early 20th century, unused/used Kansas-Nebraskas, unused Famous Americans, airmails, and revenues. Fun lot to sift through. Many in the $5-10 range, some higher. Some cancel pickings, some mixed condition. (Est $200-300) (Image)

Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:37:02 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:152
Cat No:Collection

USA Mint Farley/Special Printings in Scott Specialty Album - Unused mounted collection in 2-post Scott album with pages created especially for the 1935 Special Printings. Highly complete with a variety of position pieces for plate blocks, guide line blocks, gutter blocks, arrow blocks, centerline blocks, and double pane souvenir sheets. Condition is very mixed with foxing but this is taken into consideration in our estimate. Tough to duplicate this collection! (Est $750-950) (Image)

Opening US$ 500.00
Sold...US$ 500.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:37:44 EST
Sold For 500
image Sale No: 23A
Lot No:153
Cat No:Collection

USA Mint Prexie Accumulation - An accumulation of plate blocks to $1 value (some duplication, but mostly different positions), blocks, pairs, and singles to the $5 value in a stockbook. Includes singles in mixed condition of Scott 833 (x7) and 834 (x4). Also includes a generous amount of coil singles and pairs, and a few booklet panes. Mostly MNH, fine or better. (Est $150-200) (Image)

Opening US$ 140.00
Sold...US$ 140.00

Closed..Jan-07-2023, 12:38:24 EST
Sold For 140

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