Sale No: 24NOVCHF
Lot No:50102
Cat No:Collection
USA: 1840s-1940s US collection in Scott hingeless album (1974), containing good range of classic US from 1847, with fine selection of earlies incl. cancellations and grills, also good newspaper stamps, revenues, with a folder containing Confederate issues and provisionals (all looks to be reproductions). Also Scott Canada album 1860s-1950s. The quality is mixed throughout, but with potential in the classic US. Please review images carefully. (Image)
Opening CHF 280.00
Closed..Nov-20-2024, 01:00:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 24NOVCHF
Lot No:50103
Cat No:Collection
United States : 1851-1969, 1 stock book from classic issues up to modern (1969) + another A4 stock book with predominantly 1890 to 1950 definitive issues, noted large section on the Franklin / Washington definitives, much BOB (special delivery, parcel- official stamps, postage dues, etc.), mostly used, an interesting old-time dealers stock for specialists to work through, mixed to mostly v.fine
Opening CHF 300.00
Closed..Nov-20-2024, 01:00:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 24NOVCHF
Lot No:50104
Cat No:Collection
United States: 1890-1980ca., Accumulation in big box of hundreds of covers, cards, postal stationery, etc., mostly modern but here and there also interesting items, worth picking through, mixed to very fine.
Opening CHF 100.00
Closed..Nov-20-2024, 01:00:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 24NOVCHF
Lot No:50105
Cat No:Collection
United States: 1960-1990, on stockcards hundreds of mint stamps all with varieties, perforations and unperforated, overprints, shades and more. Mostly current issues with pairs and blocks. For specialist, must see!