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Dutch Country Auctions Sale: 348

U.S. Collections & Large Lots
20th Century

Sale No: 348
Lot No:699
Cat No:Collection

Collection 1970-93 unused in mounts in Scott album largely cplt; 2nd collection 1940-93 less cplt (some pgs missing); NH, gen F-VF, owner's face (NV)


Opening US$ 220.00
Sold...US$ 220.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:38:34 EST
Sold For 220

Sale No: 348
Lot No:700
Cat No:Collection

Unused Collection of mainly Blks, etc late 1930s-1977 in mounts in (6) cased W/A albums incl #803-29, 1030-53, C31, C46 plus later Zip & Mail Early slogan Blks, gen F-VF NH

Est. $200-300 L

Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:39:32 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:701
Cat No:Collection

Small Stock unused coil line pairs, on dealer cards, incl Wash/Franks, Fourth Bureau, Prexies & a few Edison, 1059A & 5¢ airmail; most are NH, gen F & better (Image)

Est. $200-300 SE

Opening US$ 100.00
Sold...US$ 100.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:40:19 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:702
Cat No:Collection

Dealer Stock on cards for 1920s-30s commems, #611 // 729, sgls w/ a few multiples, marked by Scott # & whether H, LH or NH; a few used sprinkled in; good selection, gen F-VF+ (Image)

Est. $250-350 B

Opening US$ 125.00
Sold...US$ 125.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:40:40 EST
Sold For 125

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:703
Cat No:Collection

Dealer Stock on cards, Fourth Bureau & Prexies, a few used but mostly unused (H, LH, NH); sgls, pairs, Blks, PBKs, imperfs, coils; good variety, gen F-VF+ (Image)

Est. $250-350 B

Opening US$ 125.00
Sold...US$ 125.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:40:57 EST
Sold For 125

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:704
Cat No:Collection

NH Collection few (1000) 1919-99 in (8) W/A albums incl #537, 548-50, 611 pair, 612, 614-21, 647-48, 656 pair, 692-701, 704-15, 721-23 pairs, 839-51 pairs, 859-93, J79-87; post WW II face abt $660 (precancels, dues etc NC in face), gen F-VF (Image)

Est. $400-500 L

Opening US$ 290.00
Sold...US$ 475.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:41:37 EST
Sold For 475

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:705
Cat No:Collection

Collection (100s) */O & covers 1920-25 on quadrille pgs & manila stkpgs, unused incl #581-91 (extra 581), 611 center line Blk (2); PBK incl 611; used incl many Blks incl 550 PBK, 571 Blk (100 no selvage), (14) 573 Blks (4 or larger); covers incl 548 PBK on first flight, 570-71 on 1929 Zeppelin flight (2); NH/H, few flts but largely F to VF w/ few better & some lesser (Image)

Est. $500-650 L

Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:42:32 EST
Sold For 600

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:706
Cat No:Collection

Collection (100s) */O & covers 1927-31 on quadrille pgs & manila stkpgs, unused incl #647-48 (25), 692-701, 704-15 (6); PBK incl 643, 654 (2), 655, 685 (3), 688, 697, 704-15, 718-19; used incl Kans-Nebr (667, 671 unused), many Blks incl PBK; FDCs incl 645 (2 Cleveland), 704-15 on one FDC; few comml covers; NH/H, few flts but gen F-VF w/ few better or lesser (Image)

Est. $550-700 L

Opening US$ 270.00
Sold...US$ 270.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:42:57 EST
Sold For 270

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:707
Cat No:Collection

Collection (100s) */O & covers 1924-28 on quadrille pgs & manila stkpgs, unused incl #616 (20), 620-21 arrow Blks (4 each); PBK incl 617, 619, 628; used incl many Blks incl 620 PBK; FDCs incl 615-17, 617-19, 620-21 on one FDC; other covers incl 570 (2) & 619 on 1928 Zeppelin flight, 619 to Europe (4), 619 & C4-5 to Foochow China, 634A PBK registered; NH/H, few flts but gen F to VF w/ few better or lesser (Image)

Est. $600-750 L

Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:43:23 EST
Sold For 600

Sale No: 348
Lot No:708
Cat No:Collection

CHRISTMAS Huge comprehensive collection of Christmas stamps, covers & seals, on W/A & homemade pgs; Christmas stamps in (2) vol 1962-2006 & 2008 incl sgls, PBKs & cacheted FDCs for each & some w/ Blks, ZIP Blks, use on cover & tagging varieties; noted precancels & #1384c NH, 1384m on cover, 1508 FDC w/ Franklin Mint sterling silver medal, 2399a, modern in panes, bklts, bklt panes, incl self-adhesive (incl BK270), couple maxi cards; additional binders w/ collections of FD Ceremony Programs 1962-2007 (not inclusive), souv pages & commem panels; Good Christmas Seal collection in (2) vols incl sgls (appears cplt 1907-99 on W/A pgs, not checked for varieties) & full pane collections (1909, 1917, 1919-2001), incl WX9 coil pair; overall high FV considering the modern panes & bklts, (bonus: old Minkus pgs w/ US commems 1930-58 not cplt); gen VF NH

Est. $1,750-2,000 L (2)

Opening US$ 1,000.00
Sold...US$ 1,000.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:43:51 EST
Sold For 1000

Back of the Book

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:660
Cat No:Collection

AIRMAIL used C1-6 Accum on stkpgs incl C1 (13), C2 (9), C3 (25), C4 (12), C5 (8), C6 (20); almost all handstamp cancels, could be few flts but centering better than usual (Image)

Cat. $2,600 LE

Opening US$ 625.00
Sold...US$ 625.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:10:52 EST
Sold For 625

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:661
Cat No:Collection

AIRMAIL Unused Accum (1000s) 1940s-2000s mainly scrap sgls & Blks in Scott IDed glassines, high FV, gen F-VF NH (Image)

Est. $300-400 B

Opening US$ 190.00
Sold...US$ 190.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:11:24 EST
Sold For 190

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:662
Cat No:Collection

OFFICIALS Group (15) diff Officials unused incl O2 H, O15 H, O16 NH, O18 NG, O19 H, O21 DG, O27 H, O42 NG, O43 NG, O72 H, O89 NG, O90 H, O93 H, O111 H, O120 H, gen AVG-F H/NH (Image)

Cat. $2,570 SE

Opening US$ 280.00
Sold...US$ 280.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:11:59 EST
Sold For 280

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:663
Cat No:Collection

OFFICIALS */O group of (22) diff, 1870s, O1//O24 & O98; incl used O2, O4, O6-7, O10, O13 small thin, negative star cancel, incl unused O1, O3 NG, O5 CCr, SPs, DG, O8, O9, O12 NG, O18, O19, O21-22 NG; cond varies, few SPs, HRs, HH, DG, NG, VF to just Fine, most F-VF (Image)

Cat. $4,471 SE

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:12:20 EST
Sold For 450

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:664
Cat No:Collection

BOB Collection */O from special deliveries to savings w/ Ducks incl Used: E1, E7, K11, Q4-12 & Unused: E11, J1, JQ5, O4, O21, O23, O90-91, O114-17, O119, PR124, RW26, RW35, RW38, RW48, RW53-55, RW59-60, PS8 & S4 PBK & others, mixed cond flts incl NG to F-VF H/NH (Image)

Est. $250-300 LE

Opening US$ 190.00
Sold...US$ 210.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:13:32 EST
Sold For 210

Sale No: 348
Lot No:665
Cat No:Collection

Unused BOB Stock (100s) 19/20th Cent to the 1990s on cards w/ dup incl C18, E3 (2), E6, E7, E11-12, J24, J101 (3), O133 PBK, QE1-4, RW1, RW56-61 & others, cond varies but much F-VF H/H

Est. $250-300 B

Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:14:46 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:666
Cat No:Collection

Collection */O many (100s) 19th/21st Cent hinged/ mounted in Scott Natl album incl C, E, F, J, O, PN, PS, S, WS, Q, QE, JQ, R, RB, RC, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RI, RJ, RJA, RK, RVB, RY & Confederate; incl owner IDed Unused: C1-6 H/NH, C18, F1, J33-34, JQ4, O29, O30, O55, O57, O59, O120, S1a NH, S5, WS11, R159-60, R205, RE19, RE31 thin, RF29 NH, RG1-12, RG18, RG108-22, RI 1-13, RVB1-2, RY3; Used: incl E1-10, J1-7, J22-27, J29-30, J59-60, Q2-12, O31-33 flt, O35-44, O58, O60-66, O109-11, O121-26, R1a, R19a, R32a, R41a, R56a-62a, R64a, R66a-70a, R72a-76a, R81a thin, R86a, R88a flt, R98a, R101a flts (APS Cert), R1b, R34b, R56b, R57b flt, R58b, R61b, R64b, R2c flt, R14c, R22c-30c, R32c-72c, R73c flt, R74c flt, R77c, R79c, R80c, R81c-96c, R98c, R100c, R108 cut cancel (cc), R113 uncut, R116 cc, R117 cc, R136 flt, R139-46 cc, R147 uncut, RB11c, RC1-26, RD60 uncut, RD85 pinholes, RD312 cc, RE79 pinholes, RE83, RE148, RE161, RE162, RF18, RK8-9, RK11-12, RK15-22, RK24-25, RK27-31, dated reds & greens to $10,000 FV; owner's CV over $30,000 (NV); cond varies, usual revenue flts to most sound, cut, punch, & perfin cancels, many well hinged & slightly stuck, Avg to VF-XF, gen F-VF to VF (Image)

Est. $4,000-6,000 HWC-A

Opening US$ 2,850.00
Sold...US$ 11,500.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:17:50 EST
Sold For 11500

Booklets & Panes

Sale No: 348
Lot No:667
Cat No:Collection

Stash of unexploded bklts & self-adhesive bklts, owner's FV $240+ (NV) w/ a recent CV of $900+ (NV) ranging from 18¢ Wildlife, many 1990s commems to 44¢ w/ one Forever pane; gen VF

APX CV $900 B

Opening US$ 170.00
Sold...US$ 170.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:18:21 EST
Sold For 170

Sale No: 348
Lot No:668
Cat No:Collection

Unused Accum of bklts w/ dup incl defins & commem types, most IDed in glassines incl 18¢-37¢ values, few better mainly 29¢ & up, gen F-VF NHH

FACE $790 B

Opening US$ 350.00
Sold...US$ 350.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:18:47 EST
Sold For 350

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:669
Cat No:Collection

Collection couple (100) bklt panes or sgls from bklts w/ plate numbers in selvage; sorted by plate #, panes are all 1¢ #498e; sgls incl #331a, 332a, 375a, 406a; H/NH, F+ (Image)

Est. $250-350 A

Opening US$ 125.00
Sold...US$ 125.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:19:15 EST
Sold For 125

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:670
Cat No:Collection

Group of bklt panes 1991-2004 w/ minor dup, many regulars & modern self-adhesive panes of (20) but also many better incl #2920c (CV $110), 2960a (3), 3052d (3), 3252e, 3274a (2), 3297b (2), 3363a, 3496a (2), 3540d, 3540g (2), 3687b (2), 3830a & 3830De (CV $110); also unfolded panes 2566b, 2577a, 2872a & sheet pane #3275; total FV is $561.80 which does not factor in the premium bklts! (Image)

Est. $600-700 LE

Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:19:37 EST
Sold For 300


Sale No: 348
Lot No:709
Cat No:Collection

Unused Collection 1994-2005 in (2) hingeless Schaubek albums, sgls, Blks, coils & sheets of (20), incl Recalled Legends, gen VF NH

FACE $643 L

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:44:20 EST
Sold For 400

image Sale No: 348
Lot No:710
Cat No:Collection

Collection */O (1000s) 1929-2004 mainly used, hinged/mounted in (2) Scott Minuteman albums, few empty spaces; incl commems, regulars & airs, many recent used full sheets; cond varies, flts to most sound, gen F-VF to VF (Image)

Est. $200-250 B

Opening US$ 135.00
Sold...US$ 135.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:44:44 EST
Sold For 135

Sale No: 348
Lot No:711
Cat No:Collection

Mainly Unused Collection (100s) 1920-79 in mounts in a Scott National album incl #548-50, 564-66, 568, 614-23, 647-50, 697-701, 730-31, 750-51, 803-34, 1053, C4, C7-12, C20-31, E12-13 & some earlier Revenues & BOB incl Q9, (4) Confederates, gen F-VF H/NH

Est. $200-300 L

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 120.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:45:22 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 348
Lot No:712
Cat No:Collection

Collection */O in clear mounts on like new Scott National pgs 1845-1976; incl scattered earlies used, several Large Bknts, #298-99, many used Wash/Frank, unused 4th Bureau coils, 704-15 H, a few airs & SD; well-filled mostly NH post-1940; extra loose W/A & Mystic pgs for more 1880s-1940s */O incl BOB & CSA reprints; gen F+

Est. $220-270 L

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Sep-13-2023, 11:45:45 EST
Sold For 110

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