Sale No: 24A
Lot No:343
Cat No:Collection
Large Europa MNH Accumulation in Glassines - High Catalog Value! - Dealer stock pretty much organized, all MNH, and covering years 2005-2008. Noted several better items in quantity such as Greece booklets, Kosovo souvenir sheets, and better eastern European smaller nations. Duplication (sometimes heavy) and ideal for an internet dealer. VF with lots of value here! (Est $1000-1200) (Image)
Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 16:19:36 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:344
Cat No:Collection
Malaria Topical Collection on White Ace Pages - Almost complete collection of several 100 stamps, sets, and souvenir sheets honoring Malaria Eradication in the early 1960's. Items are either MH, MLH, with a few being MNH and include better Albania imperfs, Hungary sheetlets perf and imperf, French colonies common designs, Paraguay souv sheets, Port Colonies common designs, and much more. Slight mustiness, yet stamps are not stuck. F-VF. (Est $90-120) (Image)