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Raritan Stamps, Inc. Sale: 100

The One Man Collection of Czechoslovakia
70th Birthday of Pres. Masaryk issue
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:800
Cat No:Scott #61

1920, 125h, 16 imperforate plate or trial color proofs in gray, blue or violet on white ordinary, white chalk-surfaced, rose or yellow paper, one proof without value and one with mirrored design, full OG, NH, LH or no gum as produced, VF, seven proofs with experts' signs, Pofis #140 (Image)

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:53:54 EST
Sold For 400

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:801
Cat No:Scott #62

1920, 500h, six imperforate plate proofs in gray on white, blue gray, creamy or orange paper, typo or litho printing, full OG (1), NH or LH (1), VF, experts' guarantees on reverse, Pofis #141 (Image)

Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:54:26 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:802
Symbol:P Bl
Cat No:Scott #63

1920, 1000h, 11 imperforate plate or trial color proofs in gray, black or violet, including one block of four (folded between stamps), printed on white chalk-surfaced, gray, creamy and pinkish ordinary paper, full OG or no gum as produced, VF, most with experts' hs on reverse, Pofis #142 (Image)

Opening US$ 220.00
Sold...US$ 220.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:55:02 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:803

1920, unissued denomination of 2000h, five imperforate essays in blue, olive green, violet, red and brown, printed on ordinary or chalk-surfaced paper, all with full OG, NH or LH (1), VF, all with experts' hs on reverse (Image)

Opening US$ 350.00
Sold...US$ 350.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:55:49 EST
Sold For 350

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:804
Symbol:*/U B
Cat No:Scott #61-63, var

EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1920, about 100 mint and used (20 - mostly different cancellations) stamps; shades, paper and perforation errors, 19 imperforate and perforated proofs, 29 essays of denomination 50h and one for denomination 2000h (perforated), nice unit in every respect, full OG or no gum as produced, mostly VF, Est. $800-$1,000 (Image)

Opening US$ 2,100.00
Sold...US$ 2,100.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:58:07 EST
Sold For 2100

Agriculture and Science issue
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:813
Symbol:*/U B
Cat No:Scott #92-94, var

EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1920, over 330 mint and used (160 - various cancellations and perfins), 69 plate or trial color proofs, 5 printer's waste items, paper, printing and perforation varieties, including specialized part of ''White Leaves'' stamps, minor flaws possible on used stamps, generally fresh quality material, full/part of OG or no gum as produced, F/VF, Est. $750-$1,000 (Image)

Opening US$ 900.00
Sold...US$ 900.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:05:25 EST
Sold For 900

Carrier Pigeon issue
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:805
Cat No:Scott #66a

1920, 10h dark green, perforation 13¾, full OG, NH, F/VF, expertized by R. Gilbert, J. Karasek and others, Pofis #145B, C.v. CZK8,000 (Image)

Opening US$ 500.00
Sold...US$ 500.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:59:27 EST
Sold For 500

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:806
Cat No:Scott #66, 67

1920, imperforate 10h and 15h, both in brown olive, perforated 15h in red brown, three proofs with six stars on the background, full/large part of OG, VF, Pofis #145, 147 (Image)

Opening US$ 170.00
Sold...US$ 170.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:00:17 EST
Sold For 170

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:807
Symbol:** Bl
Cat No:Scott #82, a, b

1920, 5h violet, perforation 13½, side margin horizontal strip of nine with gutter between 6th and 7th stamps, containing two tete-beche pairs, full OG, NH, VF (Image)

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:00:56 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:808
Symbol:*/U B
Cat No:Scott #65-67, 82-86

EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1920, over 370 mint and used (82 with various cancellations) stamps, including 11 imperforate varieties, 22 tete-beche pairs, numerous positional pieces in singles with control numbers and blocks with various labels, 52 plate and trial color proofs, numerous errors, such as double prints, printings on gum side and more, generally fresh unit, full/part of OG or no gum as issued, F/VF, Est. $750- $1,000 (Image)

Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:01:51 EST
Sold For 600

Castles and City Views issue
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:816
Symbol:* Bl
Cat No:Scott #124a var

1926, Pernstein Castle, 30h gray green, coil stamp in vertical strip of three imperforate horizontally, full original slightly dry gum, VF, several experts' hs on reverse, VF, Pofis #210 var (Image)

Opening US$ 100.00
Sold...US$ 100.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:06:45 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:817
Symbol:*/U B
Cat No:Scott #114/22, 123-24, va

EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1926, 267 mint and used (60%) stamps, variety of perforation and watermarks, including coil stamps of 20h with block of six imperforate horizontally, and 30h, 12 marginal singles or blocks, 7 of which with control numbers, 4 large die numbered proofs, nice range of various cancellations, occasional flaws possible on used material, fresh unit overall, full/part of OG or used, F/VF, Est. $800-$1,000 (Image)

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:07:34 EST
Sold For 450

Chain-Breaker (Freedom) issue
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:809
Cat No:Scott #69

1920, two enlarged format essays of 25h in gray or red, size 22.5x27mm and 22x26mm instead of 18x21mm, date 19-25/XI-18 instead of denomination, full OG, NH or hinged, VF, Pofis #152P (Image)

Opening US$ 170.00
Sold...US$ 170.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:03:07 EST
Sold For 170

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:810
Cat No:Scott #87a

1920, 50h yellow green, perforation 13½, two horizontal tete-beche pairs, one with gutter in the middle, large part of OG, VF, various experts' hs, Pofis #156TBa, TBb (Image)

Opening US$ 85.00
Sold...US$ 85.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:03:33 EST
Sold For 85

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:811
Symbol:*/U B
Cat No:Scott #68-73, 87-91 var

EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1920, about 500 mint and used (160 with various cancellations and perfins) stamps, including 86 mostly imperforate plate and trial color proofs, in addition 68 imperforate stamps unissued color, 33 tete-beche pairs, some in blocks, numerous paper, color and perf varieties, different stamp types and more, great unit in every respect, full/part of OG, F/VF, Est. $1,000-$1,200 (Image)

Opening US$ 1,200.00
Sold...US$ 1,200.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:04:12 EST
Sold For 1200

Collection in Scott Specialty Album
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:842
Cat No:Collection

1918-74, over 2,400 mint stamps and souvenir sheets (a dozen used), starting with Hradcany issue, including postage, semi-postal, air post and other back of the book material, very well completed collection, here are 5 pages of Posta Ceskoslovenska 1919 overprints with just a few stamps properly expertized, several Scott listed varieties mentioned, clean and nice unit overall, full/part of OG, NH (sporadically from all periods and completely after 1960), LH/hinged, F/VF, C.v. $2,700 plus over $12,000 in overprints, Est. $800-$1,000 (Image)

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:24:50 EST
Sold For 450

Hradcany Issue
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:796
Cat No:Scott #25/45a

1918, 5h-1000h, 10h-500h, 12 imperforate and 5 perforate stamps with black overprint ''VZOREC'' (Specimen), nice and fresh, full OG, NH or LH (5, including imperf 20h), VF, each one with different experts' hs, Pofis C.v. CZK7,800 (Image)

Opening US$ 1,000.00
Sold...US$ 1,000.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:50:03 EST
Sold For 1000

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:797
Cat No:Scott #25/45a

1918, 5h-300h, 10h and 20h, 7 imperforate stamps with inverted black overprint ''VZOREC'', full OG, NH (3, including 20h) or LH, VF, experts' guarantees on reverse, Pofis C.v. CZK9,000 (Image)

Opening US$ 1,900.00
Sold...US$ 1,900.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:50:38 EST
Sold For 1900

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:798
Cat No:Scott #47e

1918, 30h dark violet, imperforate single of type I, full OG, NH, VF, several experts' hs on reverse, C.v. $150 as hinged, Pofis #13Na, CZK5,500 (Image)

Opening US$ 475.00
Sold...US$ 475.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:51:50 EST
Sold For 475

image Sale No: 100
Lot No:799
Symbol:*/U B
Cat No:Scott #2-53, var

LARGE EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1918, about 800 mint and used (40%) imperforate and perforated stamps in singles, pairs, strips, blocks and large multiples of 20 or 25, numerous paper, perforation or printing varieties, 57 trial color, plate proofs and specimen overprints, 130 stamps from printer's waste in large blocks; nice range of different cancellations for most values, generally nice and clean quality unit, full/large part of OG, F/VF, Est. $2,000-$2,500 (Image)

Opening US$ 4,000.00
Sold...US$ 4,000.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 12:53:16 EST
Sold For 4000

''Hussite Priest'' issue
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:812
Symbol:*/U B
Cat No:Scott #74-75, var

EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1920, 140 mostly mint stamps (4 - used), including 58 mostly imperforate plate or trial color proofs, 25 imperforate singles and blocks in issued colors, 9 singles or multiples with control numbers, numerous perforation, paper and color varieties, perfect collection, full/large part of OG or no gum as issued, F/VF, Est. $500-$600 (Image)

Opening US$ 350.00
Sold...US$ 350.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:04:54 EST
Sold For 350

Legion Post
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:843
Cat No:Scott #4-14

1920, Coat of Arms, (25k) blue and red, overprint ''1920'' and set of surcharges 2k-1r, the total is 11 stamps, large part of OG, F/VF, C.v. $328 (Image)

Opening US$ 180.00
Sold...US$ 180.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:26:05 EST
Sold For 180

New Portrait of Pres. Masaryk
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:822
Symbol:*/U B
Cat No:Scott #168-70, 171, var

EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1930, 58 mint or used (38) stamps, including type I and II of 50h stamps, coils of 1k brown red, three positional pieces (one is used pair), group of eight ''trial color proofs'', which are apparently from modern private issue, nice and clean unit, full/part of OG or used, F/VF, Est. $100-$150 (Image)

Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:09:50 EST
Sold For 50

Newspaper stamps

Provisional issues
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:840
Cat No:Collection

Provisional issues. EXHIBITION STYLE COLLECTION: 1919-21, 27 stamps, including two sheets of eight (one - tete-beche sheet), 12 reproductions in form or plate or die proofs, nice quality unit, full/large part of OG, F/VF, Est. $400-$500 (Image)

Opening US$ 200.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:23:31 EST
Sold For 200

The First issue
image Sale No: 100
Lot No:838
Cat No:Scott #P1, var

The First issue. 1918, 2h gray green, left sheet margin vertical gutter pair (gutter 28mm), horizontal fold along the gutter, full OG, NH, VF, expertized by R. Gilbert, Pofis #NV1Ms (Image)

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Apr-25-2024, 13:22:33 EST
Sold For 110

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