Stamps, Postal history & Banknotes of China and Ot Collections
Sale No: 41
Lot No:512
1885 Small Dragon rough perf. 3 cands mauve x 2 , used on piece, tied by very fine strike of ‘CUSTOMS/HANKOW/23 May 1895’ x 2, very fine. Est. HK$1,300-1,600 (Image1)
Est. HK$1,300-1,600
Opening HK$ 1,000.00
Sold...HK$ 1,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 01:53:41 EST
Sold For 1000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:514
1903 CIP Coiling Dragon 2c bisected used on small fragment, tied by ‘Postage 1 cent Pair’ black chop and bilingual ‘FOOCHOW/22.10.03’ cds, Chan 136A. Est. HK$300-400 (Image1)
Est. HK$300-400
Opening HK$ 400.00
Sold...HK$ 400.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 01:55:20 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 41
Lot No:515
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of Japanese postcards, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon, overprinted ‘ROC’ on CIP coiling Dragon and some Indo China issues, all tied by CTO cancel. All placed in a Japanese presentation folder box, minor toning. 25. Est. HK$1,000-1,500 (Image1)
Est. HK$1,000-1,500
Opening HK$ 700.00
Sold...HK$ 700.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 01:55:48 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 41
Lot No:516
Cat No:Collection
A small groups of picture postcards x 11, all with CIP issues and a cover to Shanghai locally, bearing with CIP 1/2c, tied by ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST’ cds, average. Est. HK$800-1,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$800-1,000
Opening HK$ 2,000.00
Sold...HK$ 2,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 01:56:45 EST
Sold For 2000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:517
Cat No:Collection
A small groups of picture postcards x 11, some with CIP issues and a few overseas, average. Est. HK$800-1,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$800-1,000
Opening HK$ 1,300.00
Sold...HK$ 1,300.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 01:58:09 EST
Sold For 1300
Sale No: 41
Lot No:518
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of Imperial used stamps, strong in Dowager, with ‘CUSTOMS/LAPPA’, ‘I.G. OF CUSTOMS/PEKING’, many Customs cancel on Dowager, Large Dragon 5 cands used on piece, Small Dragon 1 cand, broken frame, mint, viewing recommended, 36. Est. HK$8,000-9,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$8,000-9,000
Opening HK$ 7,000.00
Sold...HK$ 7,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 01:58:36 EST
Sold For 7000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:519
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of CIP Coiling Dragon in used condition x 79, plus Flying Geese, $1, $2 and $5 in mint and good condition, total 87, viewing recommended. Est. HK$3,000-3,500 (Image1)
Est. HK$3,000-3,500
Opening HK$ 8,000.00
Sold...HK$ 8,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 01:59:43 EST
Sold For 8000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:520
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of the CIP Coiling Dragon on covers or postcards x 6, mainly sent to overseas with back stamps, including one mixed franking on postcard, average, viewing recommended. Est. HK$2,000-3,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$2,000-3,000
Opening HK$ 3,000.00
Sold...HK$ 3,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:00:31 EST
Sold For 3000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:521
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of the Imperial stamps x 7, plus overprinted ‘ROC’ on Coiling Dragon x 2 mint, with Hsuan Tung used set, Est. HK$400-500 (Image1)
Est. HK$400-500
Opening HK$ 700.00
Sold...HK$ 700.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:01:08 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 41
Lot No:522
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of Dowager surcharges, including Small Dragon small figures surcharged complete used set, and 1c on 1 cand broken frame in mint condition, total 28, 7 mint. Est. HK$2,000-2,500 (Image1)
Est. HK$2,000-2,500
Opening HK$ 5,200.00
Sold...HK$ 5,200.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:03:24 EST
Sold For 5200
Sale No: 41
Lot No:524
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of the SYS various issues mixed mint and used, with high value $20 mint, some toning, approx. 90, viewing recommended. Est. HK$1,000-1,200 (Image1)
Est. HK$1,000-1,200
Opening HK$ 1,000.00
Sold...HK$ 1,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:04:10 EST
Sold For 1000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:525
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of ROC Air Mail issues, including 1st and 2nd air mail mint sets, a few PRC air mails, mixed mint and used. Approx. 140. Est. HK$800-1,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$800-1,000
Opening HK$ 1,000.00
Sold...HK$ 1,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:04:44 EST
Sold For 1000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:526
Cat No:Collection
A small collection mixed mint and used stamps mounted on pages, with some commemorative sets in mint condition, some SYS surcharged. Est. HK$800-1,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$800-1,000
Opening HK$ 1,300.00
Sold...HK$ 1,300.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:05:08 EST
Sold For 1300
Sale No: 41
Lot No:527
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of the 50c surcharged on SYS Central Trust print 16c, with various provinces surcharged, all unused and no gum as issued, 32, viewing recommended. Est. HK$1,000-1,200 (Image1)
Est. HK$1,000-1,200
Opening HK$ 1,300.00
Sold...HK$ 1,300.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:05:55 EST
Sold For 1300
Sale No: 41
Lot No:528
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of the early ROC commemorative sets both in mint and used condition, including Postal Service, Constitution, Unication, State Burial and 2nd air mail, all with mint and used sets. Est. HK$1,200-1,600 (Image1)
Est. HK$1,200-1,600
Opening HK$ 1,200.00
Sold...HK$ 1,200.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:06:24 EST
Sold For 1200
Sale No: 41
Lot No:529
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of the early ROC commemorative sets both in mint and used condition, including Postal Service, State Burial, Constitution, Unification, Northwest Expedition, mint and lighly hinged. Approx. 70. Est. HK$3,000-4,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$3,000-4,000
Opening HK$ 3,600.00
Sold...HK$ 3,600.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:07:03 EST
Sold For 3600
Sale No: 41
Lot No:531
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of the mixed mint and used overprinted ‘ROC’ on Coiling Dragon, including $2 and $5, mint and a part of original gum. Mint low values Coiling Dragon x 12, mint, $1 and $2, used, viewing recommended. 81. Est. HK$4,000-5,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$4,000-5,000
Opening HK$ 5,500.00
Sold...HK$ 5,500.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:08:11 EST
Sold For 5500
Sale No: 41
Lot No:532
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of the ROC mixed mint and used with duplicates, including 50c surcharged with 2 bars in pair x 3, unused. Silver Yuan Flying Geese, SYS London print 1st and 2nd issues complete mint sets, Chung Hwa print Dollar values complete, Postage Due sets, A lot of SYS surcharged issues, New York print set, some commemorative mint sets, approx. 1000. viewing recommended. Est. HK$2,000-3,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$2,000-3,000
Opening HK$ 2,000.00
Sold...HK$ 2,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:08:41 EST
Sold For 2000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:534
Cat No:Collection
A small collection of various ROC issues, mixed mint and used, including commemorative sets, air mail sets, SYS and its surcharged, a few Junk issue, Small Dragon 3 cands used. Approx. 650. Est. HK$1,000-1,500 (Image1)
Est. HK$1,000-1,500
Opening HK$ 1,200.00
Sold...HK$ 1,200.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:09:19 EST
Sold For 1200
Sale No: 41
Lot No:536
A small range of the ROC commemorative sets x 3, including Marshall, overprinted ‘Yunnan’ on State Burial, and Unification $1 in single, both mint. Est. HK$1,000-1,500 (Image1)
Est. HK$1,000-1,500
Opening HK$ 1,000.00
Sold...HK$ 1,000.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:10:08 EST
Sold For 1000
Sale No: 41
Lot No:537
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of overprinted ‘Military Post’ in char on various SYS issues, including $2 Paicheng print all unused and no gum as issued, 17. Est. HK$500-600 (Image1)
Est. HK$500-600
Opening HK$ 600.00
Sold...HK$ 600.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:10:28 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 41
Lot No:538
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of ROC stamps, each tied by neat small town cancellation. Est. HK$200-300 (Image1)
Est. HK$200-300
Opening HK$ 200.00
Sold...HK$ 200.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:10:45 EST
Sold For 200
Sale No: 41
Lot No:539
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of the Junk various issues mixed mint and used, with Junk surcharged Famine Relief Fund complete mint set of 3, Hall of Classics $1 and $2 with duplicates, used. Approx. 50. Est. HK$800-1,000 (Image1)
Est. HK$800-1,000
Opening HK$ 1,200.00
Sold...HK$ 1,200.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:11:10 EST
Sold For 1200
Sale No: 41
Lot No:542
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of the SYS Dah Tung print and Chung Hwa print, mainly mint and no gum, plus used x 6, 30. Est. HK$400-500 (Image1)
Est. HK$400-500
Opening HK$ 300.00
Sold...HK$ 300.00
Closed..Jan-04-2021, 02:12:11 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 41
Lot No:544
Cat No:Collection
A small selection of various cancellation, mainly on Junk stamps with a lot of Letter Box cancellation, and some rare cancellations. Approx. 180, good to fine. Est. HK$2,100-2,400 (Image1)