Records 1 to 8 of 8

Sam Houston Philatelics, Inc. Sale: 3111

image Sale No: 3111
Lot No:506
Cat No:AZ9R

AZ9R, Arizona 1995 Wigeon, with a color remarque of a wigeon bust in the upper left, remarqued and signed right above the Plate no. 000003, by artist Sherrie Russell Meline. A couple of paint spots, one on the left, the other on the "o" in Arizona. Nice work by Meline on her fourth of 19 Arizona stamps, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 55.00
Sold...US$ 60.00

Closed..Mar-06-2024, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

image Sale No: 3111
Lot No:507
Cat No:IA35R

IA35R, Iowa 2006 Ring-necked Duck, large color remarque by Sherrie Russell Meline, bottom right stamp signed by Meline, and her original art is initialed. Scott catalog value is $27.50 per stamp. The remarque makes this pane unique, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 210.00
Sold...US$ 210.00

Closed..Mar-06-2024, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

image Sale No: 3111
Lot No:508
Cat No:ID7R

ID7R, Idaho 1993 Common Goldeneye, with full color remarque, by Sherrie Russell Meline. A large goldeneye in the left selvage extends onto the stamp. Signed by the artist in the bottom selvage, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 40.00
Sold...US$ 40.00

Closed..Mar-06-2024, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 40

image Sale No: 3111
Lot No:509
Cat No:NV9R

NV9R, Nevada 1987 Bufflehead, color remarque in tab by Sherrie Russell Meline, also signed by artist Meline, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 55.00
Sold...US$ 60.00

Closed..Mar-06-2024, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

image Sale No: 3111
Lot No:510
Cat No:NV9R

NV9R, Nevada 1987 Bufflehead, Pane of 4 with color remarque by stamp artist Sherrie Russell Meline. The selvage of the bottom stamp features a swimming bufflehead and is initialed by the artist, who also autographed the bottom stamp of the pane. Scott Catalogue for the full pane is $80. The original art adds extra value, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 135.00
Sold...US$ 140.00

Closed..Mar-06-2024, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 3111
Lot No:511
Cat No:NV22hR

NV22hR, Nevada 1999 Canvasback and Tule decoy, full tab attached with color remarque of canvasback drake and hen, signed and remarqued by Sherrie Russell Meline, The Tule decoy was discovered by archeologists in 1924 during an excavation at Lovelock Cave. It was estimated to be 2,000 years old. Nevada designated the Tule duck decoy as the official state artifact in 1995. (It is also pictured on NV1 by Larry Hayden). VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 55.00
Sold...US$ 60.00

Closed..Mar-06-2024, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

image Sale No: 3111
Lot No:515
Cat No:OD16bR

OD16bR, Ontario 2008 Gadwall, Booklet of One, with color remarque filling the lower right selvage, signed and remarqued by artist Sherrie Russell Meline, booklet cover included, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 34.00
Sold...US$ 34.00

Closed..Mar-06-2024, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 34
image Sale No: 3111
Lot No:516
Cat No:TXQ14R

TXQ14R, Texas 2003 Quail, with color remarque of a quail head in upper left, signed in top selvage and remarqued by artist Sherrie Russell Meline, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Mar-06-2024, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

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