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Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. Sale: 844

Portugal and Portuguese Colonies
image Sale No: 844
Lot No:796

1d NAVY CONCESSION RATE MAIL WITH STITCH-MARKS FOR AN ATTACHED 1d COIN; Highly unusual 8 Dec. 1836 EL (somewhat dusted, small peripheral faults with several coin-stitching holes) to Sheerness, headed From J.Walker Seaman on board H M Ship Russell Lisbon and endorsed by a Commanding Officer below. Rear with circle of small needle-holes where a 1d coin had been sown (and through each layer of the paper) to pay the letter's postage on arrival in England. Fine red London "PAID" c.d.s. on the front and double-ring London cds of the same day on rear. Rare evidence for 1d coins being sent along with Concession rate mail and endorsed '1d Paid' at lower left. Superb Exhibition item. [Plus a contemporary heavy 1d coin showing that it would have fitted in the space on the front of this letter.] (2 items). Cross Reference: INCOMING OVERSEAS MAIL, MILITARY - PENNY CONCESSION RATES (Image)

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 280.00

Closed..Jun-22-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 280
image Sale No: 844
Lot No:797

FIRST BOER WAR - 1d CONCESSIONARY RATE COVER EX MADEIRA - Nov. 1880 env. with HMS Inconstant imprint on the flap, to Lincs. with 1d venetian red tied "PLYMOUTH TO/BRISTOL T.P.O." cds, ULCERY cds on the back; records show The Detached Squadron arrived at Madeira from Vigo 6 Nov. & left 10 Nov. 1880. Plus 1881/82 pair of envs. to HMS Inconstant in COGH or Alexandria franked 6d grey plate 17 or 2½d blue plate 21 each tied BROMLEY duplex (different types). (3) Cross Reference: T.P.O.s AND STATION MARKS, NAVAL MAIL, MILITARY - BOER WAR, MILITARY - PENNY CONCESSION RATES (Image)

Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 120.00

Closed..Jun-22-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

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