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Grosvenor Sale: 161

Miscellaneous and Mixed Lots
Sale No: 161
Lot No:1501
Cat No:Collection

A Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in six Prestige boxed albums, incl. Antigua 1913 5s. mint, Ascension 1922 set mint, 1924-33 set mint, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain 1950-55 set mint, Barbados, Bechuanaland 1938-53 set mint, Bermuda 1938-53 to £1 mint, Burma, Canada 1898-1902 to 20c. used, Cayman Islands, Ceylon, Falkland Islands 1898 5s. mint, 1912-20 3s. used, 5s. maroon mint, 1938-50 set mint, 1952 set mint, Gambia, Gambia 1938-46 set mint, Gibraltar 1898 set mint, 1912-24 set mint, 1953-59 set mint, Hong Kong 1938-52 to $10 (both colours) used, 1958 Silver Wedding set mint, Kuwait, Leeward Islands, Malayan States, Malta, Montserrat 1932 Tercentenary set mint, New Zealand, Nigeria, Rhodesia, Papua and New Guinea, St Helena 1912-16 set mint, 1922-37 to 10s. mint, St Lucia 1936 set mint, Sierra Leone 1932 to 10s. mint, £1 mint, Somaliland, South Africa, Turks and Caicos Islands, etc., varied condition. (1,000s)

Opening GBP 3,500.00
Sold...GBP 5,000.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 5000

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1502

A mainly Commonwealth selection, incl. Australian States with Queensland, Bermuda 1938-53 10s. yellowish green and deep carmine-red on green, perf. 14, fourth printing 1943, with [R. 5/12] broken lower right scroll, mint, Ceylon 1885-87 56c. on 36c., 1886 15c., 25c., 28c. (2, one diagonal), also 25c. colour trial, 1887 1r.12, 1888-90 both 2c. on 4c., also set without stamp impression, 1899-1900 set, Cook Islands 1892 1d. imperforate plate proof pair in black on gummed paper, Hong Kong 1935 Silver Jubilee 3c. block of four, one with ‘lightning conductor’, Leeward Islands 1897 Sexagenary 21/2d. with double overprint mint with B.P.A. certificate (2007), Newfoundland 1919 Air $1 on 15c. mint vertical pair, one without comma, Trengganu 1921-41 Script $5 green and red on yellow, upper marginal with part plate no., hinged in margin only, Mauritius 1921-26 50r. overprinted “SPECIMEN”, New Zealand 1940 3/6 on 3s.6d. to 22/- on 22s. set mint, St Lucia, Seychelles 1935 Silver Jubilee 6c., 20c. and 1r. mint all with extra flagstaff, Sudan 1931-37 10pi. imperforate colour trials (13), 1935 Gordon set of imperforate colour trials, etc., mixed condition. (few 100s)

Opening GBP 3,000.00
Sold...GBP 4,500.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 4500

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1503
Cat No:Collection

British Empire Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in seven sectional Imperial albums with G.B. 1840 1d. (3) and 2d. (3) used, 1d. Mulready used, 2d. Mulready unused, 1867-83 £1 Anchor used, 1884 £1 brown used, 1888 £1 brown used, 1891 £1 green used, 1902-13 £1 (2) used, officials, Australian States, Bermuda,  Canada 1851 3d. used, 1897 Jubilee to 50c. used, 1875 8c. blue Registered stamp used, Cyprus Q.V. overprints, Egypt British Forces 1935 Silver Jubilee 1pi. seal used, Falkland Is 1938-50 set, Hong Kong 1891 Jubilee 2c., 1912 $10, used, 1921-37 $2 mint, $3 and $5 used, India 1854 imperfs., 1948 Gandhi 10r mint, Malaya Straits Settlements, Malta 1935 Jubilee  21/2d. variety ‘short extra flagstaff’ mint, New Zealand Imperf Chalons, Nyasaland 1897 2s.6d. used, 1938-44 set to £1 mint, Rhodesia 1892-94 to 10s. mint, Seychelles 1941 20c. ‘handkerchief’ flaw mint, Sudan 1930s and 1940s sets to 20pi., 50pi mint, officials, etc., mixed condition. (many 100s)

Opening GBP 2,500.00
Sold...GBP 4,800.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 4800

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1504
Cat No:Collection

A mint K.G.VI collection in three stockbooks, incl. Aden 1939-48 set, 1951 surcharged set, Antigua 1938-51 set, Ascension 1938-53 to 10s., Australia 1937-49 to £1, 1948-56 to £2, B.C.O.F. 1946-47 set, Bahamas, Bahrain, Basutoland 1938 set, Bechuanaland 1938-52 set, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras 1938-47 set, British Occupation of Italian Colonies Eritrea, Burma, Canada, Cayman Islands, Cyprus 1938-51 set, Falkland Islands 1938-50 set, 1952 set, Fiji 1938-55 set, Gambia 1938-46 set, Gibraltar 1938-51 set, Great Britain 1937-47 watermark sideways set, 1939-49 set, Grenada, Hong Kong, ndia 1937-40, 1948 Gandhi and 1949-42 sets, Malayan States, Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika 1938-54 to £1 (2), Malta, Mauritius, Montserrat, Nigeria, North Borneo, Pakistan with Bahawalpur Sarawak 1950 set, Seychelles 1938-49 to 5r. (2), Somaliland 1938 set, Sudan 1941 set, 1948 set, Tristan da Cunha 1952 set, Turks and Caicos Islands, good range of perfs. and shades, 1948-49 Silver Wedding sets complete, etc., varied condition. (many 100s)

Opening GBP 2,500.00
Sold...GBP 2,000.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 2000

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1505
Cat No:Collection

A collection in four albums, one a mint printed K.G.VI album, incl. Aden 1934, 1951, Antigua 1938-51, Ascension 1938-53, Basutoland 1938, Bechuanaland 1938-52, British Guiana 1938-52, British Honduras 1938-47, Canada 1942-48, Cayman Islands 1938-48 and 1950, Cyprus 1938-51, Falkland Islands 1952, Gambia 1938-46, Gibraltar 1938-51, Great Britain 1951, Jamaica 1938-52, Malta 1938-43 and 1948-53, Montserrat 1938-48 and 1951, North Borneo 1947 and 1950-52, Saint Helena 1938-44, Sarawak 1950, Seychelles 1938-49 and 1952, Sierra Leone 1938-44, Somaliland 1938, Trinidad and Tobago 1938-44, Tristan da Cunha 1952, Turks & Caicos 1938-45 and 1950 sets, omnibus issues, G.B. K.G.V to Q.E.II commemorative issues in three albums, etc. (100s)

Opening GBP 2,000.00
Sold...GBP 2,000.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 2000

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1506
Cat No:Collection

A K.G.VI collection in six boxed albums, incl. Aden, Antigua 1938-51 set mint, Ascension 1938-52 set mint, Bahamas 1938-52, 1942 and 1948 sets mint, Bermuda 1938-52 values to £1 mint, Burma, Canada, Cyprus 1938-51 set mixed mint and used, Falkland Islands 1950 set mint, Gibraltar 1938-51 set mixed mint and used, India, Indian States, Kelantan 1937-40 to $1 mint, K.U.T. 1938-44 set mint, Malacca 1949-52 set mint, Malta 1938-43 and 1948-51 sets mixed mint and used, Mauritius 1950 set mint, Montserrat 1938-48 set mint, Morocco Agencies, New Zealand, Nyasaland 1938-44 and 1945 sets mint, 1950 postage due set mint, Pakistan, Penang 1949-52 set mint, Perlis 1951-55 set mint, South Africa, Swaziland 1938-54 set mint, omnibus issues with 1948 Silver Wedding with North Borneo, etc. (100s)

Opening GBP 1,000.00
Sold...GBP 1,150.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1150

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1507
Cat No:Collection

A range of Scandinavia, incl. Denmark 1871-73 Official 16sk. green used, Finland 1856-59 10k. used, 1885 5m. green and rose used, 10m. brown and rose used, 1901 10m. grey and black used, Finland 1885 10m. brown and rose with Gummesson certificate (1983) and 1930 Zeppelin 10m. horizontal pair used, Iceland 1873 Official 4sk. and 8sk. mauve used, 1882-95 50a. used (2), 1902-03 Guildi 3a. yellow used, 1912 to 5. yellow-brown used, 1930 Official values to 40a. used, 1930 Air set used, 1930 Millenary Postage 3a. to 10k. set used and Officials 1902 perf. 14 x 131/2 10a. blue used (Grønlund certificate, 1971), Norway 1856-60 2sk., 1863-64 2sk., 3sk., 1871-75 1sk. to 7sk., 1878 set, and 1905 surcharged set used, Sweden 1855-58 8sk. 24sk. (poor), 1858-72 9ore, 1855-58 6sk. grey used with neat Stockholm c.d.s., 1856-62 Local (3ore) bistre used, 1916 ec. 21) Landstorm postage due set and 10ore+4k.90 on 5k. used, 1924 U.P.U. Congress 2k. and 5k. used, 1924 U.P.U. Anniversary set used, not all cancellations guaranteed, mixed condition. (60)

Opening GBP 1,000.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 0

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1508
Cat No:Collection

An all World collection in five Albums up to 1950s with Australia 1935 £1 grey mint, G.B. 1934 re-engraved set mint, Barbados postage due 6c. error St Edwards’ Crown, 20s. mint block, Bahrain 1933 to 5r. mint, K.U.T. 1935 Script to £1 mint, Malayan States, Northern Rhodesia 1925 10s. and 20s. mint, South Africa 1927 10s. pair mint, Egypt, France 1936 Air 50 f. ultramarine mint, Brazil 1930s sets, Zeppelin stamps, Italy 1937 Child Welfare set mint, South America 1930s sets, Japan, Thailand 1947-49 King Bhumibol set to 20b. mint, etc. (100s)

Opening GBP 1,000.00
Sold...GBP 1,400.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1400

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1509
Cat No:Collection

A mainly mint K.G.VI collection in a stockbook, incl. Antigua, Bermuda 1938-53 set, British Honduras 1938-47 set, British Solomon Islands, Falkland Islands 1938-50 set, 1952 set, Gambia, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Hong Kong 1938-52 set, Leeward Islands, North Borneo with 1945 BMA set, 1950-52 set, Japanese Occupation 1944 set, Nyasaland 1938-44 to £1, Turks and Caicos Islands, etc. (100s)

Opening GBP 1,000.00
Sold...GBP 1,100.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1100

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1510
Cat No:Collection

A British Commonwealth accumulation in mixed condition in eleven albums including Ideal, two stockbooks plus loose in packets with strength in British Asia with Aden, Bahrain, 1940s quantities low values used, 1940 8a. mint (4), 12a. (6) mint, Burma, Kuwait 1923 set to 10r. unmounted mint, India used in Dubai and Kuwait, Muscat 1944 mint blocks to 2r., Iraq, Malaya, Japanese occupation including covers, Bahrain 1940s Censored covers, 1935 Silver Jubilee extra flag staff varieties in mint blocks of four for Bechuanaland 3d., Gibraltar 2d., Jamaica 11/2d., Sierra Leone 1d., Swaziland 3d., S. Rhodesia 1940 3d. cave flaw used, etc., mixed condition (many 100s)

Opening GBP 800.00
Sold...GBP 1,550.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1550

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1511
Cat No:Collection

A collection in three Ideal albums up to 1923, G.B. 1840 1d. used (2), British Empire, India C.E.F. Ireland 1922 5s. mint, 1935 re-engraved 2s.6d. and 5s. mint, Kuwait 1929-39 5r. and 15r. mint, Austria 1908 to 10k. used, France from 1849 imperfs., 1936 Air 50f. green mint (stuck down), 1936 South Atlantic Flight 10f. mint, Japan, Brazil from 1845 imperfs., Colombia, Italian Colonies, Indo China, Peru, Spanish Colonies sets to 10p., etc. in varied condition. (100s)

Opening GBP 800.00
Sold...GBP 1,300.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1300

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1512
Cat No:Collection

A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used British Empire collection in mixed condition in two binders incl. Aden, Australia with perforated “OS” issues, Bahamas, Canada, Cape of Good Hope triangulars, Ceylon, Cyprus, Hong Kong, India 1955 3p. to 10r. set unmounted mint, Malta, Mauritius 1913-22 MCA 5r. fine used on piece, 1938-59 to 5r., 10r. used, Muscat 1944 Official set to 1r. used on cover with possibly faked cancellations, N.Z., Northern Rhodesia 1953 set unmounted mint, St Lucia, also a selection of War Tax overprints, etc., mixed condition. (many 100s)

Opening GBP 800.00
Sold...GBP 800.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 800

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1513
Cat No:Collection

An all World accumulation in three albums, seven stockbooks (also three empty), leaves and loose, incl. Canada with officials, German Colonies, Japan, Malta with 1938-43 2s.6d. with damaged value tablet used, omnibus issues with 1949 U.P.U. Commonwealth complete mint and used, etc. (1,000s)

Opening GBP 800.00
Sold...GBP 1,900.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1900

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1514
Cat No:Collection

A Q.V. to early Q.E.II British Commonwealth collection in two Utile albums incl. Ceylon imperfs. incl. 2d. green mint, Gibraltar, Hong Kong 1863 96c. used, 1891 Jubilee 2c. mint, surcharges, 1902 to 50c. mint, 1921 to $2 mint, 1948 Silver Wedding $10 unmounted mint, China overprint 1922-7 set to $2 mint, India, Malta, New Zealand, etc. (100s)

Opening GBP 700.00
Sold...GBP 1,100.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1100

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1515
Cat No:(pre 1960s) incl

An accumulation in varied condition in a small stock book, mostly in original packets often supplied by S.G. (pre 1960s) incl. G.B. 1955 postage due set unmounted mint, Indian Convention States, K.G.Vl part sets, Malayan States, Perak 1938-41 to $2 mint, Trengannu 1938 $5 mint, New Guinea 1939 Air set to £1, New Hebrides 1938 set mint, South Africa, Egypt 1938 Birthday £1 mint, West Germany 1951-52 Posthorns to 80pf. unmounted mint, Japan 1949-52 . carmine and 500y. blue mint, Macau, South America with Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Thailand 1947 10b. and 20b. mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)

Opening GBP 700.00
Sold...GBP 1,400.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1400

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1516
Cat No:Collection

A mainly Commonwealth accumulation in an album, two stockbooks, leaves and loose, incl. Australia with B.C.O.F. 1946-47 to 2s. in mint blocks of four, Bahamas 1954-63 sets (2) mint, 1967-71 white paper set mint, Basutoland 1938 set mint, Canada, Gibraltar 1953-59 set mint, Kenya and Uganda 1935-37 set mint, Malta, Northern Rhodesia, Seychelles 1938-49 set mint, 1954-61 set mint, etc. (many 100s)

Opening GBP 700.00
Sold...GBP 620.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 620

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1517

A Commonwealth range, incl. Antigua with 1905 1/2d. newspaper wrapper to Switzerland, 1908 envelope to Canada endorsed “Card only” franked 1/2d., 1908 1d. postcard to Vienna, 1918 envelope to England franked pair 1/2d. overprinted “WAR STAMP” (2), 1961 6c. registered envelope (size K) to Jamaica franked 24c., 6c. and 1c. with customs label, Ceylon with 1859 9d. used (three margins). India with 1854 4a. cut-to-shape used, 1937-40 10r., 15r. and 25r. mint, a few officials, States issue, 1931 taxed envelope to Saigon franked 1a. pair with Indochina 8c. postage due, Jamaica 1905-11 Arms type and Q.V. type sets overprinted “SPECIMEN”, K.U.T 1935-37 study with set mint and used, 1c. complete sheet mint, 5c. perf. 13 x 12 rope joined to sail variety used (2), 50c. mint block of four and marginal single with part imprint and sheet number, 65c. mint blocks of four (2, one with De La Rue imprint at base), 1s. perf. 13 x 12 used, 1954-59 duplicated mint set, 1s. exploded stitched booklet, official new issue brochure produced by De La Rue, two scarce presentation folders entitled “POSTAGE STAMPS OF/EAST AFRICA” containing 5c. to 1s. (6) or 5c. to £1 (11), covers with 1936 airmail to Hamburg with “LOCAL AIR FREE PAID” mark, 1943 censored ‘honour’ envelope to Durban, 1953 airmail from England, redirected to Cape Town with 20c. and 50c. pair 1954 forces airmail envelope to London, Natal with 1860 1d. (corner perf. defective) and 3d. mint (2, one misperforated), 1863-65 6d. mint and used, 1870-73 “POSTAGE” overprint on 1d., 3d. and 6d. mint, 1902 K.E.VII 10s. overprinted “SPECIMEN”, New Zealand postal fiscal 1940 surcharges and 1940-58 mint complete to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)

Opening GBP 700.00
Sold...GBP 1,100.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1100

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1518
Cat No:Collection

A Commonwealth collection on Imperial leaves in a boxed Lighthouse album, incl. Bechuanaland, British Guiana 1876-79 2c., 6c., 48c. unused, 1899 to 96c. mint, British Honduras, Brunei, Cook Islands, Egypt, Jamaica, New Guinea 1931 Air to £1 mint, Rhodesia, etc., mixed condition. (100s)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 980.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 980

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1519
Cat No:album

A K.G.VI collection in a printed S.G. album, mint and used, incl. Canada, Indian States, Falkland Islands 1938-50 values to £1 mint, India 1948 Gandhi 10r. mint, Malayan States, New Zealand, Tristan da Cunha 1952 set mint, also a range of mixed mint and used sets with Antigua 1938-51, British Guiana 1938-52, Jamaica 1938-52, K.U.T 1938-54, range of omnibus issues with 1948 Silver Wedding with Hong Kong and North Borneo, etc. (100s)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 680.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 680

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1520
Cat No:Collection

A World collection in an attractive Schaubeks album with issues to 1896, incl. Denmark, France, German States, Netherlands, Sierra Leone, Switzerland, United States of America, etc., mixed condition. (100s)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 680.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 680

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1521
Cat No:Collection

British Commonwealth collection, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. Olympic Games 3d. crown flaw, modern Ireland, K.U.T. and Tanganyika used, Nabha, K.G.VI Newfoundland to Nauru, Malaya Japanese Occupation, North Borneo, Malayan States, etc. (100s)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 500.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 500

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1522
Cat No:Collection

A Q.V. to Q.E.II mainly used British Empire collection in varied condition in seven albums and a stockbook incl. Australian States, Canada, Ceylon, Cyprus, Ireland, Singapore, also G.B. incl. 1840 1d. (3, one with four margins), range of surface printed with 1867-83 Maltese Cross 5s. plate 2 with c.d.s., officials, etc., mixed condition. (many 100s)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 1,150.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1150

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1523
Cat No:Collection

A range of mainly Commonwealth Africa, incl. K.U.T with 1938-54 range of shades and perfs. to £1 mint (2) and used (2), 1955 De La Rue presentation folder containing 1954-49 values to £1, 1954-49 £1 block of four used, 1960-62 to 20s. unmounted mint, covers with airmails, censors, military mail, postal stationery, Rhodesia from 1956 to 1979, South Africa covers with 1913-24 11/2d. tête-bêche pair used on 1924 cover, censors, flown covers, postal stationery with postcards and air letters, South West Africa, Somaliland 1938 set used, later with range of Somalia Independence issues, Sudan officials with 1903-12 set mint and used, 10p., malformed “O” mint, 1936 set mint and used, 1948 set mint and used, also range of perforated issues, Army issues, Military Telegraph stamps, Transvaal with range of Arms issues with many blocks of four, also Gibraltar: A Q.V. to K.G.V range on stockcards, incl. 1886 set used, etc., mixed condition. (69)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 480.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 480

Sale No: 161
Lot No:1524
Cat No:Collection

A Commonwealth collection in seven albums, mainly K.G.VI to Q.E.II, incl. Bahamas, Malaya, New Zealand, St Helena, and Singapore, etc. (100s)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 520.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 520
Sale No: 161
Lot No:1525
Cat No:Collection

A mainly mint collection on leaves, incl. Ascension 1934 set, Ceylon, Hong Kong 1904-06 $3, 1921-37 to $2, British P.O’s in China 1917-21 to $2, Nyasaland 1938-44 2s.6d. to £1, St Helena 1934 Centenary set, St Lucia 1936 set, etc. (433)

Opening GBP 500.00
Sold...GBP 680.00

Closed..Sep-26-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 680

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