New Zealand and the UPU to 1907, by Capill, 133 pages, RPSNZ Monograph No. 11, pub 1999, new.
Opening NZ$ 34.00
Sold...NZ$ 24.00
Closed..Aug-09-2022, 08:00:00 EST
Sold For 24
Sale No: 549
Lot No:371
New Zealand One Penny Dominion 1909-1926 Plate 12 Study - A Complete Study of the 240 Plate Positions by Cammage, 45pp publ by author (2010), profusely illustrated.
Opening NZ$ 20.00
Sold...NZ$ 34.00
Closed..Aug-09-2022, 08:00:00 EST
Sold For 34
Sale No: 549
Lot No:374
(NZ) Penny Universal Study by Parkinson, 5 vols - London Plate, local plates, booklet plate, Waterlow plates & reserve plate (each c25-60 pages). Profusely illustrated, produced by author (c2010).
Opening NZ$ 100.00
Sold...NZ$ 12.00
Closed..Aug-09-2022, 08:00:00 EST
Sold For 12
Sale No: 549
Lot No:377
"New Zealand Stamps 1954-1958 The Middle Values", illustrated (notes to assist in identification of varieties) by A L Neeson.
Opening NZ$ 10.00
Sold...NZ$ 16.00
Closed..Aug-09-2022, 08:00:00 EST
Sold For 16
Sale No: 549
Lot No:378
Cat No:Collection
Postage Stamps of New Zealand 1873-1935 - The 'Midas' Collection, Sotheby's 11 Dec 1989 auction catalogue, good ref (with prices realised).