1914 (late) Forces cover endorsed "Garrison Duty Herbertshohe" to Melbourne with ½d pair - the L/H unit torn before being affixed - tied by two superb strikes of the straight-line 'Herbertshohe' h/s in violet, officer's endorsement "Censored/C Webber Lt/C No 4 Coy" in red, Sydney transit b/s & defaced 'FASSED' h/s applied at Melbourne, light horizontal fold at the base. A beautiful cover. Ex William Pate: sold at our auction of 3.3.2019 for $1845. [The Forces rate was 1d per ½oz. The civilian rate was 2½d]
1914 (late) commercial cover to "German Club/Sidney" with ½d & 2d (each with a corner fault) tied by straight-line 'Herbertshohe' h/s in violet, large violet/white 'OPENED BY CENSOR' label affixed at Sydney, minor blemishes, endorsed in pencil (translated) "Ansd Nov 14". Chris Ceremuga Certificate (2015). Ex William Pate: sold at our auction of 3.3.2019 for $659.
1915 (Apr 26) cover to GB with scarce albeit philatelic franking of 5d chestnut pair & 6d ultramarine all punctured Large 'OS' tied by oval Rabaul d/s in violet, manuscript registration endorsement in lieu of R label, Sydney & Liverpool transits & 'WARRINGTON' arrival b/s, central fold & 'sticky' tape on the reverse.
1915 (June 8) cover to dealer Fred Hagen in Sydney with scarce albeit philatelic franking of 2d grey punctured Large 'OS' plus NWPI 1d & 2d and 'GRI/3d' on 'Rabaul/(Deutsch-Neuguinea)' registration label (SG 33d; Cat £550 x3+ on cover) all tied by oval Rabaul d/s in violet, superb 'PASSED BY CENSOR' h/s, central vertical fold clear of the stamps & a little truncated at left.
1915 (June 8) Burns Philp cover to NSW with scarce combination franking of 3d olive punctured 'OS' + 'GRI/3d' on German 'Rabaul/(Deutsch-Neuguinea)' R label SG 33d (stained by the adhesive used; Cat £550 x3 on cover) tied by oval Rabaul d/s in violet, superb 'PASSED BY CENSOR' h/s in violet, Sydney arrival b/s, minor blemishes. RPSofV Certificate (1985).
1915 (Aug 1) Hambly cover to Melbourne with rare albeit philatelic franking of Second Watermark 2d grey unpunctured block of 4 tied by oval Rabaul d/s in violet, manuscript registration endorsement in lieu of R label, 'PASSED BY CENOR' h/s in violet.
1915 (Aug 1) Hambly cover to Melbourne with 'KAISERLICHES BEZIRKSAMT/[arms]/RABAUL' seal across the flap & rare albeit philatelic franking of Second Watermark 2d grey punctured 'OS' strip of 3 tied by oval Rabaul d/s in violet, manuscript registration endorsement in lieu of R label, 'PASSED BY CENOR' h/s in violet.
1915 (Oct 4) Theile cover with 1d pair tied by 'MADANG' cds, light 'PASSED BY CENSOR' h/s & initials, red/white Censor tape affixed at Brisbane, minor blemishes. [Other covers from this correspondence were accepted at 1d only so presumably this was a double-rate item]
1915 (Oct 4) Theile cover to Queensland with 2d grey + NWPI KGV ½d green tied by 'MADANG' cds, light 'PASSED BY CENSOR' h/s of Rabaul & red/white Censor label affixed at Brisbane, light vertical fold & minor blemishes.
1915 (Dec 1) Theile cover with 1d & 2d grey tied by 'MADANG' cds, sealed with a scarce black/white 'PASSED CENSOR RABAUL' label with unusual font (unfortunately quite spotty) & 'PASSED CENSOR/BRISBANE' cds in rosine, horizontal fold at the base & minor blemishes.
1916 Hambly cover signed "J Linz" at L/L, to Melbourne with scarce combination franking of 3d olive punctured 'OS' + NWPI KGV 1d tied by Rabaul cds unusually in blue, manuscript registration endorsement in lieu of R label, vertical fold at left & a bit soiled.
1916 (Jan 28) cover to GB with scarce albeit philatelic franking of 4d orange punctured Large 'OS' tied by Rabaul cds, German-pattern R label, 'PASSED-BY-CENSOR' h/s in violet, Liverpool transit & 'WARRINGTON' arrival b/s, very clean.
1916 (Feb 17) apparently commercial cover to America with 2d grey x2 (with varieties Scratch from Map to 'E' of 'PENNY' and Scratch from Map to Value Circle ACSC 5(2) e & f (Cat $240 as used stamps) + NWPI KGV ½d & 1d all tied by 'HERBERTSHOHE' cds, German-pattern R label, Sydney transit & New York arrival b/s.
1916 (Mar 27) cover endorsed "Manuscript (Protokoll) without letter/Missionary matter only. (For enemy country)/...", to Holland with 1d red x2 (stained by excessive adhesive) + NWPI KGV ½d type a tied by 'MADANG' cds, boxed 'PASSED BY/CENSOR SD/...' h/s in rosine applied at Sydney, Rotterdam machine arrival b/s, minor blemishes. Ex William Pate: sold at our auction of 3.3.2019 for $808.
1916 cover to Canada with rare albeit philatelic franking of 5d chestnut unpunctured block of 4 - a very scarce multiple; Cat $280+ as used singles - with central oval Rabaul d/s in violet, minor blemishes.
1916 (May 11) cover endorsed "Letter for enemy country enclosed", to Holland with 1d pair + NWPI ½d green with White Flaw in R/H Wattles (ACSC 63(1)L, Cat $80 used) tied by 'MADANG' cds, violet/white Censor label - stained by the adhesive - affixed at Sydney, 'ROTTERDAM' arrival b/s, minor blemishes.
1916 (May 15) cover with Mission cachet at U/L & endorsed "Manuscript without letter/Missionary matter only. (For enemy country)/...", to Holland with 1d red x2 + NWPI KGV ½d type c tied by 'MADANG' cds, two violet/white censor labels affixed at Sydney & tied by Rotterdam arrival b/s, minor repaired tear at the top. Ex William Pate: sold at our auction of 3.3.2019 for $778.
1916 (June 20) philatelic cover to GB with Third Wmk 3d olive punctured 'OS' tied by 'KIETA' cds, Mss "Passed/Censor" in red, light strike of the large 'Passed by Censor' h/s - with Inverted 's' in 'Censor' - in blue applied at Rabaul, 'WARRINGTON' arrival b/s, minor blemishes.
1916 (June 21) cover to GB with scarce albeit philatelic franking of 6d ultramarine punctured Large 'OS' tied by 'KAWIENG' cds, manuscript registration endorsement in lieu of R label, Sydney & London transits & 'WARRINGTON' arrival b/s, very clean.
1916 (Oct 5) philatelic cover to GB with Third Wmk 3d olive punctured 'OS' paying the registration fee only & with superb German-pattern 'T.'-in-octagon h/s, Rabaul R label (damaged) & large 'Passed by Censor' h/s - with Inverted 's' in 'Censor' - in violet, Sydney transit & 'WARRINGTON' arrival b/s.
1917 cover to GB with scarce albeit philatelic franking of 5d chestnut punctured Large 'OS' tied by 'KIETA' cds, manuscript registration endorsement in lieu of R label, scarce 'PASSED CENSOR' h/s in violet, Sydney & Liverpool transit b/s, minor blemishes.
1919 (Nov 24) cover to Tasmania with 3d olive-green punctured 'OS' + NWPI Fifth Setting 2d grey tied by 'KOKOPO' cds ('QUEENSLAND' removed from the base), scarce red & black/white R label, Sydney transit & Hobart arrival b/s.
NAURU: Rare albeit philatelic franking of 5d chestnut punctured Large 'OS' tied by 'PO PLEASANT ISLAND/ (NAURU)' cds, registration endorsement in red at U/L, Sydney & London transit b/s, central vertical fold & minor blemishes.